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Allergies anyone

bob marley

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My alergies are going crazy.  I sure hope the bills are allergic to the Birds like I am allergic to the goldenrod.




I swear I can't remember sneezing once in the past 3 years (ok I'm exaggerating). And even before that, my allergies hadn't bothered me more than occcasionally for YEARS. This year? Sneezing like a bastard, and eyes itching and watering like crazy... it's driving me nuts.

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Before this past spring, I had never had allergies before and I would always look funny at people who did. No more b/c I understand that hell. Late May/early June just before I did a road trip to WNY, my nose was entirely congested, woke up several times during the night as my palate was aching when I breathed.... Maybe it was a specific allergen that I've never been exposed to before. Haven't had any problems recently, tho.

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I swear I can't remember sneezing once in the past 3 years (ok I'm exaggerating). And even before that, my allergies hadn't bothered me more than occcasionally for YEARS. This year? Sneezing like a bastard, and eyes itching and watering like crazy... it's driving me nuts.



Welcome home... :lol:


I don't know how weird I am but I get what I call "allergy attacks." I'll completely fill up for maybe two hours at most (sometimes only a half hour), completely miserable at the time, but it seems most of the time I'd be over it before any medicine could help. Usually in the morning (occasionally in the afternoon), worst when it's damp. Does this happen to anyone else, or is this just yet another way that I'm weird?

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Welcome home... :lol:


I don't know how weird I am but I get what I call "allergy attacks."  I'll completely fill up for maybe two hours at most (sometimes only a half hour), completely miserable at the time, but it seems most of the time I'd be over it before any medicine could help.  Usually in the morning (occasionally in the afternoon), worst when it's damp.  Does this happen to anyone else, or is this just yet another way that I'm weird?



Dan, EXACTLY how i am. Every morning for the last 2 weeks, at least one person at work has asked "getting a cold, huh?"... nope.. my allergies only seem to mess with me in th A.M. hours... by 11 o'clock today, I was fine.

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Welcome home... :lol:


I don't know how weird I am but I get what I call "allergy attacks."  I'll completely fill up for maybe two hours at most (sometimes only a half hour), completely miserable at the time, but it seems most of the time I'd be over it before any medicine could help.  Usually in the morning (occasionally in the afternoon), worst when it's damp.  Does this happen to anyone else, or is this just yet another way that I'm weird?


I had what I thought was allergies since high school. Sounds like what you are describing Dan, but mine would last much longer, usually the rest of the day. Benadryl would help but make me very drowsy. I had all the allergy tests done and they found a slight allergy to dust mites but thats most people. I finally went to see an ear, nose and throat doctor about a year ago. He said I had a slightly deviated septum, an inflamed somethingorother, and I don't remember what else. The point is, he gave me a prescription for Nasonex. The next day I had another one of my "attacks", but I haven't had a single one since. The Dr. said the medicine doesn't work immediately and thats why I had the single attack but that there is no reason I can't stay on the spray indefinitely. Two quick sprays in each nostril once a day (I do it right after the shower when my nose is clearest) and I can breathe better than I ever remember being able to breathe before. I am also able to sleep much better breathing through my nose which I never could do before.

If it bothers you bad enough, get it checked out. I don't know why I waited so long.

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Right now the major allergy is to ragweed. Lasts until the first frost.

I never had it until I was waiting in line to register for my freshman year at UB. My eye swelled shut and I went through a box of kleenex a day. Woud sneeze up to 20 times in a row. Woke up with my eyes "cemented" closed by "sleep". My ears would itch (the tubes to them) and my eyes would itch unless I put a washcloth with ice on them. Several years later, I sneezed so strongly, I pulled a muscle in my neck!

It bothered me every year from Aug15th till the frost until I moved to California. Ragweed is out here, but the epitope (part of the pollen particle) I am allergic to must be slightly different in the subspecies out here.

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Welcome home... :flirt:


I don't know how weird I am but I get what I call "allergy attacks."  I'll completely fill up for maybe two hours at most (sometimes only a half hour), completely miserable at the time, but it seems most of the time I'd be over it before any medicine could help.  Usually in the morning (occasionally in the afternoon), worst when it's damp.  Does this happen to anyone else, or is this just yet another way that I'm weird?



I get them. I have a pretty severe reaction to grass pollen, nothing else bothers me though. When I used to have a lawn to mow I wouldn't be able to function for a couple hours afterwards, even with my medication. I'd go inside and lay in front of a air purifier.


Luckily for now, somebody else does the mowing. This year was actually a great year for me. I haven't even had to take my medication past June as the grass was dead most of the summer.

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