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Healthiest and Unhealthiest US Cities...

The Dean

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The Senator was kind enough to send me this article from that POS magazine, Men's Health. Anyway, it lists SF as the healthiest city in the country and Charleston, WV as the unhealthiest.





The article doesn't to bother mentioning the grueling Saturday Ironman Outing with The Dean. This isn't for the faint of heart and may have been a little too much for the Men's Health editors to handle.


I guess with the current thinking on what's "healthy", a day that starts as early as 6am at one of the dingiest dives in the Tenderloin (I suggest gin and grapefruit juice as a good eye-opener) and ends many-many hours later in a North Beach bar resembling the cantina from Star Wars may not fit their definition.


But the weak need not attend, I tell ya. The Outing requires stamina, the ability to walk long distances (occasionally uphill) while seriously impared and, occasionally, the grace to run and grab onto a departing cable car or metro train while smoking a stogie. You will see parts of the city you don't read about in the travel mags and comsume some of the finest, heart-clogging food the City has to offer.


Of course, the definition of "healthy" is pertty fluid and seems to change every few years...so, ya never know. Maybe we'll make next year's list.


As for Charleston...I've never been (although I have spent plenty of time in Weirton). But something tells me I'd like this place just fine, too. Here's a quick blurb from the article:


"One of the first things you notice at Charleston's Yeager Airport—besides an impressive American flag covering an entire wall—is a bright neon sign for Biscuit World. There you can order everything from shaved ham to fried apples in a fluffy biscuit. A trek through West Virginia's state capital reveals that there are actually two competing Biscuit World chains here..."


I assume they have bars.

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i would consider healthy as someone who excercises minimum 3 -4 times a week. Eat's 3-4 square meals a day. Has under 20% body fat (for males) and under 25% for females. Does not smoke cigarettes, and does not abuse alcohol and other drugs.

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I guess with the current thinking on what's "healthy", a day that starts as early as 6am at one of the dingiest dives in the Tenderloin (I suggest gin and grapefruit juice as a good eye-opener) and ends many-many hours later in a North Beach bar resembling the cantina from Star Wars may not fit their definition.


But the weak need not attend, I tell ya. The Outing requires stamina, the ability to walk long distances (occasionally uphill) while seriously impared and, occasionally, the grace to run and grab onto a departing cable car or metro train while smoking a stogie. You will see parts of the city you don't read about in the travel mags and comsume some of the finest, heart-clogging food the City has to offer.


Now that sounds like a good time. I've done the Ironman thing here in NYC, in Buffalo and in Hoboken, NJ. Its a lot of fun.

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i would consider healthy as someone who excercises minimum 3 -4 times a week.  Eat's 3-4 square meals  a day.  Has under 20% body fat (for males) and under 25% for females. Does not smoke cigarettes, and does not abuse alcohol and other drugs.




Well in that case being "healthy" sure doesn't sound too appealing to me! :lol:

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I lived in Charleston WV for a year in the 80's. What they don't mention in the article is Charleston is home to about a dozen major chemical plants, including the only other Union Carbide plant that makes the same crap that killed all the Indians in Bohpaul (sic). And since the city (and the plants) are all in a deep valley along the river, when the plants spew their crap, the haze (and stench) settles over the city.


Other than that, it's a nice town.



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Buffalo should be somewhere on that list. I was quite amused when I was visiting and went to a Sabres game. Fried bologna sandwiches at the concession?? Unfortunately I wasn't drunk enough.


Believe it or not, they are actually pretty good.

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