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LOST 2.09 Discussion Thread

UConn James

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Why thank you...don't mind if I do.


Not a spectuclar episode...at least not in the vain of the last two...but interesting to say the least.


I love the development of Eko's character...looks like he steps even more to the forefront next week.


So, I wasn't too far off with my theory that she off'ed her abusive dad, now was I? :doh:


I don't think its actually Walt on the computer...more likely either the island or the Others f'ing around trying to get our surivors to screw up the computer.


More tomorrow.

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I thought it was a very good ep. Lots of action, and finally a few answers that aren't entirely/immediately followed by new questions that completely overshadow it. I was getting a little tired of seeing the tail section group; we need to get on with the story


Was surprised there wasn't an introductory close-up of Kate's eye to begin, which has been the normal establishment of the POV. But they have been tricky about that this season. The explosion caught me off guard. I'm going to have to reflect on how all of that backstory fits in with Tom and that toy airplane.... That scene with her and Jack --- she certainly headed off any question/accusation he was going to make. :D (And speaking of that topic, in the intro, it was made apparent that Jin and Sun got jiggy. Jin also finally got the handcuff removed --- a literal and figurative moment, perhaps?) How the hell does a black stallion get on the island, but as Charlie said.... Also makes you want to go back and read the Cliff's Notes on the book of the same name, as the writers haven't been shy about the extra-textual references. It's been a long time since I read that. Also, combined with the polar bear, it fits into the running black/white scheme (ie the backgammon pieces, the pebbles with Adam and Eve, etc).


I'm liking Eko's character too. Especially since Locke has recently become something similar to what he was at the box company the past several weeks. What was the line that Eko said about coincidence and fate? And what was the tie-in with the biblical story? From the preview for next week, Eko seems to know exactly what was going on with that drug plane, almost like he's been on the island before. :D Or am I reading that wrong? Or could he now be getting some of the island's mojo that Locke has/had.


Sawyer's first line when back from the brink was :lol:.


I'm not discounting that it is Walt on the other end of the computer message. If you remember his whisper.... Funny about the blast doors, as Michael noticed. Yet they seem to enclose/protect the computer room.

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I thought the episode was really good because it hardly had any Ana-Lucia.


Whoever cut the missing part of the film obviously did it to lure the Swan hatch people over to their zone of craziness. I'm glad that they're moving on with the story and it looks next week they are going to bring back the monster.

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I thought this episode was great! I am still holding onto my reality show theory.


Did anyone notice whether the horse had the dharma symbol like the shark or polar bear? Is there a horse in the mural drawn on the hatch's wall?


Also, the chest where Eko found the bible was very old and some speculated it was from the blackrock. If that is the case - why was there a peice of the film in it?


Who is trying to hide the contents of the film? The content had to do with not messing with the cpu and about an "incident". Are there more parts of the film to be found?

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The next new episode is Jan. 11.









Reflecting further, this seemed to parallel "White Rabbit" pretty well. (Another ep with the white&black animal imagery/reference). Opening sequence where the flashback showed her trying to help someone (tho it's a much different concept of help than Jack sticking up for Mark Silverman). Sleep deprivation causing hallucinations, only what Kate was seeing turned out to be real, apparently. Both reject their fathers for who they are.


Only thing is that Kate didn't have a breakthrough leadership moment, per se. But that would just be too closely paralleled, and besides, she's not going to be taking the reins from Jack, nor does she want to. But it is interesting to note that in the extras from the DVD, Kate's character was called "Our Hero." This was at the point where they were going to kill Jack off in the pilot. But. I wouldn't be surprised if, at some point, Jack does die and Kate takes over for his leadership.


Also, to muse here.... Wouldn't it be possible to have this show extend past the point where they are rescued, if they ever are? Piecing all of their linkages together?

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Also, to muse here.... Wouldn't it be possible to have this show extend past the point where they are rescued, if they ever are? Piecing all of their linkages together?



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What was the line that Eko said about coincidence and fate? And what was the tie-in with the biblical story?




from this article:



Meantime, the island's two presumptive holy men — Locke and Eko — finally hunkered down. Locke played the Dharma orientation film for Michael and Eko.


The film unsettled Eko, who later revealed to Locke what was hidden inside the Bible found in the tail-enders' Dharma station: some of the film's missing footage of Dr. Marvin Candle.


Demonstrating that he could run enigmatic circles around Locke, Eko prefaced this revelation by recounting the biblical tale of Josiah (the Judaic king who purged the Jerusalem temple of idols and repaired it), drawing a parallel between Josiah's rediscovery of God's laws and his own discovery of the Bible.


When Locke marveled at the coincidence of it all, Eko replied, "Don't mistake coincidence for fate."


The Josiah thing is admittedly puzzling, and how fortunate there's six weeks to hash it all out. For one thing, Josiah later fatally led his forces into Megiddo, the valley where Armageddon supposedly will take place. There's Kate's black horse, which also has apocalyptic overtones. Add that to last week's curious moment with Locke filling "Gilgamesh" into his crossword puzzle, responding to the clue, "Enkidu's friend." Is Locke Gilgamesh? Is Eko Enkidu? (Totally confused?) Nothing like a Christmas-vacation research project.


also links to gilgamesh/enkidu summary:


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I am surprised that no one mentioned the implications of Michael using the computer for something else then entering the numbers. I also agree the others with, a military background,are part of the dharma experiment and are controlling the other terminal. Not much was shown of the "other" hatch.

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Sayid on the TV when Kate goes to the recruiting station to visit her "dad"





Nice catch for whoever noticed it. Here, we're all too busy watching Kate.


The people on that site are saying that Kate was 24 at the time she killed Wayne 'And since Kate is still hot, she must now only be, like, 30 at the most!!!! Because no one who's over 30 is sexy; 30 is the new middle age. OK? OK? OK?', and therefore, the image of Sayid is from Gulf War II. Stupid thought if you ask me. Look at the clothing, hairstyles, etc. Definitely 1991. And the character of Kate, tho EL is 26 in real life, is pushing mid-30s.


As another tack-on, it was surprising to hear her motive for killing Wayne. It wasn't all that stuff and various abuse theories, it was that she couldn't stand that he was her father. She's revolted not for who he is, but b/c of who she is. And, as she said, Sawyer reminds him of Wayne every time she looks at him. Probably the reason for her manic hot/cold attitude toward Sawyer that I was a little miffed at last season.


"You asked me why I did it? It wasn't 'cause you drove my father away, or the way you looked at me or because you beat her. It was 'cause I hated that you were a part of me, that I would never be good. Every time I look at Sawyer, every time I feel something for him, I see you, Wayne, and it makes me sick."

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And now that I'm reflecting on my last post, there's been a lot of emphasis on the seperate characters wondering or asking whether they are/were "good" people. Then add in the Others' taking the "good people" as Goodwin said.


The exchange b/w Christian and Sawyer in the bar. "The truth is I. Am. Weak. My son is a good man, maybe even a great man."


The exchange b/w Jin and Sun on whether they crashed b/c they were being punished (for what Jin was forced to do for her father).


Charlie wanting to clean up his act, and failing.


The psychic saying that Claire's baby had to be raised by her, b/c it is only her goodness that will keep him from.... bad things, somehow or other.


Michael worrying that he won't be a good father to Walt and trying to fob off caring for him on his mother.


....Anyone else?

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I friggin fell asleep halfway in and I also missed the movie, because I was checking espn for SU/Mannhattan score updates! 2 weeks in a row I missed, I hope they replay them in the next month


Yeah. Strip malls and.... palm trees? :D


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