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No call on Harrison of course - he's still a headhunting punk after all those years and suspensions. I don't know whether it would be more ironic or funny to see his career end being carried off strapped to a board.




And once AGAIN, that drunk Madden ignores the head shot. Can't let that get in the way of the ball washing...

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Absolutely pathetic...the pats can do no wrong according to ABC...and i agree with the above sentiment about harrison...its only a matter of time before karma catches up with him for all of those cheap shots...that was a blatant clothesline...

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All right, we just saw the two sets of standards on display for the world to see. One set for the Pats, who are allowed to clothesline people with impunity, and one for everyone else, who draw a 15 yard personal foul for landing on a guys head during a tackle.


:I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Pats, :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: refs. Why do I even watch, we all know how it's going to end anyway, but the journey still makes the blood boil.

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ok on Routt penalty what did he do to get the 15 yard penalty??  Annoucers said an elbow...replay looked like a clean tackle..??

Didnt Harrison horse collar the Raiders kick returner?? w/ no penalty?



You would think so, but you are mistaken because Harrison is a Patriot. The rules are different for the Patriots, like it used to be for the Dolphins when Shula was on the competition committee (which they finally got around to admitting 25 years later).


Just give it to 'em.

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All right, we just saw the two sets of standards on display for the world to see. One set for the Pats, who are allowed to clothesline people with impunity, and one for everyone else, who draw a 15 yard personal foul for landing on a guys head during a tackle.


:I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Pats, :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: refs.



Refs woke up in second half after Raiders had two consecutive good runs. After that it was one whistle after another against Oakland..flagged for all the things NE was getting away with.


Ten years from now we'll find out the officials were put up in the best Boston cathouse after each game, courtesy of the Pats.

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Absolutely pathetic...the pats can do no wrong according to ABC...and i agree with the above sentiment about harrison...its only a matter of time before karma catches up with him for all of those cheap shots...that was a blatant clothesline...



Yeah. You should never wish injury to an opposing player. Really. But if someone took that one guy's head clean off during a play, I'd laugh my own head clean off. I'd love to see punk-ass Harrison come up on McGahee like that this year, and have Willis give him a stiff-fist right under his facemask such that he'll be sh*tting molars for a week.


Beautiful, Harrison can shove moss around downfield while another guy hangs on him, and they're arguing for offensive interference, but Collins can roll left outside the tackle, throw it away, and has an intentional grounding penalty called by the crowd 10 seconds after the play is over. Meanwhile, the oblivion twins are yakking about everything else in the world besides the game. It's just such a friggin' joke.


Hah, that's the most interesting thing I've seen this game... proof positive that they're on dump delay. Or, somehow, the audio magically went dead while Corey Dillon was yelling "motherf***er" at someone.

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Overall, The Pats look awesome. It didn't help that OAK had a ton of penalties and Collins played like S h i t. But NE is still the team to beat unforntunately. I F cUking hate the Goddamn Patriots team SOB!! The way it looks so far, they are gonna murder the Bills.


And will Madden and Al please stop suck ing Tom Brady's D*&K for crying out loud. F&UCK U NE!!


Angry I wasted 3 hours watching this NE love fest. I'm so pissed right now.

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Listening to Madden do this game was like listening to him broadcast an early 90's Cowboy game. What I wonder is if he even bothered to take Aikmen's poll out of his mouth before he inserted Brady's.


By the way does anybody know how Tom Brady has such good footwork? Rumor has it he’s been jumping rope since 4th grade :unsure:

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Listening to Madden do this game was like listening to him broadcast an early 90's Cowboy game. What I wonder is if he even bothered to take Aikmen's poll out of his mouth before he inserted Brady's. 


By the way does anybody know how Tom Brady has such good footwork? Rumor has it he’s been jumping rope since 4th grade  :unsure:




But his feet, they are so smooooth...Look, he can do no wrong - He dances on air...




DId you know he has been jumping rope since the 4th grade???


Mommy, mommy, make the fat oaf go away...


Madden = RJ

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