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Lost my father in law last night


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It was a blessing that he went so quickly.  Thank you for all who wrote when I said something Thanksgiving time.  See you all at the game this weekend.  It will be my last for the year.


Yes, that is what Roger would have wanted. He and his son where the special type of man that were so giving of themselves.  Larry cried in his hospital bed when I went to visit him and the Bills were playing Miami that day at home. Rogr just came out and told be to get my butt to the stadium the team needed me more than he did.



i'm sorry to hear that

my condolences

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I should just die, right?


Then, when my wife loses me, you can tell her to look under the couch.



Not to belittle Cindy's loss, if you get run over by a bus, how will your wife find you under it? A flat scoop?

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I used to have some...but I lost it.  I think it's under the couch...





These people don't know how far back we go. You totally made me smile and laugh. Coming from you, this was so funny. If it were a stranger it would be different.


We are doing quite well. I just got back from the funeral director and of couse it was the same as Larry's - going for the same service - It is Saturday at 1 and by 3 I'm heading to Orchard Park so I can lift a couple drinks in his memory and be close to the room for Sunday.

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These people don't know how far back we go.  You totally made me smile and laugh.  Coming from you, this was so funny.  If it were a stranger it would be different.


We are doing quite well.  I just got back from the funeral director and of couse it was the same as Larry's - going for the same service - It is Saturday at 1 and by 3 I'm heading to Orchard Park so I can lift a couple drinks in his memory and be close to the room for Sunday.



They may not, but those people's honest outpourings of concern likely have been hardened...

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These people don't know how far back we go.  You totally made me smile and laugh.  Coming from you, this was so funny.  If it were a stranger it would be different.


We are doing quite well.  I just got back from the funeral director and of couse it was the same as Larry's - going for the same service - It is Saturday at 1 and by 3 I'm heading to Orchard Park so I can lift a couple drinks in his memory and be close to the room for Sunday.



So he wasn't under the couch then? Check the closets then...I lost my grandmother once, and found her two days later in the linen closet. :flirt:

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