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Nancy Grace.

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Perfect. She was able to parlay her grief into hours.

I can't listen to her for more than 10 sec. without saying "what the hell" :w00t:




There is a remedy for that.........don't listen to her. Yep. Novel I know, but simple as well.

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First, I somewhat agree with you.  That said, if you learn about her past you will gain a better appreciation as to her disposition.  If I recall correctly, she has gone through more than I would wish on any of the a**holes of this board.


Not to defend her, but there are more drama-whores than her; in fact, I withstand her given her background.  I am not sure many would be able to handle what she has.


Sure bad mouth her but choose a proverb before you speak (a)"...walk a mile in her shoes"  or (b) "...lest we be judged"


I am just sayin.



Everybody has warts. I admire you for looking at the good in people.

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First, I somewhat agree with you.  That said, if you learn about her past you will gain a better appreciation as to her disposition.  If I recall correctly, she has gone through more than I would wish on any of the a**holes of this board.


Not to defend her, but there are more drama-whores than her; in fact, I withstand her given her background.  I am not sure many would be able to handle what she has.


Sure bad mouth her but choose a proverb before you speak (a)"...walk a mile in her shoes"  or (b) "...lest we be judged"


I am just sayin.




All that may be true, but it doesn't preclude her television show from being pure trash! The fact that she is a lawyer does not seem to keep her from saying some of the lousiest, off base things....

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When my brother did the Jayson Williams trial she was all over him for supposedly not knowing what he was doing. Much to her chagrin the jury acquitted the guy based on my brother's cross of the prosecution "expert" witness and Henry Lee the forensics guy. He was amused at her scorn and pointed out that the only people he wanted to impress were the folks on the jury. Barry Schect had the same problem in the OJ trial. Everyone but the jury hated him.

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All that may be true, but it doesn't preclude her television show from being pure trash!  The fact that she is a lawyer does not seem to keep her from saying some of the lousiest, off base things....




In fairness to her, lawyers normally say the lousiest off base things. She, individually, has not cornered the market on saying "off base" comments; lawyers on the whole deserve that honor (among newsanchors, posters here, etc).


Again, if her television show is so bad then you have no problem because last I checked no one has been sentenced to watch it. Change the channel.


If her show is trash (I do not know I do not watch it with any consistency) it will be cancelled soon.


And, yes I think she has earned the right to be extreme and unwavering in her pursuit of justice. Be thankful you have NOT earned similar 'rights'.

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OK. Nancy Grace is a prosecutor. She's been trained to be a prosecutor. So, combine that with the fact that she suffered a horrid personal tragedy in her life (one NO ONE should ever have to go through, by the way...not even her).


Thus, her reaction is to act like a pit bull.


And her ethics have suffered somewhat, according to Wikipedia (scroll down to Appellate Section). To me, the questions about ethics are the worst things you can say about an attorney...civil, criminal, or prosecutor.


CNN has put an angry woman on the air simply to exploit news situations for ratings. Watch Greta on Fox News instead...she seems much more personable than Nancy Grace-less.



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I cannot stand her pandering crap. My wife was flipping channels on night and came across her discussing the Duke Lacrosse rape case. Basically these kids are guilty no matter what. I told my wife to change the channel before I drop kicked it out the window...

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And, yes I think she has earned the right to be extreme and unwavering in her pursuit of justice. Be thankful you have NOT earned similar 'rights'.





Not to get too personal, but you have no idea what "rights" I have earned in this area. For that matter, any one else on this board. Nobody here is exploiting their personal tragedys for their own gain.


Yes, I can change the channel, no, I am not forced to watch it. But I do have the "right" to think that her show is trash...and yes, like a lot of things that pass for "news programming" her show does pander to the lowest common denominator.


Sorry, I don't think tragedy is anything that should be exploited...I think your defense, that she has earned the right to be a lunatic, is pretty weak...her ethics are very questionable.

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.I think your defense, that she has earned the right to be a lunatic, is pretty weak...her ethics are very questionable.



At this we agree, as I think your evaluation of her is weak and the ensuing logic (or lack thereof) absent and over emotive.


And you are right, by the way, I do not know your personal story; Yet, empathy by you would have been displayed earlier and the harsh comments would not have been stated if you shared similar personal tragedy. So I was comfortable making that statement. Again, this is nothing personal I am just going on basic critical thinking.


Either way this thread should be about done. We agree to disagree. On to bigger fish to fry.

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At this we agree, as I think your evaluation of her is weak and the ensuing logic (or lack thereof) absent and over emotive.


And you are right, by the way, I do not know your personal story;  Yet, empathy by you would have been displayed earlier and the harsh comments would not have been stated if you shared similar personal tragedy.  So I was comfortable making that statement.  Again, this is nothing personal I am just going on basic critical thinking.


Either way this thread should be about done.  We agree to disagree.  On to bigger fish to fry.



I wonder what "rights" anyone who has ever been accused of a crime that they didn't committ have. I have heard her hammer suspects in high profile murder stories, that have turned out to be innocent, or not even charged. I have yet to hear her apologize for any of it...she is irresponsible, no matter how tragic her circumstances are...


I wonder what "rights" anyone who has ever been accused of a crime that they didn't committ have. I have heard her hammer suspects in high profile murder stories, that have turned out to be innocent, or ulitimately, not even charged. I can't remember all the details, but there was a story last summer, where a woman was murdered in her home. Her husband happened to be a lawyer/analyst who made the CNN/FOX legal news rounds regularly. Initial reports came out that a neighbor was being questioned. It happened that this neighbor had a prior history of dealing with illeagal substances. That was all Ms Grace needed to convict the guy. She also used a news taped interview with the neighbor to declare that he was "unstable" and "crazy".There was no motive, other than that he was a man, and had a prior record. Turned out, the culprit was a teenage kid who lived about a mile away.


Nancy Grace could be using her degree, and whatever convictions she has to prosecute criminals in a court of law. Instead, making big money convicting innocent people, of crimes she does not have all the details on.


I have yet to hear her apologize for any of it...she is irresponsible, no matter how tragic her circumstances are...but I agree, we disagree! <_<

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I feel the same way about aggressive men who act the way Grace-less does.


Conduct yourself with dignity and class, and you don't have that problem.






I have no problem with agressive woman, when they are correct. Nancy Grace is not just agressive, she is nuts. I have two sisters who are lawyers, one a criminal lawyer. My best friends' wife is a lawyer as well....all of them think she is a disgrace to her profession. I happen to agree. I likely have more respect for lawyers than the avereage poster here. I don't really have much respect for Nancy Grace, as a lawyer. The tragedies she has incurred don't change any of that. I wholeheartedly agree with Buckeye Mike on this!

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