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MS Gulf Coast/New Orleans


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Not all parts of Biloxi are covered by the FEMA flood program. Also, I live across the bay from Biloxi in a city named D'Iberville. Now, the area we live in is NOT an area that the Federal Government is trying to limit growth. Schools, churches, neighborhoods, and stores have been built in this area. A good portion of it is not in a flood zone, and they do charge 500 or more a month for flood insurance. A lot of you would not understand how the system works down here. Just because it works in a certain way in VA does not mean it works the same on the Gulf Coast, which is prone to Hurricane activity.



Flood insurance is Flood insurance whether you live in PA or MS.


Why? Because FEMA runs the flood insurance program in all 50 states. You buy insurance thru your insurance company, but the policy is "owned" by the federal gov't. So yes, when yourhouse is flooded, I pay for it.

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Is this board not under Politics, Polls, and Pundits? Because last I checked it was. Yes, I am a Bills fan. I am originally from Buffalo. I ended up down in MS by joining the United States Air Force. I come to this site regularly to check up on the Bills, and to see what the community thinks of them. And as of right now, the Bills are not looking that good. Tampa Bay exploited a large number of wholes in our offense and defense. It's going to take time for JP to develop. This is his "first" year. I just hope it does not take to long. Also, the loss of Pat Williams is huge. Right now the Bills defense is not doing that well. Cadillac rushed all over the Bills. Whenever a team can run the ball that well, they win. Enough said. I just hope the Bills will be able to run the ball much better against Atlanta. If they fall to 1 and 2 this could be another VERY long season. Honestly, I see the Bills going 8-8, which will not get them into the playoffs. I think it is pathetic this team has not made the playoffs since the 99-00 season. Our organization has fallen to the bottom of the NFL.




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Flood insurance is Flood insurance whether you live in PA or MS.


Why? Because FEMA runs the flood insurance program in all 50 states. You buy insurance thru your insurance company, but the policy is "owned" by the federal gov't. So yes, when yourhouse is flooded, I pay for it.



Yeah, only 5,000 bucks. When a middle class home is destroyed, what is 5,000 supposed to do? If you think that money helps you are crazy. If your home was desstroyed you would expect a lot more too.

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I unerstand a lot of what your saying, and honestly, I"m not going to comment on it until I can do some research, which I will do. But, there is one thing I do want to comment on. When looking at the populated areas of MS, such as the Gulf Coast, Jackson area, Hattiesburg area, and Oxford area, it ranks in the top 12 in thte nation. What brings down the scores is the poor delta area, which is in the northern portion of the state. So, do not consider the state of MS as the least educated state in our nation.

Also, I recently learned of a test that NY students are required to pass, in order to graduate from high school. I cannot remember the name of it, but over 3,500 students failed it this pass year. A good portion of them coming fromt the western New York area. If your wondering how I know this, it is because I have family who live in Tonawanda, Grand Island, and Rochester.


3,500 out of how many? There are over 18MM people living in NY. I don't know how many are 18 year olds, but if the 3,500 is out of the entire state, that is fantastic, if it is out of the Buffalo City School District, that's not so good. I don't know what exam you are referring to so I can't comment on the results.


By the way, I did a little digging on the internet and found one source that had MS rated all the way up at 47 in 2004. I apologise about exaggerating about the MS school system deficiencies. (In case you were wondering, NY was ranked 6.)



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Yeah, only 5,000 bucks. When a middle class home is destroyed, what is 5,000 supposed to do? If you think that money helps you are crazy. If your home was desstroyed you would expect a lot more too.


Couple of things.


First off, I was a lead analyst on the single family system at HUD that dealt with the collection, distribution and claims on the different types of insurance back in the mid 90's. These included PMI, flood, etc...


Secondly if you were being charged 500 dollars the house you bought was built in a federally protected land area that the feds wanted to control development on, hence the "non-federally" subsidized extra charges.


Thirdly if you bought that house, and did not get insurance, then it is like gambling. Yeah you saved 500 a month that you wouldn't get hit, but when the dealer has black jack, you pay up. The reason you paid that was because the feds pretty much let the private insurers charge what they wanted.


Sorry for your loss, but I do not expect the federal government to bail you out because you chose not to insure yourself.

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3,500 out of how many?  There are over 18MM people living in NY.  I don't know how many are 18 year olds, but if the 3,500 is out of the entire state, that is fantastic, if it is out of the Buffalo City School District, that's not so good.  I don't know what exam you are referring to so I can't comment on the results. 


By the way, I did a little digging on the internet and found one source that had MS rated all the way up at 47 in 2004.  I apologise about exaggerating about the MS school system deficiencies.  (In case you were wondering, NY was ranked 6.)




3500 is great even in WNY where there are roughly 3 million people. That is about .1% if my math is correct. In our county alone it's close to 10% that don't pass those tests every year.

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3,500 out of how many?  There are over 18MM people living in NY.  I don't know how many are 18 year olds, but if the 3,500 is out of the entire state, that is fantastic, if it is out of the Buffalo City School District, that's not so good.  I don't know what exam you are referring to so I can't comment on the results. 


By the way, I did a little digging on the internet and found one source that had MS rated all the way up at 47 in 2004.  I apologise about exaggerating about the MS school system deficiencies.  (In case you were wondering, NY was ranked 6.)





The test begins with an "R." Now, I am not sure if it is for Seniors only, but from what I have heard the results are from Western New York. There is a plus side to this. Many people have been complaining that the test is just to hard for high schoolers. Not every child is meant to go to college, which means a lot of them will have trouble passing this test.


A big factor for NY doing so well in school is all due to one thing and that is money. NY spends a large amount of cash on their childrens education. When resources are made available to the community, teachers, and students, things can and will go well. Once you start teaching in NY, you have to have your Master's Degree with in 3 years! That is requirement most states do not have. Ofcourse, the pay teacher's receive in NY also help's attract high quality educators. If it was not for the cold weather, taxes, cost of living, and a number of other things, I would probably move back to NY. However, there is one thing keeping me down here on the coast, and that is the coast it self. The environment is outstanding, the winters are mild, and there is a large amount of entertainment. Yes, I do miss a lot of Bills games, but the way they're playing right now I really do not care.

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Hurricane Rita, which may be just as damaging as Katrina, if not worse. I have a number of worries, such as the people in Texas and western Louisiania. I want them to be ok, and to not experience what we experienced in Biloxi, MS. However, a number of us down here have a certain fear, and thats being left behind. If the damage caused by Rita is at a high cost, what will happen to the people effected by Katrina? Will our Government forget about the billions of dollars in damage on the coast? Will our Government pull a lot of it's support groups out and send them to TX? Now, I do want those people to be taken care, but I do not want us to be forgotten about. People in other parts of the country, such as Buffalo, do not know what this is like. You have not lost your homes, your jobs, or even your friends and family. Now, I do understand that you guys do get a tough Blizzard every now and then, but that is no where in comparison of a hurricane 4 or higher. I just want to see an equal amount of support applied to both areas. Both sides deserve it, and both sides need it.



Nothing to worry about. Once Bushter cuts all the fat out of the federal budget I'm sure you will all be just fine. I'm worried about all the evacuees from inside the beltway showing up at our shelters when bush cuts their jobs. Hell, that's about a third of the people on this board!! <_<

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Then raise your states taxes, and have your states become self sufficient and not rely on the feds for everything.



everytime there is a blizzard the Feds don't send tractors, and troops to Buffalo along with 10 billion.  The state and local government pay for that.  They pay to have the road repairs done.  They pay higher gas bills because it gets cold. 


Well those states along the gulf coast should learn to be more self sufficient and not look for handouts.  How about a rainy day or hurricane fund, because you know damn well you're gonna need it on occassion.




r u nuts?? there is no comparison of snow storms to a !@#$ing hurricane, no comparison at all, its like comparing apples with !@#$ing elephants... any city can handle even the most severe of snow storms , as i was through an ice storm that lasted a month and froze montreal to temperatures ud never imagine but it doesnt compare to being stuck in a category 5 hurricane... wtf is wrong with u lol

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r u nuts?? there is no comparison of snow storms to a !@#$ing hurricane, no comparison at all, its like comparing apples with !@#$ing elephants... any city can handle even the most severe of snow storms , as i was through an ice storm that lasted a month and froze montreal to temperatures ud never imagine but it doesnt compare to being stuck in a category 5 hurricane... wtf is wrong with u lol


Neither of these hit as a cat 5 hurricane first off.


Second off people are offered insurance for a reason. To insure they can rebuild if there is a problem


Third, if you can't afford the insurance then you probably can't afford to rebuild either if you take your chances, and therefore you probably could not afford to buy the house in the first place. So WTF should the government pick up rebuilding your house for you because you were obviously too cheap or unwilling to take care of yourself.


Sorry not the governments job. There job is to provide basic relief, general aid and support that above and beyond the local government and help maintain control and order. Also to provide some stimulous to get business back. Beyond that it is the local governments and the individuals to rebuild there homes, streets, etc...

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The test begins with an "R." Now, I am not sure if it is for Seniors only, but from what I have heard the results are from Western New York. There is a plus side to this. Many people have been complaining that the test is just to hard for high schoolers. Not every child is meant to go to college, which means a lot of them will have trouble passing this test.


A big factor for NY doing so well in school is all due to one thing and that is money. NY spends a large amount of cash on their childrens education. When resources are made available to the community, teachers, and students, things can and will go well. Once you start teaching in NY, you have to have your Master's Degree with in 3 years! That is requirement most states do not have. Ofcourse, the pay teacher's receive in NY also help's attract high quality educators. If it was not for the cold weather, taxes, cost of living, and a number of other things, I would probably move back to NY. However, there is one thing keeping me down here on the coast, and that is the coast it self. The environment is outstanding, the winters are mild, and there is a large amount of entertainment. Yes, I do miss a lot of Bills games, but the way they're playing right now I really do not care.



It's called the Regent's exam. Several of my cousins who live in WNY have taken it, and I've heard that kids pull their hair out over it. It's pretty much a one-shot do-or-die. Have a bad day on test day (and we've all had days like that where nothing goes right) and you're pretty much screwed for life.


Here in CT, the CAPT test is a similar thing and you take it as a junior with a chance to retry in your senior year any part you didn't pass. They are also spread out over several days, with a few hours each day.


I wouldn't say money is the only part of the equation. It also takes willpower and resolve. But money, either in public or private endevors is a big part of it. If you want kids to do well, you're probably going to have to pay taxes; if you're content with failure as long as you get your tax cuts, that's your opinion. But bear in mind those dropouts and failures grow up w/ a much higher likelihood of becoming criminals. Either way, it takes our tax money. I'd prefer to have tax money go to education with a positive potential to society and our economy rather than the police budgets, courts, building more jails, social services, etc. after someone's ruined their life.

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It's called the Regent's exam. Several of my cousins who live in WNY have taken it, and I've heard that kids pull their hair out over it. It's pretty much a one-shot do-or-die. Have a bad day on test day (and we've all had days like that where nothing goes right) and you're pretty much screwed for life.



Boy, that takes me back. I attended Buffalo Public Schools, and in high school back then, one could opt to take City final exams or the NYS Regent's exams all 4 years, in subjects such as math, English, history, biology, and chemistry.


By taking and passing the Regent's exams all 4 years, you got "two" h.s. diplomas. I have one that says diploma in academic science from the City of Buffalo, and another from The University of the State of New York - Education Department.


I'm guessing the exam you are referring to is the one to see if you qualify for matriculation within SUNY and whether or not you get a scholarship.


I did well on it - nice for me - but I had plenty of classmates that did so-so and to the extent I have kept in touch through the years, they were not screwed for life - far from it in many cases. <_<

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Neither of these hit as a cat 5 hurricane first off. 


Second off people are offered insurance for a reason.  To insure they can rebuild if there is a problem


Third, if you can't afford the insurance then you probably can't afford to rebuild either if you take your chances, and therefore you probably could not afford to buy the house in the first place.  So WTF should the government pick up rebuilding your house for you because you were obviously too cheap or unwilling to take care of yourself. 


Sorry not the governments job.  There job is to provide basic relief, general aid and support that above and beyond the local government and help maintain control and order.  Also to provide some stimulous to get business back.  Beyond that it is the local governments and the individuals to rebuild there homes, streets, etc...



Do you think a category 4 does not do that much damage? Are you nuts?! The wind damage is horrific. When Katrina hit, the winds were around 150 miles per hour. The wind itself did a ton of damage. Roof were literally blown off of people's houses! Then there is the flooding. When a storm that large approaches, it brings A LOT of sea water with it. It literally pushes in water. Areas that were considered unfloodable flooded. The reason they were considered unfloodable is because when Hurricane Camille hit, it hit MS Gulf Coast back in 69, it set a record for storm surge, which was around 23 feet. When Katrina hit, the storm surge got around 30 feet! It was unheard of. Not our city, not our state, not our National Government, and not our National Hurricane Center thought this could ever happen. This is why so people were not insured. This is why Insurance company's, such as All State, State Farm, and Nation Wide, charge 500 a month for people who are not in a "flood zone." If you are in a flood zone, you have a to pay a far smaller amount of money per month for insurance. How is a middle class family to respond to all of this? And do not start talking about how it is their choice to live down there. Honestly, my opinion of you is that you do not care about other people. All you care about is yourself, and only yourself. At a time like this you should be willing to help out as much as you can. I"m going to say this, and it is something I thought I would never say. There are a higher percentage of people in the South who are caring, and willing to help one another. Now, there are people like that in the North, but a far smaller amount. And do not say I would not know this because I live in the South. I spent half of my life living in Tonawanda, New York, which is right by Buffalo. A lot of people there can be grumpy, and unsupportive. It just makes me so mad to hear people complain about people wanting or receiving aid, due to Hurricane Katrina.

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Do you think a category 4 does not do that much damage? Are you nuts?! The wind damage is horrific. When Katrina hit, the winds were around 150 miles per hour. The wind itself did a ton of damage. Roof were literally blown off of people's houses! Then there is the flooding. When a storm that large approaches, it brings A LOT of sea water with it. It literally pushes in water. Areas that were considered unfloodable flooded. The reason they were considered unfloodable is because when Hurricane Camille hit, it hit MS Gulf Coast back in 69, it set a record for storm surge, which was around 23 feet. When Katrina hit, the storm surge got around 30 feet! It was unheard of. Not our city, not our state, not our National Government, and not our National Hurricane Center thought this could ever happen. This is why so people were not insured. This is why Insurance company's, such as All State, State Farm, and Nation Wide, charge 500 a month for people who are not in a "flood zone." If you are in a flood zone, you have a to pay a far smaller amount of money per month for insurance. How is a middle class family to respond to all of this? And do not start talking about how it is their choice to live down there. Honestly, my opinion of you is that you do not care about other people. All you care about is yourself, and only yourself. At a time like this you should be willing to help out as much as you can. I"m going to say this, and it is something I thought I would never say. There are a higher percentage of people in the South who are caring, and willing to help one another. Now, there are people like that in the North, but a far smaller amount. And do not say I would not know this because I live in the South. I spent half of my life living in Tonawanda, New York, which is right by Buffalo. A lot of people there can be grumpy, and unsupportive. It just makes me so mad to hear people complain about people wanting or receiving aid, due to Hurricane Katrina.



Pretty broad statement...millions of dollars, billions have poured from the citizenry and the businesses of other States.


Plenty from Ohio, and from my Cincinnati area. Plenty.


Plenty of firemen, power workers, people helping out traveled to affected areas.


And there is no lack of folks returning here with tales of ingratitude, rudeness, and demands about how folks there are "owed".


What your words shall accomplish is to harden people's hearts...

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Pretty broad statement...millions of dollars, billions have poured from the citizenry and the businesses of other States.


Plenty from Ohio, and from my Cincinnati area.  Plenty.


Plenty of firemen, power workers, people helping out traveled to affected areas.


And there is no lack of folks returning here with tales of ingratitude, rudeness, and demands about how folks there are "owed".


What your words shall accomplish is to harden people's hearts...



Yes, there has been a great a deal aid provided by other states, and that is something we are all very thankful for. However, people from all of those states have been complaining about it too. Actually, a great amount of people from those states have been complaing. Firemen, and power worker's are not complaining because of one thing, and that is money. Now, the common citizen from states not hit are bickering. Bickering about how their money is being wasted. In my opinion, these people, who are complaining, are selfish, pathetic losers. If some type of disaster occurred in the North, I gurantee the South would do as much as possible to assist the areas affected. They would not be upset with how much aid the Federal Government is providing.

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Solution= move back to Buffalo!



I tried living in Buffalo again this past winter, and it was something I just could not do. I will not go into detail, but I did feel the living conditions were very tough, the cost of living was tremendous, and the taxes were out of this world. Now, I will visit Buffalo every summer, but I will never live there again. I"m not trying to put the place down, it does have it's advantages. I think it just depends on the type of person you are. Buffalo is for some people, but for others it is just not possible.

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