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It's sad. Too many people here seem to enjoy

Max Fischer

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IMO, those type all very bad "fans."  Malcontents who like being miserable and get more satisfaction saying "we suck" than winning.


It's embarrassing.



Further proof that Bills "fans" are not the best in the league...not by a long shot.

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IMO, those type all very bad "fans."  Malcontents who like being miserable and get more satisfaction saying "we suck" than winning.


It's embarrassing.



I agree- we must be more patient- we have a young group, over time they develop. The media likes to point out the worst to first teams, as if they're commonplace....fact is, they're not

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IMO, those type all very bad "fans."  Malcontents who like being miserable and get more satisfaction saying "we suck" than winning.


It's embarrassing.



Sort of like WNY voters who keep reelecting the same failed politicians and complining about the results! Yikes, send this over to the PPP....noooooo <_<

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Actually, no.  Not like a real fan.  They feel better playing the doomsayer.



cut your real fan fake fan bullsh*t...everyone is fuming, not celebrating the loss


you on the other hand seem to be relishing driving a wedge between fans and proclaiming yourself the real deal

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Further proof that Bills "fans" are not the best in the league...not by a long shot.



That's not the case. I think the Bills fan are some of the most loyal in all of sports. The problem is we wait 8 months for a team we thought was playoff caliber only coming to the sobering realization that this team is not very good (both offense and defense). The delta between what was expected and what is happening is huge. I'm just glad I didn't buy season tickets this year to fly to Buffalo to see this garbage.

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I desperately want JP to succeed. I thought that he was not ready for the Bills to discard DB and hand over control of the offense to JP yet.


QB in the NFL may be one of the most difficult positions in sports. It is very difficult for a young QB to come in and be successful unless you have a team like the Steelers around you.


Not only is JP showing that he is not ready, the Bills may be hurting the one attribute that they all raved about -- his confidence.


At this point, I don't think that we should pull him. That would further hurt his confidence. We probably have to take our lumps and go through the groing pains with him.


I thought he was not ready. He is not. I hope that he can use these games as learning experiences.


I also hope that these games amply illustrate the importance of winning games at the line of scrimmage. Football is pretty basic. If you can control the line of scrimmage, you will win 9 times out of 10. This season just shows that DB was not the problem. I just hope that the Bills get it soon enough to save JP. Otherwise, we will have wasted another first round draft choice.


Again, I honestly believe that JP has the tools. The Bills just made the wrong decision to make him the starter this year. They should have concentrated on improving the o-line and gotten another year or two out of DB. That would have served the team better, DB better, and certainly JP better.

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That's not the case. I think the Bills fan are some of the most loyal in all of sports. The problem is we wait 8 months for a team we thought was playoff caliber only coming to the sobering realization that this team is not very good (both offense and defense).  The delta between what was expected and what is happening is huge. I'm just glad I didn't buy season tickets this year to fly to Buffalo to see this garbage.



I saved on tickets too and I'm glad I didn't waste money on the NFL ticket. In fact, I going to start doing something useful on Sunday afternoons and TIVO this supposed 'entertainment' to watch later, maybe. I've reached my Koolaid limit.

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