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When an official says EVACUATE..it


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I wrote this for another post, but it applies here too...


This may be the most idiotic statement I have EVER heard. Democrat or Republican... does it matter? This is a HUMAN tragedy.


I've sat back and just read the comments on this board to this point without responding, but idiocy like this screams at me to respond.


These jacka**es that stayed in NO had a choice. They made that choice willingly. The liberals say, "they are poor or infirm and had no place to go." CRAP!


If I told you tomorrow that I was going to drop a nuclear bomb on your city, would you evacuate? I guarantee that every one of these poor, infirm or cantankerous persons would leave immediately. Money is not an issue in situations like this... GET THE FUGG OUT!


A Cat 5 Hurricane IS a nuclear bomb, without the radioactive fallout. These people were warned 5 days in advance and were issued a DEMAND ORDER to evacuate the city. They chose to stay... should I feel sorry for them?


I feel for the children and the elderly. They had no choice. As for the able bodied adults that would have walked a hundred miles or more in 5 days to avoid a nuclear blast, but instead stayed because "I'm going to ride this out, it's just a hurricane"... if you're an idiot, your an idiot... a few less idiots for the next generation gene pool and a few less leaches on society in my opinion.



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There are shelters for people to go to to ride out storms in Hurricane areas, whther in Texas, the Gulf Coast, Florida or The East Coast. If New Orleans did not have a plan of where to house people safely, shame on them and the state of Louisiana.


For now we can only give to the red cross or salvation army to help house and feed those in need, regardless of whether they were foolhardy or not.


As an aside, most of these people have never been through a hurricane before an think it is mostly wind. most due not show the kind of flooding that we are seeing because of NO's location.




yeah- it was a big surprise that NO was under sea level and might just flood if there was a lot a rain <_<

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...stayed because "I'm going to ride this out, it's just a hurricane"... if you're an idiot, your an idiot... a few less idiots for the next generation gene pool and a few less leaches on society in my opinion.




Here's the thing though - The storm missed them and made landfall at Biloxi, not New Orleans. EVERYONE, people here and on the news were all talking about how New Orleans dodged a bullet. There were probably hundreds if not thousands of people who returned after evacuating only to get trapped in the city after the levee system failed.


It's not quite as simple as many people would like it to be - people including me.

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i agree totally, it is frustrating as hell to watch these people that "toughed it out" now demanding help


A part of me is sad to see what is happening down there....




officals before the storm hit did a MANDATORY evacuation of the city and people still did not go.  I understand there are some people who are poor and cannot evacuate but to decide to stay and tough it out is just plain wrong.  Now those same people are begging for food and to be rescued.  If many of the people heeded the warnings you would not see all that is happening on the news.  Just plain arrogant and dumb for those who CHOSE to stay.

You made your bed now lie in it.


I don't know about you but if I hear people from the south say how awful living in NY with the snow I will tell them I will take the snow any day over Katrina


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I would've left on foot if indeed there was a mandatory evacuation.


And you would have walked where? You would have risked being out in the elements when a Cat 4 made landfall? Put simply, you can't outwalk/outrun an approaching hurricane on foot. They are faster than you. And even a day's headstart won't help much, they're hundreds of miles wide and there's no telling exactly where it will make landfall until a day before.


I don't mean to call you out on this, but I wanted to address that train of thought for the people who have never been through a hurricane. It's all too easy to say what we would do if we were in that situation when we're not.

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don't blame us or everyone else for the economic situtaition that more than likely you put yourself in.


How are people supposed to leave without a car, money or a place to go?


I suppose the local, state & federal governments could have had an evacuation plan in place BEFORE the hurricane hit. They knew a Cat 5 storm was in the Gulf and was heading towards New Orleans by late Friday-early Saturday. They should have had all the buses ready to go on Saturday AM to evacuate all the people who had no other way out.


Hopefully, the next time a big hurricane is headed towards land, people will finally listen and just leave.


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i agree totally, it is frustrating as hell to watch these people that "toughed it out" now demanding help


Just curious, when Hurricane Isabel was a Cat 5 steaming toward the VA/NC line did you make plans to evacuate or were you planning on toughing it out? My point isn't to get in your face Poojer (I think you're one of the good guys), but I do think that we should be careful when judging other people's actions and motivations in situations like this.


Perhaps these people, sans the luxury of an automobile, were simply trying to stay to protect their property. Or perhaps they knew that you can't out-walk a hurricane...

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don't blame us or everyone else for the economic situtaition that more than likely you put yourself in.



HEY- the govt was supporting them on welfare- they should be entitled to continued governmental support at all times ;)


that's what they were promised when they voted democratic <_<

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These jacka**es that stayed in NO had a choice. They made that choice willingly. The liberals say, "they are poor or infirm and had no place to go." CRAP!


If I told you tomorrow that I was going to drop a nuclear bomb on your city, would you evacuate? I guarantee that every one of these poor, infirm or cantankerous persons would leave immediately. Money is not an issue in situations like this... GET THE FUGG OUT!


A Cat 5 Hurricane IS a nuclear bomb, without the radioactive fallout. These people were warned 5 days in advance and were issued a DEMAND ORDER to evacuate the city. They chose to stay... should I feel sorry for them?

I feel for the children and the elderly. They had no choice. As for the able bodied adults that would have walked a hundred miles or more in 5 days to avoid a nuclear blast, but instead stayed because "I'm going to ride this out, it's just a hurricane"... if you're an idiot, your an idiot... a few less idiots for the next generation gene pool and a few less leaches on society in my opinion.





Hey champ, 4 days prior it was a category 1 hurricane that skirted the edge of Florida.

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if we had been told to evacuate i would have, i am not a brave person by nature!


Just curious, when Hurricane Isabel was a Cat 5 steaming toward the VA/NC line did you make plans to evacuate or were you planning on toughing it out?  My point isn't to get in your face Poojer (I think you're one of the good guys), but I do think that we should be careful when judging other people's actions and motivations in situations like this.


Perhaps these people, sans the luxury of an automobile, were simply trying to stay to protect their property.  Or perhaps they knew that you can't out-walk a hurricane...


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I agree 100%. They all knew where the emergency shelters were. They had more than 24 hours to decide what to do. Worst case, all they needed to do was walk across town.


They had AMPLE time to get out, or at least get to a shelter.


And who's to say if there were buses carrying people out before the storm that these people would actually have taken them. I think regardless of the situation, people would have stayed, and we'd be in the same predicament.

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i totally agree i would get the hell out of there the second i heard onthe news for everyone to evacuate, and its fine that these people all survived but where can they go ?? they lost their jobs, a lot of people lost most of what they lived their life for and how can they possibly afford to pay for the rooms they will have to stay for god knows how long till the city is rebuilt or they can get their jobs back?



Most poor don't have debit or credit cards, no checking accounts... Everyhting is done at the currency exchange or pay-day loan store.


So even bouncing checks to get out of dodge isn't even a way.

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The poor use public transportation. The bus company who probably lost all their buses should have filled them up and drove them until they ran out of gas. Full of people. Many cities still have an armory. Isn't that where people are suppose to go in a national disaster? They country(government, private citizens and businesses) blew it BIG TIME. I'm sure we all learned by this. Now we should all do what we can to help. These are our fellow Americans. If you have a food drive go take some food and cases of water. Donate $ even if all you can afford is a couple bucks(they add up) donate blood if you can.

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They also screwed up in counting on their government.  As the tourist areas in the French Quarter are high and dry and actually pretty well policed, the folks likely lost were in the poorest sections of the city which are in the lowlands covered by the Lake.



That is the MO for history. It always happens this way in regards to a natural disaster.


Mansions on the hill? Poor people in the low-lands? Thoughout history the poor have been put (or put themselves) in the very worst comprimising geographical situations.


I guess the only socio-ecomomic balance to all this is the wealthy idiots that build their houses on cliffs in California, etc...


Think they know? Ignorance is bliss.


I mentioned the sache that wiped out the Buffalo waterfront in the mid 1800s.


Who do you think were the living in the danger zones? Shanty towns don't fair well in disasters, people get swept away in their sleep. You guessed it, most likely the poor and probably ignorant.


I am not knocking these people or blowing it off. Every attempt must be made to get through to these people.

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Now we should all do what we can to help. These are our fellow Americans.  If you have a food drive go take some food and cases of water. Donate $ even if all you can afford is a couple bucks(they add up) donate blood if you can.

Thank you. Can't be said enough. If anyone knows of any other useful contributions we can make besides immediate cash donations to the Red Cross, I would find that a lot more useful right now than the Monday Morning QB'ing going on.


Money. Food drives. Cash. Blood drives.


Someone mentioned donating through employers that match funds - one of the best posts this week - forgot all about that aspect.

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The poor use public transportation. The bus company who probably lost all their buses should have filled them up and drove them until they ran out of gas.  Full of people.  Many cities still have an armory.  Isn't that where people are suppose to go in a national disaster?  They country(government, private citizens and businesses) blew it BIG TIME.  I'm sure we all learned by this. Now we should all do what we can to help. These are our fellow Americans.  If you have a food drive go take some food and cases of water. Donate $ even if all you can afford is a couple bucks(they add up) donate blood if you can.



Why do this? It is so much easier to play MMQB and berate these people on a message board as stupid, lazy and for failing to have enough money to leave the city. (obviously, this isn't directed towards you) :blink:

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Hey champ, 4 days prior it was a category 1 hurricane that skirted the edge of Florida.




Oh please... you tell me that if I gave you even 1 day's notice that I was going to drop a nuclear bomb on your head, that you wouldn't find a way to leave. Give me a break. These people were warned with plenty of time to get the hell out. They CHOSE to stay... Sorry, other than the kids, the elderly and the infirm... I don't buy it.


Don't get me wrong, this is a human tragedy and my intent is not to make light of it. But these people had options, they were told to leave, yet they stayed.


No, I wasn't there and I won't be... like most, I just see it on TV and in the media. But what I see makes me sick about this country. I see a bunch of SURVIVORS who made it through what will probably be the worst natural disaster ever on American soil. Yet... they are ungrateful. Instead of being thankful, they B word and whine about how the food in the shelters was "slop" or the MRE's were cold or the conditions in the shelters unsanitary. Sickening!


Yes, I have contributed financially to the relief efforts. Sadly, a good portion of my money and the money others will donate is to save idiots like that.

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