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Can Marv motivate Williams & McGahee?

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Marv Levy will get the chance to prove he is a master motivator by coaxing better performance out of Mike Williams and Willis McGahee. There's no question superstar athletes (and those that think they are) need to be handled just so: feed their egos, but make them want to work hard. As much as Bruce Smith avoided training camp like the plague, he at least showed up game day. Even Kelly needed to be won over to Marv's way of thinking.



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Marv Levy will get the chance to prove he is a master motivator by coaxing better performance out of Mike Williams and Willis McGahee.  There's no question superstar athletes (and those that think they are) need to be handled just so:  feed their egos, but make them want to work hard.  If Marv, through Mularkey, can reach these two, the Bills will excel.





i didn't know that was the job of the general manager.

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i didn't know that was the job of the general manager.


It's not usually, but there's no law that says a GM can't help where it's needed. I thnk the Levy/Mularkey relationship will be quite different from the usual coach/GM tandem.



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It's not usually, but there's no law that says a GM can't help where it's needed.  I thnk the Levy/Mularkey relationship will be quite different from the usual coach/GM tandem.





levy needs to spend his time finding talent, motivating players will have to be mularkey's role.

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I think Levy will at least have to spend a little time with Coach M, showing him how it's done.






i don't care any more, i just wanna see playoffs

it kills me to see the playoffs with out the bills :doh:

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Marv Levy will get the chance to prove he is a master motivator by coaxing better performance out of Mike Williams and Willis McGahee.  There's no question superstar athletes (and those that think they are) need to be handled just so:  feed their egos, but make them want to work hard.  As much as Bruce Smith avoided training camp like the plague, he at least showed up game day.  Even Kelly needed to be won over to Marv's way of thinking. 





We will need organizational and people skills to overcome Mularky's lame duck status. Will the players perform knowning MM is on thin ice. Plus Marv will have his hands full trying to sign qualified coaches to come here knowing there could be a house cleaning next year.



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As much as Bruce Smith avoided training camp like the plague, he at least showed up game day. 



Bruce was the man. He earned his training camp hiatus. He'd be home in Virginia during the offseason cranking out 3 hours everyday on the Stairmaster. When your perennial Pro Bowler and best defensive player shows up for training camp with 3% body fat, I think I would let him slide by in the tedious drills as well.


Marv was solid with the veterans...Almost the anti-Mularkey. Marv knew Bruce put the work in, and he didn't need to practice a speed rush drill in July when it's 94 degrees. The vets knew Marv was in charge and respected him, and he gave that respect right back. He didn't need to make a point by being a hardass and forcing your Pro Bowlers to do "rookie" drills. I get the feeling MM hasn't grasped that yet, and is determined to show everyone, vets included, that he is the boss.


That being said, I don't see anyone on this current Bills roster who has earned enough distinction or is disciplined enough in their own workout regiment to get the "Club Marv" treatment during training camp. Moulds probably has the skill and you know he shows up in terrific shape, but it appears the attitude is lacking, which is probably the most important part.

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I never knew JK and BS needed motivation. I think JK and BS motivated Marv.


People forget that in his rookie year, Bruce was an overweight crybaby.


JK arrived as "god". How much more motivation did he need? In his first start he was co-MVP with Ken O'Brien and the Bills LOST to the Jets that day.


Marv would do well to be a part time behind the scenes mentor to MM. He cannot place MM in a position where MM says "do this" and the players look at Marv to see if he nods his head before they do it. :doh:


That is how we will find out if it was just TD or TD and MM.

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