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Peyton Manning To Buffalo

R. Rich

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A trade of even half the players cited here for Manning would gurantee we would appear in as naby SBs as Indy has during Manning's career.


Indy may (finally) make it to the big show this year and if they do (a big IF) it can be attributed as much to Indy having the Edge and Harrison to work with Manning's extraordinary talents to make the O work.


Polian doing a great assessment and contract negotiation job to put together an ST unit to work with that idiot Vanderjagt who has been money in the bank on kicks for a few years.


The team getting the best D HC in the league in Dungy to combine with a great draft choice in Freeney to finally get an adequate D performance from this crew.


I attribute a lot of the Bill's problems under TD to their history which began under Butler trying to make up for his and Ralph's miscalculation of how much Jimbo had left of over-focusing on QB to the detriment of the team.


From over-reaching in the draft and rushing TC along, to making a huge cap investment at QB by giving a big bonus to RJ, to miscalculating by extending (and thne cutting when they realized how foolish the extension was) Bledsoe and rushing JP along, the Bills bad results and fate over the last decade has been much about an over-focus on QB.

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I would trade them for Bill Polian; but only if we can also get their assistant first-aid coach to be our new DC.


Polian would run Sullivan and WGR right out of town!-if he let them get that far

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Let's trade our 8th overall selection, Willis McGahee, Lee Evans, Aaron Schobel, and Brian Moorman to Indy for Manning and their first round pick.



Go ahead and laugh, but a good friend of an ex-girlfriend of mine who works close to the Public Library where they have a copy of BOTH Marv's and Smerlas' books told me that she said that she had a dream where Tom Donnaho had this exact deal drawn up on the books and was about to make the call to Polian when instead the phone rang and it was Ralph, and well, you know the rest of the story.


I'm not kidding.

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And in other news, the Jets trade Curtis Martin, Levaraneus Coles, Justin McCareins, Shaun Ellis and their number one pick to Houston for Vince Young! :w00t:



And the NFL laughs as the texans really got hosed...

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