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Is the scrambling QB overhyped

Pirate Angel

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A few years back with the addition of Vick, Mcnabb, Culpeperr, Mcnair to the league. it seemed there was an Instant craze for QBs with wheels giving bad QBS like Aaron Brooks with Quincy Carter oppurtunities to play. This seems to be a passing craze. Mcnabb became much better after he began to stay in the pocket, while I think Vick is a lost cause to stay in the pocket because he is so innacurate. From what ive read the coaches are have been improving Jp's footwork in the pocket to improve his accuracy and timing. Since the 2 best QBs in the league (Brady and Manning) are also the least likely to take off and run, Is the leagues Scrambling QB craze a past addiction?

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I would say the ability of scrambling QB's to avoid sacks is definitely overhyped. Sometimes the scrambling QB runs around and gets sacked instead of just throwing the ball away. The best QBs avoid sacks by making small moves in the pocket to avoid the rush and throwing the ball away.

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To answer your first question, yes scrambling QBs are overhyped.

They have some early success but then defensive coordinators start to figure them out. Remember Randall Cunningham and Kordell Stewart? They set the league on fire and then their careers went in the toilet for awhile until they learned how to stay in the pocket. Unfortunately for RC it was too late and only happpened after he had already retired once. Unfortunately for KS his style made it too hard for him to adapt as a pocket passer, and I think the same will happen to Vick


To answer your second question, no the scrambling QB craze is not over. Not as long as the Mularkey's and the Martz's and other wacky offensive coordinators are out there. The offensive guru will see the potential to put to together some nutty offensive strategy around their scrambler. The scrambler will have some success early on, but then defenses will start to figure them out and neither the scrambler nor the nutty guru will be able to adapt

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Is the leagues Scrambling QB craze a past addiction?



IMHO ..... there is a distinct difference between a QB with the ability to scramble when required, and a scrambling QB.


The best example I can think of is Ron Mexico .......... IMHO ...... he sucks as a QB ... great scrambler, but a horrible QB.


A QB with the ability to scramble doesn't have to have the speed/elusivness of a Vick ....... just enough wheels to get himself out of trouble when the pocket collapses ...... but more importantly ..... the BRAINS to know when taking off will gain a few yards or when the play is Sooooooooo dead that he needs to dump the ball.


I don't want to see my QB "dancing around" trying to win a game with his legs (that's why we have running backs). QBs win games with their brains, eyes, and arm (in that order). If the QB gan get a yard or two or three when the pass isn't there ......... that's a plus. But I don't want to ever EVER see my QB leading the team in rushing yards.

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A few years back with the addition  of Vick, Mcnabb, Culpeperr, Mcnair to the league.  it seemed there was an Instant craze for QBs with wheels giving bad QBS like Aaron Brooks with Quincy Carter oppurtunities to play. This seems to be a passing craze. Mcnabb became much better after he began to stay in the pocket, while I think Vick is a lost cause to stay in the pocket because he is so innacurate. From what ive read the coaches are have been improving Jp's footwork in the pocket to improve his accuracy and timing. Since the 2 best QBs in the league (Brady and Manning) are also the least likely to take off and run, Is the leagues Scrambling QB craze a past addiction?



It should be, but TV is so enamored of the college-style scatback QB that we will not see the hype fade for some time yet.

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I would say the ability of scrambling QB's to avoid sacks is definitely overhyped.  Sometimes the scrambling QB runs around and gets sacked instead of just throwing the ball away.  The best QBs avoid sacks by making small moves in the pocket to avoid the rush and throwing the ball away.



Yes. Steve Young was a scrambling QB. He made good decisions in the pocket and avoided the rush with short rollouts or similar quick moves. Didn't run around back there and get sacked much. But, when it was time to tuck it away and run, he was spectacular. Unfortunately it shortened his career.

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A few years back with the addition  of Vick, Mcnabb, Culpeperr, Mcnair to the league.  it seemed there was an Instant craze for QBs with wheels giving bad QBS like Aaron Brooks with Quincy Carter oppurtunities to play. This seems to be a passing craze.



Bad offensive lines are not a passing craze. Hide one with a scrambler and you take your chances. I recall a nine win team making Drew Bledsoe a street free agent.


But it's leaguewide, what are you gonna' do...

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Yes.  Steve Young was a scrambling QB.  He made good decisions in the pocket and avoided the rush with short rollouts or similar quick moves.  Didn't run around back there and get sacked much.  But, when it was time to tuck it away and run, he was spectacular.  Unfortunately it shortened his career.



Not to split hairs, but I consider Young and Vick to be running quarterbacks rather than scramblers. Tarkernton and Flutie were scramblers, who could squirm their way out of trouble, and actually had difficulty in the pocket at times because of their height. Flutie actually thrived on broken plays, and there were enough of those due to the Ostroski/Fina lines, that were pitiful on a good day.


The running ability of Young and Vick is an actual weapon.

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