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I could watch this 100000000 times


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Somehow, this is the kind of loudmouth who always seems to find their way to the seats right near me at rock concerts and football games.



Yeah, I'd much rather have someone who sits on their hands the whole game, never cheers, and tells other people to sit down.



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So, let's get this straight.... you could watch this 100,000,000 times.


If you watched is constantly without interuption, that's nearly 143 years worth of watching this guy.  (how's that for not getting over myself)

The guy sounds like a typical loudmouth Buffalo jerk-off who's had one too many boiler-makers at his local South Buffalo gin mill.  The only thing more obnoxious than a bellowing moron, is one who can't get anything right (see Ted Kennedy)


Somehow, this is the kind of loudmouth who always seems to find their way to the seats right near me at rock concerts and football games.


Now, back to your YouTube video. Don't want to miss another second this captivating video.



Lets do a quick rundown of the DML 2005 checklist shall we?


Prohibition: Great idea, should still be going strong

Bikinis: put some clothes on there's children at the beach

65 MPH Speed Limit: No one needs to go that fast, make it 35 and just leave earlier

Stopping beer sales at Halftime: BEER ON SUNDAY!!! Blasphemy

The Movie Bambi: Way too violent

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Lets do a quick rundown of the DML 2005 checklist shall we?


Prohibition: Great idea, should still be going strong

Bikinis: put some clothes on there's children at the beach

65 MPH Speed Limit:  No one needs to go that fast, make it 35 and just leave earlier

Stopping beer sales at Halftime:  BEER ON SUNDAY!!! Blasphemy

The Movie Bambi:  Way too violent






But let me make a small correction: I would have liked a director's cut version of "Bambi" where they show Bambi's mother getting butchered and packaged at a processing house in Sloan. And at the very end, the YouTube guy yelling, "yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh". Kill the mother!

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He's a !@#$ing idiot!!!


Right up there with face & body-painting and puking on the beer bus.


It's kinda cute when you're 16 and rooting for you high school team, but his turd is a few years past what should have been his graduation year.


Makes me embarrased for myself and fellow Bill's fans.


Funny because what you're saying "Makes me embarrased for myself and fellow Bill's fans."

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Funny because what you're saying "Makes me embarrased for myself and fellow Bill's fans."


Well, when the shoe is on the other foot, it's not a comfortable fit.

Despicable Bills Fans any way you cut it.

This is exactly why I detest the Pasties. I had a similar experience at a Bills Pats game when my wife was about 4 months pregnant with my son. I've detested the Pats ever since. I detest these Bills "fans" even more.


Enthusiasm for your team is great - yes. But being an !@#$ or worst - a drunken !@#$ or fusking mob is despicable.

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He's a !@#$ing idiot!!!


Right up there with face & body-painting and puking on the beer bus.


It's kinda cute when you're 16 and rooting for you high school team, but his turd is a few years past what should have been his graduation year.


Makes me embarrased for myself and fellow Bill's fans.




I couldn't agree more DML. It was funny when I was 16, now I'm 27 and this type of behavior makes me roll my eyes.

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Well, when the shoe is on the other foot, it's not a comfortable fit.

Despicable Bills Fans any way you cut it.

This is exactly why I detest the Pasties. I had a similar experience at a Bills Pats game when my wife was about 4 months pregnant with my son. I've detested the Pats ever since. I detest these Bills "fans" even more.


Enthusiasm for your team is great - yes. But being an !@#$ or worst - a drunken !@#$ or fusking mob is despicable.




That's terrible, it's sad but the phrase "blue collar" has come to mean severe alcoholic with violent tendencies to me. Buffalo is not what it used to be, in culture and in football.

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That's terrible, it's sad but the phrase "blue collar" has come to mean severe alcoholic with violent tendencies to me. Buffalo is not what it used to be, in culture and in football.



There is never an excuse for violent behavior at a football game, but to single out Buffalo is not fair. As an out of town fan, you are at least as likely to be assaulted at the Meadowlands as one would be at RWS. Does this mean that New Jersey is "not what it used to be?" How about Philly?


In a perfect world, every fan should be able to go to every stadium, wear the opposing team colors, yell for their team, and even hurl insults at the home team. In reality, to do so lacks common sense imo. On the few occasions that I venture to NJ to watch a Bills game, I sit there incognito and mind my own business.


Please don't turn this around and suggest that I support beating up out of town fans, because I simply do not.

The thing is, we live in a crazy world, and sadly, there is a risk element when it comes to attending out of town NFL games.


I don't know what happened to this guy, but it does sound bad and wrong.

Maybe it doesn't apply, but I would not throw on my Bills jacket and bring my pregnant wife to Foxboro to watch a football game.

SHOULD I be able to? Certainly, but there is such a thing as common sense.

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There is never an excuse for violent behavior at a football game, but to single out Buffalo is not fair. As an out of town fan, you are at least as likely to be assaulted at the Meadowlands as one would be at RWS. Does this mean that New Jersey is "not what it used to be?" How about Philly?


In a perfect world, every fan should be able to go to every stadium, wear the opposing team colors, yell for their team, and even hurl insults at the home team. In reality, to do so lacks common sense imo. On the few occasions that I venture to NJ to watch a Bills game, I sit there incognito and mind my own business.


Please don't turn this around and suggest that I support beating up out of town fans, because I simply do not.

The thing is, we live in a crazy world, and sadly, there is a risk element when it comes to attending out of town NFL games.


I don't know what happened to this guy, but it does sound bad and wrong.

Maybe it doesn't apply, but I would not throw on my Bills jacket and bring my pregnant wife to Foxboro to watch a football game.

SHOULD I be able to? Certainly, but there is such a thing as common sense.



You know I think that at times people who get harrassed at others stadiums bring it on themselves at times. I've been to games in Washington, Baltimore, Philly (old and new stadium), Foxboro, and a Jets game at Giants Stadium. I have never ever been bothered. I do things fairly smart though, like not getting endzone seats, not making a complete ass, getting drunk at the games or tailgates, and get there early and talk to the folks around me. They become a little more personable and less likely to beat your ass if they get smoked.


Too be honest I have probably felt more in danger at Rich Stadium, because I have had endzone seats, and the crowds around have always tended to be a little more hostile, drunk and short tempered at Rich. Whether that's enthusiasm or stupidity, I'm not sure. But when I went to the game last year and saw basically yellow coats up and down the stairs in the endzones, I figured they were in for a rough time.

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There is never an excuse for violent behavior at a football game, but to single out Buffalo is not fair. As an out of town fan, you are at least as likely to be assaulted at the Meadowlands as one would be at RWS. Does this mean that New Jersey is "not what it used to be?" How about Philly?


In a perfect world, every fan should be able to go to every stadium, wear the opposing team colors, yell for their team, and even hurl insults at the home team. In reality, to do so lacks common sense imo. On the few occasions that I venture to NJ to watch a Bills game, I sit there incognito and mind my own business.


Please don't turn this around and suggest that I support beating up out of town fans, because I simply do not.

The thing is, we live in a crazy world, and sadly, there is a risk element when it comes to attending out of town NFL games.


I don't know what happened to this guy, but it does sound bad and wrong.

Maybe it doesn't apply, but I would not throw on my Bills jacket and bring my pregnant wife to Foxboro to watch a football game.

SHOULD I be able to? Certainly, but there is such a thing as common sense.



Well put Bill from NYC, certainly a general decline in moral judgment can be observed all over the place, I shouldn't have singled out just B-flo. Also a very good "common sense" point about being an out of town fan taking a pregnant wife to a football game. While the behavior is completely unacceptable it is almost ignorant (almost) to think that it's safe on another teams home turf. If I bring non Bills fans to the Ralph for games I do not allow them to wear any other teams logos, hats etc etc. It's an exercise in common sense.

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