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The 101 most influential people


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ya know, I knew what I was getting myself into but I just had to go and check #82...and lo and behold...once again you friggin crack me up! Thanks for that! And by the way, I also know who you are...a little cat told me


If they want to make it an even 100 they should just eliminate #82.


:lol:  :lol:  :lol:


He sucks but he is alive.


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Guess that answers Picard vs. Kirk.



yeah because if USAToday® says so, it must be true :lol:


btw if you notice it's Captain Kirk and Mr Spock, not just Kirk by himself. Without Spock, Kirk would have just been some cowboy facing a court martial for letting his ship get blown up

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I can't believe Dick Jauron didn't make the list.


But seriously, no Homer Simpson???



yeah i was thinking how could youy not have homer or bart? also woodstock and snoopy would push honorable mentions.


Also, how the F***could betty boop make the list and bugs bunny not?


And Sigfried is still livin? #6


no Dr. huxtable or Picard?



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:blink:;) Thank you:


39. Mary Richards


How will you make it on your own?

This world is awfully big, and girl, this time you're all alone.

But it's time you started living.

It's time you let someone else do some giving.

Love is all around, no need to waste it.

You can have the town, why don't you take it?

You might just make it after all.

You might just make it after all.


That damn tammy hat!... We used to keep them bare-foot and pregnant... :lol::(

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