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They are smarter than you think


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I think they wanted MM out but did not want him to pay the rest of his 3 year contract...so in order to get him out you do like every other boss in the working world does...


make life so miserable for them that they leave on thier own and you end up not only looking good ("He just left to my surprise")....but you do not have to pay him the final 3 years on the contract.


They knew what they were doing...they wanted him gone...this is how they did it.

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I said the same thing in another post. If a new HC is named within the next week... you know this was a fact and that Marv had contact with someone else long before this "sudden turn of events."


This whole situation reaks of corporate level manipulation to oust MM. I'm not disappointed, but I definitely think he was pushed out to save Wilson a big chunk of cashola.

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I think they wanted MM out but did not want him to pay the rest of his 3 year contract...so in order to get him out you do like every other boss in the working world does...


make life so miserable for them that they leave on thier own and you end up not only looking good ("He just left to my surprise")....but you do not have to pay him the final 3 years on the contract.


They knew what they were doing...they wanted him gone...this is how they did it.


yep -- http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=39260

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I think they wanted MM out but did not want him to pay the rest of his 3 year contract...so in order to get him out you do like every other boss in the working world does...


make life so miserable for them that they leave on thier own and you end up not only looking good ("He just left to my surprise")....but you do not have to pay him the final 3 years on the contract.


They knew what they were doing...they wanted him gone...this is how they did it.



It's called "constructive dismissal". Make someone's life a living hell until they quit. And it's illegal as hell.

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... but it's very hard to prove and it happens all the time.



I know it happens all the time. It happened to me. And I had absolutely no problem proving it. $$$ :w00t:


But in this case...there's nothing to prove. Speculating that RW !@#$ed with his own multi-hundred-million dollar asset to convince one man to leave so he could save $3M? I wouldn't be entirely surprised if the perceived value of the Bills franchise has dropped by some $20M over the course of the last two weeks. It's a nonsense speculation.

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I know it happens all the time.  It happened to me.  And I had absolutely no problem proving it.  $$$   :w00t:


But in this case...there's nothing to prove.  Speculating that RW !@#$ed with his own multi-hundred-million dollar asset to convince one man to leave so he could save $3M?  I wouldn't be entirely surprised if the perceived value of the Bills franchise has dropped by some $20M over the course of the last two weeks.  It's a nonsense speculation.


well, in the grand scheme of things i don't think the presence or nonpresence of a middling coach has any effect on a franchise's value. i also think that "making someone's job a living hell" consists of a helluva lot more than saying you want different offensive coaches than mularkey wanted or creating a loose, sem-coherent structure. it may have seemed like an impossible situation to mularkey, but compared to your average worker in a chicken factory or a paper products supplier, any argument he put forth wouldn't pass legal muster.


let me ask you this -- do you really think that wilson and levy are shedding tears about this turn of events? i don't. they'll find someone soon enough, and the faithful will rally. moreover, any possible decline in franchise value will spiral upwards once again as everyone starts to believe again.

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let me ask you this -- do you really think that wilson and levy are shedding tears about this turn of events? i don't. they'll find someone soon enough, and the faithful will rally. moreover, any possible decline in franchise value will spiral upwards once again as everyone starts to believe again.



No, I don't think they really care. But I don't think this is the result of some grand conspiracy to save Wilson $3M either.


And just the perception of bumbling management is enough to slice several millions in value off the franchise.

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But I don't think this is the result of some grand conspiracy to save Wilson $3M either.


i don't think it's a grand conspiracy either. i think it *may* (i'm not saying it is) well be a penny ante conspiracy on the part of ralph wilson, though. it fits his character, that's for sure.

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