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The Offensive Line

R. Rich

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I would have been spending the last week on techniques to counter the so-called "eight in the box". Corey Dillon popping through the line with 3 backfield defenders who had responsiblilty for recievers went to town for many a year. See also Balto's Jamal Lewis. All it takes is a crack of daylight - 8 in the box is a risky defense.

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First of all, you are boring us. The ENTIRE problem is the fault of Drew. OK? Thank you very much.

Next, McNally has arrived. Soon, every scrub up front will resemble Gene Upshaw on his best day. Why? Because of McNally and the "scheme." Are you with me yet? Great.

Last but not least, do you care to admit how totally wrong you were about wanting the Bills to draft offensive linemen? Suck it up and tell us how we really could NOT have used Snee. What this team DID need were more receivers and qbs, despite the abysmal offensive line. We dont need a #1 pick next season either, no matter what won/loss record we finish with. McNally is worth FAR more! You feel dumb, dont you?

I am hoping that some day, you will see that blocking means little to nothing. It is ALL about the "scheme," and Coach McNally.

Wake up and worship, OK?

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Anyone else think that ross Tucker looked good at center in the preseason, he has better size, better balance and better brains than Teague, I think part of the reason Bledsoe gets sacked so often is teague plays solid but he gets pushed back easier than any other lineman in the league, creating lanes to blitz LBer and forces Bledsoe to move further back where Jennings and Williams are pushing DEs.-run on.

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