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Are you people freakin' serious?  The kid 'meowed'.  He freakin 'meowed'!!!!


The woman is a freakin' lunatic and needs to be committed before she harms someone.  I have no doubt this this is the type of person we're dealing with here...

The Neighbor From Hell


Kansas feud takes ugly turn with arrival of tainted soda, doughnuts



It's called respect for elders. You know, the 78 year old women, or men, who prayed every night that their loved ones came back from a war to defend our way of life, who built the roads, paid the taxes, built the schools, wiped the asses of a generation or two, now grandpas and grandmas unfortunatly but willingly raising their grandkids, folks who sent their offspring to school with a lunch sans Federal money, watched them so traffic didn't run those youngsters over, worked the filthy jobs, choked on the pollution at the factories, and so forth.


And now you, basking in the accomplishments of those folks and the ease they gave you, want to hang them summarily.


You're a study in thickness...the champion of 14 year-olds nationwide.


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Ya the boot sucked, but the offense deserved the punishment and the chores instilled that thought, that when I messed up, dad will make me regret my stupidity.


At least I didn't work for a company that builds cheap levees in New Orleans that failed.

How's that book coming :D  :P  ;)  to mazzholey?;) ;)  :(      ;)





That is while I rail against contract work... I would like to know how many failed that were under DIRECT maint by the Corps?


Guess what... I found buried in the WaterWays Journal... They are quietly cutting the excessive growth off the levees NOW.


But, don't ask me a year ago, maybe five, or even 15 years ago.


Go figure!


You will NEVER see an investigation into at that angle.

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And now you, basking in the accomplishments of those folks...

Wow, that's seems to me a VERY optimistic account of the state of the world today. I do agree that it's important to have respect for your elders, but I have to admit that sometimes I feel like I'm basking in something other than accomplishments.

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:P  :D  :w00t:


That is while I rail against contract work... I would like to know how many failed that were under DIRECT maint by the Corps?


Guess what... I found buried in the WaterWays Journal... They are quietly cutting the excessive growth off the levees NOW.


But, don't ask me a year ago, maybe five, or even 15 years ago.


Go figure!


You will NEVER see an investigation into at that angle.


I definitely understand your point..How about some arlo guthries City of New Orleans :D

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It's called respect for elders. You know, the 78 year old women, or men, who prayed every night that their loved ones came back from a war to defend our way of life, who built the roads, paid the taxes, built the schools, wiped the asses of a generation or two, now grandpas and grandmas unfortunatly but willingly raising their grandkids, folks who sent their offspring to school with a lunch sans Federal money, watched them so traffic didn't run those youngsters over, worked the filthy jobs, choked on the pollution at the factories, and so forth.


And now you, basking in the accomplishments of those folks and the ease they gave you, want to hang them summarily.


You're a study in thickness...the champion of 14 year-olds nationwide.





She may have been one of the fine people you describe, who deserve respect...or she may have been an !@#$ all her life. If she's suing someone for meowing, I'm guessing she's an !@#$ now and derseves little respect.

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It's called respect for elders. You know, the 78 year old women, or men, who prayed every night that their loved ones came back from a war to defend our way of life, who built the roads, paid the taxes, built the schools, wiped the asses of a generation or two, now grandpas and grandmas unfortunatly but willingly raising their grandkids, folks who sent their offspring to school with a lunch sans Federal money, watched them so traffic didn't run those youngsters over, worked the filthy jobs, choked on the pollution at the factories, and so forth.


And now you, basking in the accomplishments of those folks and the ease they gave you, want to hang them summarily.


You're a study in thickness...the champion of 14 year-olds nationwide.



Geez, wait here a moment while I go get my freakin' violin...


OK. Wow. Nice Norman-Rockwell-esque portrait you painted there. Before I weep all over my keyboard here, have I hurled any personal insults your way?


Where'd ya get all that crap anyway? 'Cause it is crap. Virtually every generation does what you've described above. You left out all the really good stuff, like ruining the environment, glamorizing nicotine addiction, cancer-causing pesticides and food additives, saddling future generations with $trillions in debt, etc., etc.


And how in the world did you extrapolate that I want to 'summarily hang' an entire generation? Who's a "study in thickness"?


I'm referring to one person. One. For all either of us know, she may well be a 78-year-old spinster - bitter and lonely - clearly ready for the looney-bin. She may even be a sex-crazed maniac, bent on revenge at this poor young man's refusal to cater to her sexual advances!


The kid 'meowed'. Pretty damned funny, if you ask me, but completely harmless.


And BTW - 14-year-olds could use a few champions these days, what with all the child beaters and Roman Catholic priests out there.

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Geez, wait here a moment while I go get my freakin' violin...


OK.  Wow.  Nice Norman-Rockwell-esque portrait you painted there.  Before I weep all over my keyboard here, have I hurled any personal insults your way?


Where'd ya get all that crap anyway?  'Cause it is crap.  Virtually every  generation does what you've described above.  You left out all the really good stuff, like ruining the environment, glamorizing nicotine addiction, cancer-causing pesticides and food additives, saddling future generations with $trillions in debt, etc., etc.


And how in the world did you extrapolate that I want to 'summarily hang' an entire generation?  Who's a "study in thickness"? 


I'm referring to one person.  One.  For all either of us know, she may well be a 78-year-old spinster - bitter and lonely - clearly ready for the looney-bin.  She may even be a sex-crazed maniac, bent on revenge at this poor young man's refusal to cater to her sexual advances!


The kid 'meowed'.  Pretty damned funny, if you ask me, but completely harmless.


And BTW -  14-year-olds could use a few champions these days, what with all the child beaters and Roman Catholic priests out there.



Why did the kid need to mock the lady?... Couldn't he have remained silent and let her stupidity speak for itself?


Didn't Mark Twain have a quote about opening one's mouth and removing all doubt?


Is it really all about the 14 year old? What initial harm was caused him. Last I checked, his pet was ruining the property of someone else.


Why the "in your face" mentality?


Ya 14 year olds need champions THIS bad (notice I said THIS)... I have some nice swampland to sell you. This kid needs parents, not best buddies.


Again... We don't know all the facts... Without them, I give the elder the benefit of doubt that the kid did wrong...


Damn... I am up to $.14... Can I start a tab?



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It's called respect for elders. You know, the 78 year old women, or men, who prayed every night that their loved ones came back from a war to defend our way of life, who built the roads, paid the taxes, built the schools, wiped the asses of a generation or two, now grandpas and grandmas unfortunatly but willingly raising their grandkids, folks who sent their offspring to school with a lunch sans Federal money, watched them so traffic didn't run those youngsters over, worked the filthy jobs, choked on the pollution at the factories, and so forth.


And now you, basking in the accomplishments of those folks and the ease they gave you, want to hang them summarily.


You're a study in thickness...the champion of 14 year-olds nationwide.




just because shes old doesnt give her a right to be s cranky old crotch toward her neighbors. And thats all this old hag is doing. being a worthless B word and complaining.


My old next door neighbor growing up could be the same way. sometimes he'd be fine, but then he'd turn into a cranky old !@#$ for no reason. we lived on a 55mph road, so my mom didnt want us walking along the road to go to our friends a few houses down. so we'd cut through this guys backyard. not right in his backyard, mind you, the very back of his acre lot where it was overgrown and weedy. we walked a path through waist deep brush to keep out of his way. they one day he bitches at us for walking on his property and "ruining it" thats all this cranky old crotch is doing.

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Wow, that's seems to me a VERY optimistic account of the state of the world today.  I do agree that it's important to have respect for your elders, but I have to admit that sometimes I feel like I'm basking in something other than accomplishments.


Optimist, that's me, Gringo. :P


What you bask in, I don't know. But you are a decent baskard. :D

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Why did the kid need to mock the lady?...


He didn't need to. He's 14. 14-year-old kids do that.

Couldn't he have remained silent and let her stupidity speak for itself?


Yes, he could have. He's 14.

Didn't Mark Twain have a quote about opening one's mouth and removing all doubt?


Possibly. Some attribute it to Lincoln, still others to Socrates.

Is it really all about the 14 year old?  What initial harm was caused him.  Last I checked, his pet was ruining the property of someone else.


Last you checked? Did you actually check the turd to see if it came from the kid's cat, as alleged? Did she? I was under the impression this was all about the 78-year-old loon.

This kid needs parents, not best buddies.


Yeah...this kid needs some tough love - for 'meowing'!!!

Again... We don't know all the facts... Without them, I give the elder the benefit of doubt that the kid did wrong...


"Did wrong?" He 'meowed'. For that, this senile old B word with too much time on her hands makes a huge fuss and drags an entire family to court.

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He didn't need to.  He's 14.  14-year-old kids do that.


Yes, he could have.  He's 14.


Possibly.  Some attribute it to Lincoln, still others to Socrates.


Last you checked? Did you actually check the turd to see if it came from the kid's cat, as alleged?  Did she?  I was under the impression this was all about the 78-year-old loon. 


Yeah...this kid needs some tough love - for 'meowing'!!!


"Did wrong?"  He 'meowed'.  For that, this senile old B word with too much time on her hands makes a huge fuss and drags an entire family to court.



Ya... He needs tough love for meowing... The kid is retarded because he keeps on doing it... I think that can be his only defense.


He needs a swift kick in the arse.


One time is funny... But, the kid won't let it go... Maybe he needs a shrink?


Again... How many times did he do it before she finally decided to press criminal charges?


She pressed criminal charges... Doesn't meaning she is sueing for money... The boy is up for misdemeanor harassment...

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She pressed criminal charges... Doesn't meaning she is sueing for money...  The boy is up for misdemeanor harassment...


Exactly. And you know, if this was a one-time event (which it clearly is not), she'd never have been able to file charges to begin with.


I can't believe the vulgar posts I've read about this -- calling the woman all sorts of names that are completely uncalled for. People should be ashamed of themselves, but unfortunately most are saying that they'd be doing the meowing too. Gotta love our society of entitlement. :P:D .

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Police said a 14-year-old boy MEOWS every time he sees his neighbor, 78-year-old Alexandria Carasia.


Just a "harmless" meow?  One-time affair...


Isn't taunting harassing, vice-a-versa?






Or you could say it this way. I haven't yet thought of the situation where meowing = harrassment.

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Police said a 14-year-old boy meows EVERY TIME he sees his neighbor, 78-year-old Alexandria Carasia.


Just a "harmless" meow?  One-time affair...


Isn't taunting harassing, vice-a-versa?




There is a saying (not attributed to Socrates, Lincoln, or Twain) that, "There are at least two sides to every story".


The kid says he 'meowed' only twice. I still can't freakin' believe anyone thinks meowing = taunting, but please don't bother to read the family's side of all this...


Family Gave Cat Away After Neighbor's Complaints


Sounds to me like the family gave the cat away to placate the looney lady, who then found another way to make a nuisance of herself.


Also, a quick glance at the survey results shows that 80% of roughly 35,000 respondents side with the 14-year-old.

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There is a saying (not attributed to Socrates, Lincoln, or Twain) that, "There are at least two sides to every story".


The kid says he 'meowed' only twice.  I still can't freakin' believe anyone thinks meowing = taunting, but please don't bother to read the family's side of all this...


Family Gave Cat Away After Neighbor's Complaints


Sounds to me like the family gave the cat away to placate the looney lady, who then found another way to make a nuisance of herself.


Also, a quick glance at the survey results shows that 80% of roughly 35,000 respondents side with the 14-year-old.




Maybe he's only seen her twice. Then they'd both be right.


I think the old bag should be put to sleep, to tell ya the truth.

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Exactly.  And you know, if this was a one-time event (which it clearly is not)...


Clearly? Well, maybe. The kid says he 'meowed' twice. (And I'm still havin' a tough time holding back the laughter as I type "the kid 'meowed' "...

...she'd never have been able to file charges to begin with.


And you know this from all your years of police work, or watching 'Law and Order'?

People should be ashamed of themselves, but unfortunately most are saying that they'd be doing the meowing too.


Please cite one instance (i.e., post in this thread) where anyone said they would 'meow'! :P

Gotta love our society of entitlement.


Don't quite know how to respond to that one. I'm the son of a blue collar immigrant who never took a dime in entitlements - worked my way thru Cornell on scholarships and a lot of pretty crappy jobs. What the heck are you talking about?

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There is a saying (not attributed to Socrates, Lincoln, or Twain) that, "There are at least two sides to every story".


The kid says he 'meowed' only twice.  I still can't freakin' believe anyone thinks meowing = taunting, but please don't bother to read the family's side of all this...


Family Gave Cat Away After Neighbor's Complaints


Sounds to me like the family gave the cat away to placate the looney lady, who then found another way to make a nuisance of herself.


Also, a quick glance at the survey results shows that 80% of roughly 35,000 respondents side with the 14-year-old.



Agree... Two times is not a lot.


Actually... It was the kid that aggravated the looney lady. She made a nuisance of herself because of the BOYS ACTIONS... The first time it was the CATS ACTIONS.


Now if the family retained an attorney... Any sane one would have advised the kid to stop.


What part of beholden to the lady (in these instances) don't you understand? Seems every action was first started by the family.


The kid is retarded for re-opening the can of worms and should be kicked... They placate the lady, then he does this? Is that kinda like a half apology?



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