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Early stages of a prank war

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A few months ago, a friend of mine hooked up with a gal (she occasionally hung around with us but not very often). It was pretty much a one-night stand type of thing, my friend had no intention of having to see her again. Well, about two weeks later, me and two other buddies went to our friend's house, jacked up his car, and removed his tire. We slid logs under the axle and took the jack out. Then we went to the chick's house, jacked up her car, took off her tire and slapped the tire from our buddy's car on there. We returned to our friend's house and put her tire on his car. They were different sized tires, but the lugnuts matched up. His car looked like it had a donut on it, while her car had a slightly oversized tire on it. It was great! Both parties were very upset and embarrassed when they had to meet up to swap tires.


So that started it. Since then, it has been some small pranks here or there. I mistakenly left my car unlocked one night and he moved it down the street into a neighbor's driveway. I went to the pet store with the idea of buying a talking bird, and training it to say "!@#$ Danny" and then giving it to him, but the birds were too expensive, so I bought a rabbit and some rabbit food and placed it under his bed. It was three days before he saw it, the rabbit was leaving pellets all over the place, he thought it was a rat! The first time he saw it, I was with him, and he walked into his room and the rabbit was out in the open, and it darted under his bed. He was scared schitless!!! (The rabbit has since been given to a kid we know who's family has a farm.)


Well last night, we won a big softball game, and of course had a big victory celebration. My friend in question is a teammate of mine. I ended up over-indulging a bit and stayed out until 3am. Needless to say, when I woke up at 6:30am for work I was not moving at a rapid pace. So, after a few snooze buttons, and already running late, I walk outside and rub the eye boogers out of the corners of my eyes. As I walk to my car, I notice on the bumper- one of those rainbow stickers that people place on their cars to signify gay pride. Hilarious! That bastard must've stuck it on there last night. With no time to spare, I had to hop in and drive to work, proudly supporting the gay community.




I guess I'm up. I'll come up with something good.

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With no time to spare, I had to hop in and drive to work, proudly supporting the gay community.




I guess I'm up.  I'll come up with something good.



we did that to a manager at my last job. We put one of those rainbow fuzzy balls on his car antenna and then called him while he was on the beltway. You could hear him screaming through the phone all the way across the room...

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Many years ago I drove around for about three months not knowing that a buddy of mine had installed a set of Yosemite Sam "back off" mud flaps on my truck. It was without a doubt one of the better pranks that have been pulled on me.

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We played a similar prank on one of my buddies. We slapped a Backstreet Boys bumper sticker on the back of his car and he drove around unkowningly with it on there until his mother (of all people), about 3 weeks later, asked him how long he liked the Backstreet Boys for.


I've also been on the shortend of some pranks as well, but prank wars can be real fun, as long as no one steps over the line!

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:doh:  great stuff!  How you feeling today rainbow boy?



Less than stellar, thanks for asking!


Said friend from above somehow got his company's box for the Bisons game tonight and invited all of us idiots, so I have to pull myself together before then. I can't be feeling down in the dumps when there are free beers in the box's fridge!!!

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My friend is a huge Met fan and we put a Yanks bumper sticker on his car last month and he still does not realize it. We always make comments to him like "do you root for the Yanks subconsciously?"

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I guess I'm up.  I'll come up with something good.



I'm here to help. You'll need some make up and a good rope. First, write a suicide note. I suggest a photo of you pointing at yourself in a Fonzi manner. The note will read, "Who has two thumbs and is hanging in the next room? This guy!"


In the next room, you have yourself hanging from the aforementioned rope. Of course, you'll need to tie it in such a way as it looks like you're hanging, but really you're in a harness. When your buddy finds the note, and then you hanging there, tongue out, face made up to look bloodless, it'll be quite a hoot when after the proper pause you yell, "TOP THAT BI#(H!!!"


You can thank me later.



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A few months ago, a friend of mine hooked up with a gal (she occasionally hung around with us but not very often).  It was pretty much a one-night stand type of thing, my friend had no intention of having to see her again.  Well, about two weeks later, me and two other buddies went to our friend's house, jacked up his car, and removed his tire.  We slid logs under the axle and took the jack out.  Then we went to the chick's house, jacked up her car, took off her tire and slapped the tire from our buddy's car on there.  We returned to our friend's house and put her tire on his car.  They were different sized tires, but the lugnuts matched up.  His car looked like it had a donut on it, while her car had a slightly oversized tire on it.  It was great!  Both parties were very upset and embarrassed when they had to meet up to swap tires. 



very nice


way too much work for me though...what on earth gave you guys the motivation to carry that through?


and what the heck are you guys? ninja mechanics? i'm pretty sure i'd know if someone came to steal my wheels

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At my old gig, we constructed a giant cardboard penis, probably about 4 to 5 feet long, complete with a set of balls. We straighted out some wire coat hangers and secured them to the inside of it to ensure the cardcoard would not flex or bend. I would guess it was about a solid 3 hours of total construction time on the company's clock. At about 4:45 we went outside and attached it to the back of the victim's 78 Cadillac using half a roll of packing tape. I then climbed into my truck and waited. Sure enough, at 5 oclock the victim came out, hopped into his car and drove off. I followed that guy for a solid 5 miles crying because I was laughing so hard.

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I'm here to help.  You'll need some make up and a good rope.  First, write a suicide note.  I suggest a photo of you pointing at yourself in a Fonzi manner.  The note will read, "Who has two thumbs and is hanging in the next room?  This guy!"


In the next room, you have yourself hanging from the aforementioned rope.  Of course, you'll need to tie it in such a way as it looks like you're hanging, but really you're in a harness.  When your buddy finds the note, and then you hanging there, tongue out, face made up to look bloodless, it'll be quite a hoot when after the proper pause you yell, "TOP THAT BI#(H!!!"


You can thank me later.


:P  :D  :P




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When I was in High school, a friend of mine had a Bobbing Head Taco Bell Dog in the back window of his car. We stole his car keys one lunch and took the dog and held it for ransom. We left notes for him to leave us stuff, and we were going to take picks of it and photoshop it into other pictures from all over the world (like the Eiffel Tower or the pyramids) and send him a photo album of it. It took him a while before he finally figured out it was gone, and then it took him forever until he found out who had it.

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This is a great one for the not very computer savvy who use MS Word. I did this to my co-worker. Using tools and the auto correct function, change any word to replace it with your word of choice. For example, on hers, I changed “the” and replaced it with “you suck”. What a hoot, she actually didn’t figure out something was wrong until she proofread her corresponding document and even then couldn’t figure out what had happened. I finally let her in on the little prank only after she was at the end of her rope.

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Senior year of HS, 3 buddies of mine and I were driving to Daytona Beach for Spring Break. We decided to take along the annoying, grumpy neighbor's lawn gnome. It was about 3 feet tall and his wife apparently painted the thing.


So we start taking pics of the lawn gnome traveling down the east coast....in Pitt, next to a Rocky Mountain Oysters served here sign in Va., at a Peach Farm in S. Carolina etc. Then in front of the motel in Daytona, with chicks rubbing their breasts in its face, in bars, with beers, with the bong, at the bottom of the pool etc.


We return the thing a week later, with a set of photos taped to it. Apparently, we left one photo with our faces in the set. Grumpy old dude saw me a week later, smiled and said his lawn gnome had a better week than he did. Took the joke suprisingly well. His wife looked at me funny ever since, however.

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You might find this disgusting, because it is, but it was done to me, and let's just say it was the worst prank I've ever seen.


In college I started a prank war with my neighbors. My first assault was laying a trash can full of water against the door so when they opened it they got soaked. It went off perfectly, 1-0 Mike. A few weeks later I get the payback.


We drink all night Saturday with these guys, and I end up passing out. One of the neighbors grabs my keys, and gets it copied. The following day I'm hung over to all hell, and completely unaware that my keys ever left. To see if I could break the record for craps in a day I decide to go pick up a burrito. I go to pick it up and when I come back I smell the worst odor I've EVER smelt in the hallway of this complex.


As I approach my brown door it's only getting stronger and stronger, so I check to see if it's my door. It wasn't, so I proceed to open the door. Keep in mind this is middle of the summer, 90+ out day.


I walk inside my apartment and every faucet, and shower, is turned on the hottest setting. 3 humidifiers are sitting in my living room, and the heat is turned on the maximum setting. In my hung over state the smell and humidity made me vomit almost instantly. Eventually I make my way into the kitchen and see my oven on. Inside of it a bread pan filled with dog crap, wrapped in aluminum foil, oven set to 400 degrees.


It took my place 3 days to air out

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very nice


way too much work for me though...what on earth gave you guys the motivation to carry that through?



It was 4am and we were pretty drunk, and not yet tired. That would normally be motivation enough, but we all thought it would be hilarious if our friend had to drive over to this heffer's house and start swapping tires.


and what the heck are you guys? ninja mechanics? i'm pretty sure i'd know if someone came to steal my wheels



Actually, when we went back to our buddy's house the second time to put the girl's tire on his car, his neighbor was awake and did call the cops because he saw flash lights shining around the car. We were gone by the time the fuzz rolled up, but the police were ringing my friend's doorbell at 5am. That's how he found out, which is also pretty funny.

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