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What is wrong with that.. In fact I wished Mularkey did that all of last season.

You have to put the game in the hands of your running game and Defense and

let the young QB avoid making mistakes and manage the game.  You don't

want him making decisions on that field at this point of time.


Is this is the reason you put the comment that the coaches are concered that

Losman is not growing.  If Losman threw multiple INTs and sulked and then

fumbled the ball, I would say Losman is regressing.........


On the contrary, Losman is learning to win ball games....Winning cures all.



It's not about JP or the Bills. It's about JDG's crusade. He HAS to be proven correct because he is the smartest, most analytical fan on the board and the rest of us don't have an "accurate assessment on JP's true progress". 0:)


To prove his case he is willing to bend any fact, poorly analyse any play and use a sledge hammer to pound a square peg into a round hole. He's becoming the Ron Popeal (sp) of TSW, wearing an ugly sweater, a porn star mustache circa 1973 and trying to convince us that a vacuum cleaner can cut our hair better than a barber can...for only $19.99!


But for the rest of us, it's hilarious to watch. The hole gets deeper and deeper. Soon he'll be speaking Chinese. :w00t:

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Perspective from being at the game:


A few weeks ago, I made the comment that perhaps the best we can hope for this year with JP is that he does not lose any games for us.


That is basically what he did yesterday.


For those of you who think that he played a great game, that depends on what your definition of a great game is. (He did not by my definition of a great game).


For those of you who think that he was awful, he was not.


He was ok. He was unspectacular. He did not make any critical errors -- at least any that counted (the fumble was a fumble but for the ref blowing the whistle).


We got a win against our bitter rival in a hostile environment. We won, because of the defense, special teams, and running game. JP did not make any errors to detract from the reasons why we won the game.


The throw to Lee Evans that resulted in the pass interference was a strong throw. My favorite throw, however, was the one that he threw incomplete when he recognized the blitz (although Lee failed to cut off his pattern). He read the play, got rid of the ball, and would have had a chance for a big gain but for Lee's failure to recognize the blitz.


JP is not Jim Kelly. He also is not Ryan Leaf. The jury is still out, but there is reason for some cautious optimism.


The following is what I would like to see JP do in the next few weeks (some of which he already is doing):


1. Make the defense pay when they stack the line of scrimmage to stop the run.


2. Do not fumble the ball or make any ball handling mistakes.


3. Avoid the costly interception.


4. (This applies to the coaching staff as well) Get the play in and get out of the huddle as soon as possible to (a) avoid having to take unnecessary time outs; and (b) to have more time to read the defense before the snap of the ball.


In the end, I love the fact that we won the game. I hate going to Bills/Dolphins games and losing. The Dolphin fans love to run their mouths when they beat us.


JP did not win the game, but he did not lose it either.

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For those of you who think that he played a great game, that depends on what your definition of a great game is. (He did not by my definition of a great game).



I think you are right. He did not play a great game, but when looking at the game just in terms of JP's development from last year to this, it was a positive effort. The W aside (thought that is all that matters), JP did what was asked of him yesterday.


More than that, there was not one throw he made where I cringed thinking it was a terrible read or a poor throw. Which is a nice change from last season. He threw one (I think) in the dirt, but that was when he was getting hit by a defender.


He had a couple nice deep balls that were good reads, well thrown, just dropped, PI'ed. His decision making is what I looked at -- and THAT has gotten a lot better.


Numbers and stats don't tell the whole picture in yesterday's game. All the other factors have to be considered like the heat, the fact they were playing on the road, the success the running game was having etc. etc.


Did he play great? Not at all. Did he show improvement from week one to week 2? I think so. And that's all I can ask for right now.

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More than that, there was not one throw he made where I cringed thinking it was a terrible read or a poor throw. Which is a nice change from last season.  He threw one (I think) in the dirt, but that was when he was getting hit by a defender.


Very good point. He hasn't made me cringe yet this year, including the safety against the Pats. To me, that's progress. He'll get even better with more snaps.
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