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Van Halen Next "Rock Star" Reality Band?


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Poor Eddie

Rock group VAN HALEN will be the next big reality stars when they look for their new lead singer on reality talent show ROCK STAR: THE SERIES.


The rockers will be following in the footsteps of INXS, who used the reality TV contest to find their new frontman, JD FORTUNE.


INXS is now making a comeback with a new hit album and a sold-out tour.


Last October (05) Van Halen denied it would use the competition to find a new lead singer to replace former frontman SAMMY HAGAR, but have changed their tune after seeing the success of the new look INXS.


Van Halen publicist LARRY SOLTERS says, "I'm not denying it."



13/02/2006 21:22

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wow, that seems like a desperate attempt to get themselves back in the spotlight. INXS had a legit need, and that show had some rockin' performances. I only caught the second half of the season, but I really enjoyed a good bit of it. Marty and JD could bring it.

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I watched a bit of RockStar and I couldnt stand JD.  He does fit the rockstar image though.  I would like to see Van Halen do it, but maybe on Cinemax uncensored.




I doubt there's that much "uncensored" left in those guys. I like VH a lot, but I doubt their still "rippin' it up" after shows and whatnot, especially now that most of their groupies also qualify as soccer moms.



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I will say that I thought Rock Star was pretty good (although I hated JD). Unlike American Idol, the show focused on the TALENTED people, not the crappy William Hung types. Also, everyone on the show (as far as I remember) has really been singing professionally. For example, the girl who made it towards the end (Jordis) has been performing in a band around the Twin Cities for quite awhile.




At least these people have talent :wacko:


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I doubt there's that much "uncensored" left in those guys.  I like VH a lot, but I doubt their still "rippin' it up" after shows and whatnot, especially now that most of their groupies also qualify as soccer moms.





Are you kidding me? Look at how good Kiss still is live... I saw their last three tours and they are still kicking ass. I think VH can still be damn good... :wacko:

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Another article on this...

At Least The Poll Is Right


I think the poll on this one says it all. Why even bother with a tv show? Bring back Diamond Dave, they missed the boat back in '96 with the MTV Awards fiasco. Me Wise Magic was actually a pretty good song on their first Greatest Hits album, too bad they brought in Gary Cherone. I guess they'll never learn.

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I thought the Rock Star INXS show was very well done. They had more talent in their performers than on American Idol. JD was the right pick, and Pretty Vegas is the only good song on the new album. They should have waited longer to get more of his songs on it, because the stuff INXS came up with blows.


The whole idea of Van Halen being the next band is ridiculous. They've had three singers, and now they are going for a fourth? I understand there is no going back to DLR after the crap he has pulled and the gayness he's conveyed. Gary Sharone is a cool guy who was wrong for VH. But Sammy Hagar and Van Halen are the perfect match. I thought they were back together again after their misunderstanding? They are going to ruin what's left of their reputation doing something like Rock Star.

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Love it or hate it, Pretty Vegas is a pretty rockin' song.



Heck yeah...I actually thought JD was an asss at first, but a lot of the interviews and such swayed me. I felt he got his act together and began to show some maturity. But I agree, I can't get that song out of my head when I hear it. At first I really liked "Trees", even better than 'Pretty Vegas', but that's since changed.

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Heck yeah...I actually thought JD was an asss at first, but a lot of the interviews and such swayed me. I felt he got his act together and began to show some maturity. But I agree, I can't get that song out of my head when I hear it. At first I really liked "Trees", even better than 'Pretty Vegas', but that's since changed.


I want to poke a sharp object in my eye every time I hear that stupid Trees song.



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I want to poke a sharp object in my eye every time I hear that stupid Trees song.






You don't find it kinda catchy? 0:) You know what song that guy covered that was kick ass? I was FLOORED by his rendition of "Wish You Were Here" by Pink Floyd.....he friggin KILLED that song. I really enjoyed when Jordis sang "Imagine", too. I just hope if they do this all over again that they find some good talent just like the last show. There were some rockin' performances.

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