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Liberals Attacking Marriage Again

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Well hurrah for the Liberals. They continue their attack on our culture, our sacred institutions and on the very foundations of our Christian society. Gays can now marry in New Jersey. What's next? Marrying pets? Group marriage? Sex with little boys? Liberals are such pigs.


Of course its very nice of them to show there true colors before the election. Mark my words Liberals, you just lost the election. Poor little things, America seemed ready to accept your cowardly 'agenda'. Too bad you 'blew' it. You guys like blowing things, huh?


Yeah, I hate freedom too.

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Well hurrah for the Liberals. They continue their attack on our culture, our sacred institutions and on the very foundations of our Christian society. Gays can now marry in New Jersey. What's next? Marrying pets? Group marriage? Sex with little boys? Liberals are such pigs.


Of course its very nice of them to show there true colors before the election. Mark my words Liberals, you just lost the election. Poor little things, America seemed ready to accept your cowardly 'agenda'. Too bad you 'blew' it. You guys like blowing things, huh?


I see you've taken a lot of grief for this post. Little nor none of it was deserved.


I don't oppose homosexual behavior as strongly as some. But I do feel that, ceteris paribus, children are better off being adopted by straight couples than by gay couples.

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New Jersey...Gay weddings...TBD poster getting married soon...


I'm just sayin...



It's so cute when you fantasize about me. 0:)


So, have you and Puhonix started looking for apartments in NJ yet? The Jersey Shore is a beautiful place. :P

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I see you've taken a lot of grief for this post. Little nor none of it was deserved.


I don't oppose homosexual behavior as strongly as some. But I do feel that, ceteris paribus, children are better off being adopted by straight couples than by gay couples.



...of the same race, of course. Must preserve racial purity by forbidding interracial adoptions.

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children are better off being adopted by straight couples than by gay couples.



Why is that? Is homosexuality a "learned behavior?" Gay couples are just as adept as raising a child as straight couples are.


Both offer different perspectives on the world.

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I see you've taken a lot of grief for this post. Little nor none of it was deserved.


I don't oppose homosexual behavior as strongly as some. But I do feel that, ceteris paribus, children are better off being adopted by straight couples than by gay couples.


What about kids being raised by the state, or by foster parents, or by one parent who has to work three jobs? Tell me, does one benefit more from any of these than from two parents who genuinely want a kid? And don't give me some BS answer like "yes, all kids should be raised by two married hetero parents." Give me a serious answer, and qualify it with something other than circular logic.


I think if potential adoptees can prove that they can raise and support their kid and give them a loving and caring and safe environment, it doesn't matter what their orientation is. It's far better than a kid being in a home where the parent doesn't want him/her.


Try living in reality. Puh-leeeze.

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Well hurrah for the Liberals. They continue their attack on our culture, our sacred institutions and on the very foundations of our Christian society. Gays can now marry in New Jersey. What's next? Marrying pets? Group marriage? Sex with little boys? Liberals are such pigs.


Of course its very nice of them to show there true colors before the election. Mark my words Liberals, you just lost the election. Poor little things, America seemed ready to accept your cowardly 'agenda'. Too bad you 'blew' it. You guys like blowing things, huh?


This won't save the Southern party. The Party of Bush and Falwell, unless they steal the election, is going down for defeat. We will most likely have a Democratic House and a Senate with a small majority GOP--With several liberal Republicans--that will pass Progressive measures. Bush will have to veto minimum wage laws, alternative energy bills, perhaps more stem cell related measures and other bills that are supported by the vast majority of Americas. The 30% of the country--mainly Southerners--will cheer, but most won't. Gay marriage will not save the GOP this time

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Well hurrah for the Liberals. They continue their attack on our culture, our sacred institutions and on the very foundations of our Christian society. Gays can now marry in New Jersey. What's next? Marrying pets? Group marriage? Sex with little boys? Liberals are such pigs.


Of course its very nice of them to show there true colors before the election. Mark my words Liberals, you just lost the election. Poor little things, America seemed ready to accept your cowardly 'agenda'. Too bad you 'blew' it. You guys like blowing things, huh?



I actually agree with your morals ... although I do think it could be said in a better way.

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Well hurrah for the Liberals. They continue their attack on our culture, our sacred institutions and on the very foundations of our Christian society. Gays can now marry in New Jersey. What's next? Marrying pets? Group marriage? Sex with little boys? Liberals are such pigs.


Sacred institution. :devil: If you say so.


all that is required for a marrage in some states are 2 witnesses and signitures. 2 drunk people who met no less than 1 hour before can go to a drive through chapel and get married.


but 2 gay people who have lived together for several years can not get married?? what a joke.


who gives a flying !@#$ what they do? if gay people get married do you think that effects your marrage at all? it doesnt.


the governemnt should only care about who gets married because of the tax benifits. thats it. taxes. everything else is between 2 people, or if they so chose between 2 people and a religious organization.

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