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OT - But kinda Sad, Strange, and Funny

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Seen this earlier and found it Sad, strange and funny all at the same time.


Apparently there was a contest for school kids to have Lebron come to your school if your group could get the most hours reading.


So the winning group had Lebron come to their class and read to them a Dr. Seuss book. Apparently he had trouble at the end with a tongue twister. After he was done they did some crafts with him, Dr. Seuss themed Crowns (for king James) using construction paper and pipe cleaners, etc.


The winning class was a sixth grade class.


Doesn't a 6th grade class seem to be a little old to be reading Dr. Seuss and making construstion paper crafts with?


Maybe its just me or has the school system really been getting much worse these days?


I figured I would share this with everyone

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Seen this earlier and found it Sad, strange and funny all at the same time.


Apparently there was a contest for school kids to have Lebron come to your school if your group could get the most hours reading.


So the winning group had Lebron come to their class and read to them a Dr. Seuss book.  Apparently he had trouble at the end with a tongue twister. After he was done they did some crafts with him, Dr. Seuss themed Crowns (for king James) using construction paper and pipe cleaners, etc.


The winning class was a sixth grade class.


Doesn't a 6th grade class seem to be a little old to be reading Dr. Seuss and making construstion paper crafts with?


Maybe its just me or has the school system really been getting much worse these days?


I figured I would share this with everyone


They are in Cleveland......................
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Seen this earlier and found it Sad, strange and funny all at the same time.


Apparently there was a contest for school kids to have Lebron come to your school if your group could get the most hours reading.


So the winning group had Lebron come to their class and read to them a Dr. Seuss book.  Apparently he had trouble at the end with a tongue twister. After he was done they did some crafts with him, Dr. Seuss themed Crowns (for king James) using construction paper and pipe cleaners, etc.


The winning class was a sixth grade class.


Doesn't a 6th grade class seem to be a little old to be reading Dr. Seuss and making construstion paper crafts with?


Maybe its just me or has the school system really been getting much worse these days?


I figured I would share this with everyone



How can having LeBron read to you be a worthy prize when he's never scored 81? 0:)

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common man, its called a tongue twister for a reason! why are we so eager to jump on every "shortcoming"..jeez! By the way what part of the English Language is the phrase "Seen this earlier...." considered acceptable? How sad, strange and funny it is that you have trouble with the english language!




Seen this earlier and found it Sad, strange and funny all at the same time.




Apparently there was a contest for school kids to have Lebron come to your school if your group could get the most hours reading.


So the winning group had Lebron come to their class and read to them a Dr. Seuss book.  Apparently he had trouble at the end with a tongue twister. After he was done they did some crafts with him, Dr. Seuss themed Crowns (for king James) using construction paper and pipe cleaners, etc.


The winning class was a sixth grade class.


Doesn't a 6th grade class seem to be a little old to be reading Dr. Seuss and making construstion paper crafts with?


Maybe its just me or has the school system really been getting much worse these days?


I figured I would share this with everyone


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common man, its called a tongue twister for a reason!  why are we so eager to jump on every "shortcoming"..jeez!   By the way what part of the English Language is the phrase "Seen this earlier...." considered acceptable?  How sad, strange and funny it is that you have trouble with the english language!



I could pick out many mistakes in your post too (Capital C for C'mon, not common, Capital W for Why)


But good for you, picking out a small grammar error in a post on a message board and using it to determine I have trouble with the english language. Good for you, you're obviously a better person than I am


I guess we have found a follower of "King James"


I was not taking a shot at him for not being able to say a tongue twister. I'm taking a shot at

1. The fact that an entire article was written about this

2. The fact that he is reading Dr. Seuss to a sixth grade class

3. The fact that a sixth grade class is making crafts for him out of construction paper and pipe cleaner


Maybe the Canadian school systems I was brought up in were different than the American systems where by sixth grade, you read at a higher level than Dr. Seuss, but maybe that was just my school (In sixth grade I was able to read Dr. Seuss in 2 languages)

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just to defend myself a bit. "common man" is an alternate way of saying C'mon man or come on man, made famous by a former freezing cold poster of yore. I am not a King James follower, however I do think he is an awesome talent and a seemingly ok guy. It just seems that everyone always try to knock the "haves" off thier pedastal, I know it is probably human nature, it just gets old time after time. Finally, knowing you are Canadian answers a lot....... :lol::doh:


I could pick out many mistakes in your post too (Capital C for C'mon, not common, Capital W for Why)


But good for you, picking out a small grammar error in a post on a message board and using it to determine I have trouble with the english language. Good for you, you're obviously a better person than I am


I guess we have found a follower of "King James"


I was not taking a shot at him for not being able to say a tongue twister. I'm taking a shot at

  1. The fact that an entire article was written about this

  2. The fact that he is reading Dr. Seuss to a sixth grade class

  3. The fact that a sixth grade class is making crafts for him out of construction paper and pipe cleaner


Maybe the Canadian school systems I was brought up in were different than the American systems where by sixth grade, you read at a higher level than Dr. Seuss, but maybe that was just my school (In sixth grade I was able to read Dr. Seuss in 2 languages)


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I'm not knocking Lebron either (I do think he is also grossly over paid and overly hyped) I guess it was more of a knock on the public school system.


P.S. Don't think that just cause I am a Canadian that I am bias when it comes to over paid players (I think Crosby, hockeys version of Lebron is also grossly overly hyped, unless he was in a Sabres uniform, then I would defend him all day, LOL)

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I'm not knocking Lebron either (I do think he is also grossly over paid and overly hyped) I guess it was more of a knock on the public school system.


P.S. Don't think that just cause I am a Canadian that I am bias when it comes to over paid players (I think Crosby, hockeys version of Lebron is also grossly overly hyped, unless he was in a Sabres uniform, then I would defend him all day, LOL)





I don't follow the NBA, but I do know that James is a very decent young man.


I suppose one could make a case for grossly overpaid, but 'tis a business that responds to the customer and what the customers think is value for their buck.


I wouldn't worry about this and that grammatical error, his, mine, yours.

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