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Superman Returns

Is it "Truth, Justice, and the American Way" OR "Truth, Justice, and 'all that stuff'"?  

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  1. 1. Is it "Truth, Justice, and the American Way" OR "Truth, Justice, and 'all that stuff'"?

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I saw Superman Returns when it opened last Wednesday and the classic line is spoken by Perry White; but in this film he says:


"Truth, Justice, and 'all that stuff'" instead of "Truth, Justice, and the American Way".


The screenplay writers explained why they changed the line; I did not read their interviews but I heard them paraphrased on the radio.


When this line was spoken in the movie, I wondered why the hell they changed it. It is bothering me more and more as I think about it.


Superman had a purpose when his creators thought him up. And the "American Way" was part of why he came along.


Some might say, "you're making a big deal out of nothing". But, if it really is nothing, then why didn't they leave that particular line in its original form?

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I saw Superman Returns when it opened last Wednesday and the classic line is spoken by Perry White; but in this film he says:


"Truth, Justice, and 'all that stuff'" instead of "Truth, Justice, and the American Way".


The screenplay writers explained why they changed the line; I did not read their interviews but I heard them paraphrased on the radio.


When this line was spoken in the movie, I wondered why the hell they changed it.  It is bothering me more and more as I think about it.


Superman had a purpose when his creators thought him up.  And the "American Way" was part of why he came along.


Some might say, "you're making a big deal out of nothing".  But, if it really is nothing, then why didn't they leave that particular line in its original form?



Because Superman is an illegal alien.

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Superman had a purpose when his creators thought him up.  And the "American Way" was part of why he came along.


Actually, not quite when they thought him up, but a bit after. Everyone's favorite whipping paper had a nice guest column on it a week ago (it's pretty apolitical).

Here's an excerpt:

In the first screen incarnation of Superman, the Max Fleischer cartoons that ran from 1941 to 1943, each episode's preamble informs us not only of the origin and powers of this relatively new creation (Krypton, speeding bullet, etc.), but also the kinds of things he fights for. It's a shorter list than you think. Before World War II, Superman fought "a never-ending battle for truth and justice." Back then, that was enough.


By the time the first live-action Superman hit the screen — Kirk Alyn, in a 1948 serial — the lessons of World War II, particularly in the gas chambers of Europe, were obvious. That's why Pa Kent tells young Clark he must always use his powers "in the interests of truth, tolerance and justice."


It wasn't until Superman came to television in the 1950's that the phrase became codified in the form most of us remember it: "a never-ending battle for truth, justice and the American way."

The rest goes on to show that Superman was used for a variety of 'causes' throughout his evolution on- and off-screen. Pretty interesting article. As for the movie's non-use -- I wouldn't read too much into it for that very reason. Certainly there are better issues worth worrying about.

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I dont think so, Darin cant hit a wedge. :o


I bet you it's devastating on baby seals! It's july, I have about 6 month's to build my bunker and stock it, for the war on christmas , superman and whatever else they can dream up. :o

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I bet you it's devastating on baby seals! It's july, I have about 6 month's to build my bunker and stock it, for the war on christmas , superman and whatever else they can dream up. :o



Don't forget to get DTV/NFL Sunday Ticket so you can comfortably watch the game from your bunker :o

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One of the things about dropping that was b/c the film industry wants to cater more toward a worldwide audience, where sometimes they can make 60% of their money, rather than just the U.S.


What gets me on PPP is that in one thread it's stamped out that you're not supposed to tell restaurant owners they can't allow cigarettes, and then in another, you're supposed to castigate filmmakers for running their business how they want and to practice the REAL American way --- make as much a profit as they can.


I love this country and it matters zero to me what some pillowbiters do or don't do with their script. Don't like it? Don't watch. Don't let it bother you about what other people do.

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One of the things about dropping that was b/c the film industry wants to cater more toward a worldwide audience, where sometimes they can make 60% of their money, rather than just the U.S.


What gets me on PPP is that in one thread it's stamped out that you're not supposed to tell restaurant owners they can't allow cigarettes, and then in another, you're supposed to castigate filmmakers for running their business how they want and to practice the REAL American way --- make as much a profit as they can.


I love this country and it matters zero to me what some pillowbiters do or don't do with their script. Don't like it? Don't watch. Don't let it bother you about what other people do.




OK, who stole UConn's password for the last few day's?

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To be honest, when I first found out about the change, it did bother me because it felt like they were changing the character to make sure they didn't offend anyone.


But the more I thought about it, the more I thought it was a complete non-issue. Nothing I think or remember about Superman as a kid has anything to do with him standing up for "America." Sure, he's an All-American boy from the Midwest but explicitly having him stand for "The American Way" sort of makes him political and I really hate politics invading my entertainment.


Little kids in Fort Erie should be able to enjoy him as much as kids in Buffalo.

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One of the things about dropping that was b/c the film industry wants to cater more toward a worldwide audience, where sometimes they can make 60% of their money, rather than just the U.S.



Like it wouldn't be changed in translation to "Truth, Justice, and Allahu Akbar!" for Turkish cinematic release... :o

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One of the things about dropping that was b/c the film industry wants to cater more toward a worldwide audience, where sometimes they can make 60% of their money, rather than just the U.S.



How did "Pearl Harbor" play in Japan?

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One of the things about dropping that was b/c the film industry wants to cater more toward a worldwide audience, where sometimes they can make 60% of their money, rather than just the U.S.


What gets me on PPP is that in one thread it's stamped out that you're not supposed to tell restaurant owners they can't allow cigarettes, and then in another, you're supposed to castigate filmmakers for running their business how they want and to practice the REAL American way --- make as much a profit as they can.


I love this country and it matters zero to me what some pillowbiters do or don't do with their script. Don't like it? Don't watch. Don't let it bother you about what other people do.


Look at you growing up in front of our eyes.

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I'm as big a superman fan as anyone, and I can tell you it didn't bother me a bit. By they way, I thought the movie was pretty good. I enjoyed it, it didn't bore me and I thought Routh did a great job with the character. I was a bit perplexed by the "super-stalking" bit though... :doh:

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