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I get 12 a year. Also get 24 days of vacation a year with rolloever to a max of 48days. Combining holidays, I get approx 35days of vacation a year. Gotta love working for a state university. One of the best welfare programs around :angry:

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Gordon Gecko? How is Anacot Steel? :angry:



Well... I do eat lunch, even though it's for wimps. It's just that someone goes and gets it for me.


True story... I took Monday off. I asked for it a couple of weeks ago. My boss said, "No problem." Friday, the feces impacts the atmospheric kinesis device and I work until 8 PM. I remind him that I'm out Monday. Of course, he forgot and asks, "Why? What for?" I say, "I'll be recovering from the Super Bowl party." Monday I awake to a phone call from him asking if I can come in for the afternoon because he'll be out (legitimate work reason) and another guy has a dentist appointment. I ducked those calls all day.


I also work 4 hours on Sunday once a month for options expiration. This whole thread is going to make me go work on my resume.

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Quit your whining, I would like you to deal with some the things we deal with on a daily basis. Im not complaining at all about my job, I love it. But I cant stand people that B word about teaching that have no clue.


and the pigs keep saying we need to pour more money into education for the kids.

where is the smilie with the middle finger when you need it!


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I have accumulated 520 hours (65 days) worth of available sick time. I haven't taken a sick day in 4 years. Each year we get a $100 bonus if we haven't used a sick day.  :angry:


Sooooo, you go to work sick, and spread your germs through the office?

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I get 4 hrs per pay period, which works out to be 13 sick days per year.  Unlike annual leave, we accrue sick leave @ the same rate forever.  Annual leave goes from 4 hrs per pay period (first 2 yrs) to 6 (next 13 years) to 8.  Only 6 more years 'til I get up to 8 hrs annual leave per pay period!



What federal agency do you work for? (you don't have to answer this)


I have 745 hours of sick accumulated (a little more than 93 days)


I am 4 months away from the 8 hour AL club.

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I just heard that Erie County Workers get 15 and that seemed ridiculous to me..I have always worked for myself so I have no idea about this...who in the hell is sick 15 times per year???



Another question to ask is how many of us get to show up to work when we want , work as long as we want and make our own cushey schedule?? Sick days are a contractual benefit earned through bargaining. Is it ok that the management of businesses get huge bonuses and reap the rewards of the white collar workers who perform the jobs that make some companies millions of dollars? Let the little man take advantage of union contracts made to make their lives a little better for him and his families. If you dont belong to a union then you will never understand fully what I mean.

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Quit your whining, I would like you to deal with some the things we deal with on a daily basis.  Im not complaining at all about my job, I love it. But I cant stand people that B word about teaching that have no clue.





[EDITED]. (mods....feel free to edit...but please do not delete!)

don't tell me i have no clue.

i have worked with teachers on a volunteer basis for the past 20 years. don't cry to me about what you have to do you loser!


you and your GD Freakin' teacher unions are sickening. they are breaking the back of the education system and then all you do is piss and moan about people who piss and moan. Screw you!!


This isn't an attack on students that continuously get pushed through the system and graduate even though they are functionally illiterate....i know parents are at fault. this is an attack on a-holes like yourself who seem to think they have is soooooooo hard. que the fuggin violins! :angry:

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[EDITED]  (mods....feel free to edit...but please do not delete!)

don't tell me i have no clue. 

i have worked with teachers on a volunteer basis for the past 20 years.  don't cry to me about what you have to do you loser!


you and your GD Freakin' teacher unions are sickening.  they are breaking the back of the education system and then all you do is piss and moan about people who piss and moan.  Screw you!!



I second that rant about the teachers' unions. I used to work for one of them, and was indirectly involved with the other. Bunch of friggin' leeches. Whatever benefits unions in general might provide, anyone involved in education would be better off if the AFT and NEA both were disbanded.

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Did I ever say that I have it hard? I have every weekend off, every major holiday, and all summer. Never said that one bud. And when the hell did I ever mention the union? Keep your name calling, you must be the bully at recess. Act like a civil adult will ya!

[EDITED]  (mods....feel free to edit...but please do not delete!)

don't tell me i have no clue. 

i have worked with teachers on a volunteer basis for the past 20 years.  don't cry to me about what you have to do you loser!


you and your GD Freakin' teacher unions are sickening.  they are breaking the back of the education system and then all you do is piss and moan about people who piss and moan.  Screw you!!  


This isn't an attack on students that continuously get pushed through the system and graduate even though they are functionally illiterate....i know parents are at fault.  this is an attack on a-holes like yourself who seem to think they have is soooooooo hard.   que the fuggin violins!   :angry:


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What federal agency do you work for?  (you don't have to answer this)


I have 745 hours of sick accumulated (a little more than 93 days)


I am 4 months away from the 8 hour AL club.




I don't mind answering it. Many people here know I work for SSA.


You have way more sick time than I do. I may have half of that, but not much more.

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