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Can the Winslow saga get any worse

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welcome to TBD! :lol:


Maybe I'm too forgiving, but why do people want Winslow to fail so bad?  I can enjoy the laughs off it, but I'm a little confused as to why people are rooting for guys like Winslow and Clarett?  I know they have done and said stupid things but they are 21 years old.  I bet alot of us have regrets back when we were that age.  It seems people in America lately just want people to fail.  I personally would have loved to seen Winslow play.  As far as his "soldier" comment, it definitely was inappropiate.  however, it was totally blow out of proportion.  It was after a football game where a lot of emotion is flowing.  I had a college coach who was a paratropper and stated that football was the close to war you could come without enlisting.  So, I think it should be taken with a grain of salt.

  That said, I think these couple of years are good for him.  It definitely will humble him and I believe he will have a successful NFL career.  Sorry for the seriousness of the post.  There's just too much hate going on lately.  :P


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I agree with both CBiscuit and Pooj... No reason for the hate here on both these guys... without pointing at anyone in particular... I think a lot of the frustration comes down to a degree of jealousy - and frustration.


I think most of us here love the game of football a lot, and maybe a lot of us wish we had the talent some athletes appear to squander away... It is frustrating to see these kids give up what we never had. And like CBiscuit says, most of us did stupid things at 21, our lives weren't publicized the way these kids are given their talent on a football field. It's a shame they can't straighten their lives out...


As for what Pooj is talking about... the history of this thing goes back very far here at TSW... See Phillips or Rodney Wright to name two...


Like you, I can laugh a bit, but after a while it's me I'm laughing at...

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I agree with both CBiscuit and Pooj...  No reason for the hate here on both these guys...  without pointing at anyone in particular...  I think a lot of the frustration comes down to a degree of jealousy - and frustration.


I think most of us here love the game of football a lot, and maybe a lot of us wish we had the talent some athletes appear to squander away...  It is frustrating to see these kids give up what we never had.  And like CBiscuit says, most of us did stupid things at 21, our lives weren't publicized the way these kids are given their talent on a football field.  It's a shame they can't straighten their lives out...


As for what Pooj is talking about...  the history of this thing goes back very far here at TSW...  See Phillips or Rodney Wright to name two...


Like you, I can laugh a bit, but after a while it's me I'm laughing at...



In those unnamed's defense, Winslow did have the unmitigated gall and stupidity to compare himself as a football player to servicemen. There's more than a few servicemen on this board that can legitimately take umbrage to that remark.

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