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I think it really comes down to how the Bills feel about Preston.  If they're the least bit wary, then going after Bentley makes a lot of sense.  Teague's days are certainly numbered; when you hear your OC talking about physical presence across the middle and athleticism on the ends, Teague at C doesn't fit that mold.


A great C can be the glue that holds a line together for years; for further clarification see:  Kent Hull.



Ya had to do it.... Dag.....I sure do miss the great play of Hull.....

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Yes, they do, but as you said the cost is divided per year of the contract. So the player gets the money up front, but only a fraction of it counts against the cap each year.


Unless the player is released, at which point all remaining yearly cap bonuses are lumped together to count against the cap the year he is released (or is it spread out over two years?). Either way, this is all going to pot because of the uncapped year in 2007.


Thanx, Rubes. So teams cannot get around the cap issue by simply paying a huge signing bonus. It makes sense. Given this calculation, I am now even more baffled about how Indy continues to pay their 'key' players so much.

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Thanx, Rubes. So teams cannot get around the cap issue by simply paying a huge signing bonus. It makes sense. Given this calculation, I am now even more baffled about how Indy continues to pay their 'key' players so much.


More baffling is the redskins ability to do so. I read somewhere earlier today that even if the skins were able to cut all of their players to the vet minimum they would still be $4 million over the cap.

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Everyone needs to shoot an email over to Marv and let him know what you are willing to kick in to sign Bentley.


Sort of like a "Sign LeCharles Telethon".


If Marv gets enough sponsor commitments...LB will be a Bill.

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Everyone needs to shoot an email over to Marv and let him know what you are willing to kick in to sign Bentley.


Sort of like a "Sign LeCharles Telethon". 


If Marv gets enough sponsor commitments...LB will be a Bill.


I'll continue buying 4 season tickets but if they don't sign him, I won't. Is that a sufficient contribution?

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I'm still sticking to my original thought.  Nick Mangold center from the National Champion Ohio State Buckeyes in the second round.  If the price is more than 5 million per year for Bentley, I'm not sure it's worth it in the long run.



For the price, we could probably make a serious run at Hutchinson even with the transition tag. IMHO Mangold in the second would be sweet and a lot cheaper! LeCharles is very good player but Hutch is the guy I really want.

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Oh the cash is there.  They just have to clear it.


Again I laid-out a plan in the "These players must be released" thread.


You're right. Normally I'm a fan of building the OL through the draft. But one or two free agents won't kill you, and Bentley's only been in the league four years. If it's a choice between keeping a declining Moulds or acquiring a top-flight OL in Bentley, it's not even close.

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The biggest problem on the O-Line IMHO, is that since Ruben Brown left, there's been no halfway decent player that's also a leader ala Kent Hull.  I know Teague being the most "senior" was the de facto guy.  But, really no one who could whip these guys into a frenzy.


I think Villarial, if he's healthy will step up, but we need someone with some experience and success to come in and act as the "glue."  I see no one on our present roster capable on being "the man."


Same thing with D-Line.  Adams is no leader by example.  Schoebel maybe.  But, again no leader.


I think as soon as we address the leadership factor, things will fall into place.


So eventhough Ruben was a sure bet for holding every other play, his locker room influence is sorely missed.


BTW, Chris Hovan I think would be a nice addition to our D line rotation.

I wouldn't put all of my chips behind Chris Villarrial, he's going into his 10th or 11th season and he was injured last season. Although i think there is still a possibility of his full recovery i still think his days are a little limited.



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I wouldn't put all of my chips behind Chris Villarrial, he's going into his 10th or 11th season and he was injured last season. Although i think there is still a possibility of his full recovery i still think his days are a little limited.

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I hate to say it, but based on this teams recent woes, we will be in the position of having to OVERPAY for any free agent that we court. If we are serious about Bentley then we are going to have to pay him what he wants. That likely includes a $12M + signing bonus. So, depending on how long the contract is and how much money he is set to make in base salary in the early years of the contract, we could be looking at a cap hit as low as $3.5 M to $4 M this season. I'd say it's worth it to help immediately make a clear improvement to the line.

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You're right. Normally I'm a fan of building the OL through the draft. But one or two free agents won't kill you, and Bentley's only been in the league four years. If it's a choice between keeping a declining Moulds or acquiring a top-flight OL in Bentley, it's not even close.

Well in Moulds' case, there seems to be a way to save almost $3M in cap room with his contract (would require him to take a 30% paycut and forgo a $1.1M bonus), yet still pay him over $4M for the season, which makes keeping him the smart thing to do. The trick will be getting him to accept it. Although I can't see him making more than $3M this season, if he were to be released and signed by another team.

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