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The losing is eating me up!!!


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T I honestly have passed the point of angriness. Now it's a combination of anger and laughter. On one hand I sit here and get pissed, but at the same time I laugh because that's how pathetic we have become.


I'm actually REALLY happy the baseball playoffs are here. At least ONE of my teams is a winner.

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I'm with you. I will be there rooting for them next week, but I am doing this out of a sense of loyalty with little hope. When was the last time they played a good, complete game? Maybe aginst the Redskins last season, but I can hardly remember.


It's painful to watch them screw up so predictably. Whenever they start a drive either on offense or defense, I expect them to do something bad on every third play. They are incapable of running 8-10 consecutive plays without committing a penalty, a blown coverage, running a wrong passing route, missing a block, throwing an interception or dropping a pass. It's not that the players are not without raw talent. But they make mental errors with awesome regularity. They have the mentality of losers, by that I mena that, even when they do something good, they do not really believe in themselves, and cannot rise to a challenge.


This has been the story of Buffalo football, with the exception of the Polian/Levy years, throughout their history. They have never had the mental strength of a good football team.

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I agree 1000%. This team is SO f-ing predictable. We have been in every game, but somehow I know we will find a way to shoot ourselves in the foot again and again. I am SOOO pissed this is making me sick.


Stupid, stupid, stupid mistakes that we keep hearing are correctible. Well if they are so f-ing correctible, how bout correcting them DB and MM.


I don't what is worse to hear, the GW we did not execute excuse or DB and MM telling us that these are all correctible mistakes. It's all f-ing bull stevestojan and I want to hear someone tell us that the team just plain sucks!!!

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First it was four Super Bowl loses and well at least we went ..and lost

Then it was well at least we got into the playoffs ....and lost

And then it was well maybe we will have a winning season or 8 and 8.....and lost

And now it is maybe we can win one game ..and lost

This all totals up to a bunch of losers. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

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It doesn't really piss me off, it just kind of brings me down. I see all of these fair weather cities (I live in Atlanta) winning games. The Falcons are still unbeaten for Christ's sake.


Most of these fair weather towns that win... those fans aren't there during the off season and the down seasons... they show up with the team starts to win.


Buffalo? That town BREATHES football. Some of the best fans in the league. It really would be nice to get a few winning seasons again. Bills fans deserve better than this.

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It doesn't really piss me off, it just kind of brings me down.  I see all of these fair weather cities (I live in Atlanta) winning games. The Falcons are still unbeaten for Christ's sake.


Most of these fair weather towns that win... those fans aren't there during the off season and the down seasons... they show up with the team starts to win.


Buffalo?  That town BREATHES football.  Some of the best fans in the league.  It really would be nice to get a few winning seasons again.  Bills fans deserve better than this.



That's why it eats me up. Christ did we break a mirror or something?

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Kelly? We gotta get together and just have some wings and laugh my brother. I had a few local Bills fans by today and we actually broke out laughing at the end. It's way past the playcalling. you can easily predict the disasters. I'm more surprised when the DON'T happen.


I made regular wings. Seattle? Tequila for certain. And I spent $190 bucks for Sunday what? The Bills are a DTV con game.

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Kelly? We gotta get together and just have some wings and laugh my brother. I had a few local Bills fans by today and we actually broke out laughing at the end. It's way past the playcalling. you can easily predict the disasters. I'm more surprised when the DON'T happen.


I made regular wings. Seattle? Tequila for certain. And I spent $190 bucks for Sunday what? The Bills are a DTV con game.



Seattle........oh man we need a moniker for that game.


How 'bout " Clueless in Seattle?"

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This is a GREAT thread. This is what being a fan is all about. We spend time ripping players, coaches and front office people (not to mention each other), when the fact is we're all frustrated over the same thing....the Bills are losers and there's not much we can do about it.


T said it's easy to predict this team.

BF said he has passed the point of being angry.

McJeff wonders why we can't win despite the fact the city of Buffalo and Bills supporters everywhere deserve much better.

DrK said he's be back next week rooting for his team.


I think just about everyone on this board feels the same about this team.


Other than Dillon's fumble, I never said a word during the game. I don't get angry anymore because this team has made me numb. It's like watching Groundhog Day...it's the same thing every Sunday, and now we come to expect bad things to happen. It's a loser mentality, and it's one our team has, not just the fans. The Pats expect to make their own breaks, and they expect things to go their way. We expect bad things to happen to us. And they usually do.

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This is a GREAT thread. This is what being a fan is all about. We spend time ripping players, coaches and front office people (not to mention each other), when the fact is we're all frustrated over the same thing....the Bills are losers and there's not much we can do about it.


T said it's easy to predict this team.

BF said he has passed the point of being angry.

McJeff wonders why we can't win despite the fact the city of Buffalo and Bills supporters everywhere deserve much better.

DrK said he's be back next week rooting for his team.


I think just about everyone on this board feels the same about this team.


Other than Dillon's fumble, I never said a word during the game. I don't get angry anymore because this team has made me numb. It's like watching Groundhog Day...it's the same thing every Sunday, and now we come to expect bad things to happen. It's a loser mentality, and it's one our team has, not just the fans. The Pats expect to make their own breaks, and they expect things to go their way. We expect bad things to happen to us. And they usually do.

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Anyone else? What have these guys done to me? It's so easy to predict this team......Hell even I could game plan against us. I don't know about you but Im at a point of pure rage with this team right now.  :)



Well...I was there Last Year with the :angry: ...


But I told myself this Off Season that no matter what the Bills did to "improve," I was taking a wait and see attitude...So many of my Friends are huge Football Fans, but not many of them are Bills Fans. I kept hearing "They're a good Team, they'll be better this year." My reponse was simply "I hope I'm wrong, but I just don't think this Team can win consistantly, especially with Bledsoe at QB." I told them "The Coaching should be better, the running game should be good, the Defense is decent, but for whatever reason I just can't get my hopes up too high." Most of my Friends thought I had died and was replaced by a body double because they NEVER heard me speak so negatively regarding the Bills...


My approach has worked to a degree...I still get pissed off, then I say to myself "Well...it's not like you did not see this coming." I'm realistic now, I used to be staunchly optimisic...No more... I refuse to let it eat me up anymore...I'm too close to 40 now, and I don't want High Blood Pressure... :(

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That's why it eats me up. Christ did we break a mirror or something?



No, knocked off McKinley......OJ played here.....McVeigh is from here......Lackawanna 6......must be karma.



Actually this team just sucks royal ass.....lead by the worst Buffalo GM since Stew Barber.....and the worst trade in Buffalo sports history......Bledsoe for a 1st round pick.


The team has also become a proving ground for crappy coaches trying to earn an apprenticeship. It's like this team is deliberately losing so ol Ralphie can sell em off to some out of towner.

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Seattle........oh man we need a moniker for that game.


How 'bout " Clueless in Seattle?"



how about the "Seattle Slew" Remember the horse?


Either works for me. We had the KCM pegged (we should have copyrighted the name since it showed up in the press two weeks after we thought of it"

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This is a GREAT thread. This is what being a fan is all about. We spend time ripping players, coaches and front office people (not to mention each other), when the fact is we're all frustrated over the same thing....the Bills are losers and there's not much we can do about it.


T said it's easy to predict this team.

BF said he has passed the point of being angry.

McJeff wonders why we can't win despite the fact the city of Buffalo and Bills supporters everywhere deserve much better.

DrK said he's be back next week rooting for his team.


I think just about everyone on this board feels the same about this team.


Other than Dillon's fumble, I never said a word during the game. I don't get angry anymore because this team has made me numb. It's like watching Groundhog Day...it's the same thing every Sunday, and now we come to expect bad things to happen. It's a loser mentality, and it's one our team has, not just the fans. The Pats expect to make their own breaks, and they expect things to go their way. We expect bad things to happen to us. And they usually do.



I used to look forward to Sundays in the fall to watch my Bills, win or lose. Now I dread Sundays. Seems like there is no hope. Tom Donahoe is not the real deal and we have wasted 5 years. We have a statue for a QB and that statue has no offensive line to block. We have two pretty good running backs, but no offensive line to block. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The thing that really eats me up is the fact they keep it close. Today, they actually had back to back penalties to open the game. :30 seconds in and the Pats were at midfield without doing a thing offensively. I kinda threw up my hands then and said, "here we go again".


Of course, a few big plays from the offense and special teams and I start to forget how poorly they've played at times during the game. So when they it again in crunch time, with the game on the line I'm just furious, screaming at the TV (my wife had to take our 4 month old "out for a walk" because of me). This team is just about the dumbest team I've watched in a long time. So many mistakes, it's almost as if they don't practice or understand the rules of the game.


This has always been my experience with the Bills. Over the years its been the most heart wrenching thing to watch. If they just got beat it wouldn’t be so bad...but they always do enough to bring back your hope...only to crush it again. Nothing is worse than that.



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