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Bush heckler fired

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I can see the boss firing the guy if it didn't center around politics.


Then please finish this sentence for me to help me understand.


"But since it centered around politics, the boss shouldn't have fired him because..."


Finish that sentence and maybe I'll undertand your thinking better.

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Then please finish this sentence for me to help me understand.


"But since it centered around politics, the boss shouldn't have fired him because..."


Finish that sentence and maybe I'll undertand your thinking better.


... this whole thing is silly.


... the boss should not let ahole clients with hurt personal feelings dictate his business.


... the client should get an ounce of security and realize that the employee's actions were not a direct reflection on himself.


... this whole thing is silly.


... he will never keep good graphic designers under these restrictive rules.


... was not in an official uniform.


... was not on duty.


... the tix were a personal gift.


...“There is no venue for the regular guy to ask a question. We don’t have access to people in power. And those events are completely scripted and controlled.” (his own words).


... it didn't really make him look bad.


... this whole thing is silly.


... it was a personal vendetta by the client because the employee didn't agree with his political viewpoints.


... the people at the political rally are way too sensitive to handle political dissent.


... he should have a diverse free political thinking workforce.


... if he did (fire the employee), he (the boss) appears to be committing political favoritism to a partisan group. Creates the image of collusion.


... the employee is free to express opinions about canidates and issues.


... it is eventually bad for business.


... the employee is able to attend AND BE ACTIVE at polictical rallies and meetings.


... the employee may campaign for or against candidates in partisan elections.


Want me to go on?

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Here in NC, we are a "at-will" state, which means an employer can fire an employee at any time with no reason given. Giving a reason is just giving the fired employee something to use against you, if he decides to go the court route.


You think the guy who gave the tix would have asked if the man was a Bush fan or not.

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Here in NC, we are a "at-will" state, which means an employer can fire an employee at any time with no reason given.  Giving a reason is just giving the fired employee something to use against you, if he decides to go the court route.


You think the guy who gave the tix would have asked if the man was a Bush fan or not.



What is the history of NC's "at will status"?

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I was also wondering if any northern states have "At Will" policies and if the state's that have them, did they spring out of the civil rights movement?


Just curious?



My understanding from the HR people I've talked to in the past few years is that a majority of states (as many as 40) have "at will" labor policies. As for northern states, I just did a cursory internet search and found references to cases in NY and IL (and CA, which is arguably "northern").

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I was also wondering if any northern states have "At Will" policies and if the state's that have them, did they spring out of the civil rights movement?


Just curious?


Alaska is an "at will" state. It really doesn't mean all that much, as employers are as likely as not to lose in court for wrongful termination.

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My understanding from the HR people I've talked to in the past few years is that a majority of states (as many as 40) have "at will" labor policies.  As for northern states, I just did a cursory internet search and found references to cases in NY and IL (and CA, which is arguably "northern").



Thanks, I never knew that... I will look at it in a different light...


I was fearful that states did it to skirt issues, namely race.

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