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Brad Riter

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I've been listening to Brad Riter for the last 20 minutes. He is convinced the only reason Willis was in pads was to fool fans into believeing he is healthy, so they will buy season tickets.


He has a valid point in saying there is no reason for him to be in pads and be carrying a helmet if he had no intention of practicing, but Riter is really go off saying that fans that go to practice are just "happy to be there, yelling 'Go Bills!' and see willis with pads and say 'oh, there's willis'".


While I agree Willis is probably more hurt than we think, Brad Riter basically insulted every person that goes to camp, stating that those are the people that will buy season tickets not knowing that Willis is hurt.


I think most people that are considering laying down several hundred dollars for seasons are more than likely going to know what's going on with the team - at least enough to know that your biggest weapon might be injured.

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I've been listening to Brad Riter for the last 20 minutes. He is convinced the only reason Willis was in pads was to fool fans into believeing he is healthy, so they will buy season tickets.


He has a valid point in saying there is no reason for him to be in pads and be carrying a helmet if he had no intention of practicing, but Riter is really go off saying that fans that go to practice are just "happy to be there, yelling 'Go Bills!' and see willis with pads and say 'oh, there's willis'".


While I agree Willis is probably more hurt than we think, Brad Riter basically insulted every person that goes to camp, stating that those are the people that will buy season tickets not knowing that Willis is hurt.


I think most people that are considering laying down several hundred dollars for seasons are more than likely going to know what's going on with the team - at least enough to know that your biggest weapon might be injured.



it's reading **** like that that makes me not care that WGR doesn't stream anymore. sheesh. :D

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He has a valid point in saying there is no reason for him to be in pads and be carrying a helmet if he had no intention of practicing, but Riter is really go off saying that fans that go to practice are just "happy to be there, yelling 'Go Bills!' and see willis with pads and say 'oh, there's willis'".


While I agree Willis is probably more hurt than we think, Brad Riter basically insulted every person that goes to camp, stating that those are the people that will buy season tickets not knowing that Willis is hurt.



First, thanks for listening.


Second, yes I was checking out the board during the commercial break.


Third, I didn't intend to insult anyone. My point is that there are certainly people out there who don't read this board, listen to WGR, read the paper or watch the news everyday. If they happened to be at practice, they are the only ones who could be fooled, and there's no other explanation for Willis' pads and helmet (especially the helmet, which to me looked like a prop.)


On the show, I told a true story from today about a kid and his dad. They were sitting behind me in the bleachers. The kid asked "Is Willis even here?" presumably with no clue that this injury even exists. His dad said "I don't know. Oh, there he is." Then they changed the subject. Worked like a charm.

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It's possible Willis is hurt worse than we think. I mean, didn't Terrell Owens break his leg getting tackled the way Willis did? But I think if Willis were truly injured, or injured badly, he wouldn't be lounging around in practice. I think Rosensleaze at the least demand he be held-out and/or seek medical advice/treatment.

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It's possible Willis is hurt worse than we think.  I mean, didn't Terrell Owens break his leg getting tackled the way Willis did?  But I think if Willis were truly injured, or injured badly, he wouldn't be lounging around in practice.  I think Rosensleaze at the least demand he be held-out and/or seek medical advice/treatment.


The fact that Mularkey says he'll be playing this weekend makes me think he just got dinged up and the Bills are, wisely I might add, not testing fate. If this injury was a long-term one that the Bills were covering up, why would Mularkey so blatantly bury himself by saying McGahee will play this weekend? Doesnt make any sense to me.


McGahee doesnt need any more practice, he knows what he's doing...let him take a few practices off so he doesnt aggravate anything and then send him back in there when he feels good. No rush at this point.

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First, thanks for listening.


Second, yes I was checking out the board during the commercial break.


Third, I didn't intend to insult anyone.  My point is that there are certainly people out there who don't read this board, listen to WGR, read the paper or watch the news everyday.  If they happened to be at practice, they are the only ones who could be fooled, and there's no other explanation for Willis' pads and helmet (especially the helmet, which to me looked like a prop.)


On the show, I told a true story from today about a kid and his dad.  They were sitting behind me in the bleachers.  The kid asked "Is Willis even here?" presumably with no clue that this injury even exists.  His dad said "I don't know.  Oh, there he is."  Then they changed the subject.  Worked like a charm.



Dude, you are dead on, and don't listen to this jackass. It's no secret in the NFL (Bills season tix holders included) that this offense this season rests squarely on Mcgahee's legs and the running game.

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First, thanks for listening.


Second, yes I was checking out the board during the commercial break.


Third, I didn't intend to insult anyone.  My point is that there are certainly people out there who don't read this board, listen to WGR, read the paper or watch the news everyday.  If they happened to be at practice, they are the only ones who could be fooled, and there's no other explanation for Willis' pads and helmet (especially the helmet, which to me looked like a prop.)


On the show, I told a true story from today about a kid and his dad.  They were sitting behind me in the bleachers.  The kid asked "Is Willis even here?" presumably with no clue that this injury even exists.  His dad said "I don't know.  Oh, there he is."  Then they changed the subject.  Worked like a charm.




First, your welcome for listening. I need to to hear something to get Mike Schopp's voice out of my head.


Second, that's what you should be doing during your breaks.


Third, I've been to camp once. When I was 9. In Fredonia. And I was even bored then. I would never go again. My point is, though, that most people that are diehard enough to take the day off of work to go to camp can't possilbly have their heads so far up their asses when it comes to the condition of the team (and it's star player) that having McGahee on the sideline in full gear would make them assume he was healthy.


I mean, I would assume anyone who would take the time to go to camp (and no offense to any TBDers that go, but I just couldn't imagine going myself) would be a knowlegable fan. That being said, I would assume they would be the same type to read the buffalo news, listen to WGR, etc.



It is a valid point you brought up. WHY is he in dressed if he's not going to play. Its unusual. But for me to think it was done primarily so that a couple of fans that were on the fence about buying tikets (and wouldn't do so if Willis was hurt) would pull the trigger and spend $400 a pop is insane. Come on Brad!


And finally, if anyone was thinking about buying tickets, and did based soley on seeing WM in pads and not knowing he was injured, they deserve to get ripped off.

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First, thanks for listening.


Second, yes I was checking out the board during the commercial break.


Third, I didn't intend to insult anyone.  My point is that there are certainly people out there who don't read this board, listen to WGR, read the paper or watch the news everyday.  If they happened to be at practice, they are the only ones who could be fooled, and there's no other explanation for Willis' pads and helmet (especially the helmet, which to me looked like a prop.)


On the show, I told a true story from today about a kid and his dad.  They were sitting behind me in the bleachers.  The kid asked "Is Willis even here?" presumably with no clue that this injury even exists.  His dad said "I don't know.  Oh, there he is."  Then they changed the subject.  Worked like a charm.




Your theory isn't as far fetched as some make it out to be. Even if you are a Bledsoe fan. :D

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Its unusual, but for me to think its so that POSSIBLY a couple of fans that went to camp who were on the fence about buying seasons tickets, and now they decided to do it because they saw Willis carrying a helmet? Come on Brad!


And finally, if anyone was thinking about buying tickets, and did based soley on seeing WM in pads and not knowing he was injured, they deserve to get ripped off.




I'm actually one of those people on the fence about buying season tix, which is why it stood out to me.


And today we get "I expect him to play on Saturday" despite the fact that "we'll see if he can practice tomorrow."


It just isn't sitting right with me.

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I'm actually one of those people on the fence about buying season tix, which is why it stood out to me.


And today we get "I expect him to play on Saturday" despite the fact that "we'll see if he can practice tomorrow."


It just isn't sitting right with me.




Is this really Brad Riter or some schmuck pretending? No offense if it is really you, I'm just curious.

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Is this really Brad Riter or some schmuck pretending?  No offense if it is really you, I'm just curious.



It's him. I'm still wondering what kind of devastating injury could they be hiding on a player who was able to dress in NFL gear (not exactly loose-fitting sweats), participate in stretching, and jog off the field?

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It's him.  I'm still wondering what kind of devastating injury could they be hiding on a player who was able to dress in NFL gear (not exactly loose-fitting sweats), participate in stretching, and jog off the field?




It must be devistating because I was checking back every little bit and it was all WGR were talking about. I hate only having one station for sports. Lucky for us there is the internet.

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cmon brad. how about (and i know this is reeeeeeally far-fetched) just maybe willis went to mularkey before practice and said "coach, it's still sore, but it is getting better and i at least want to give it a try today." then he gets out there and it is not quite good enough to practice on so he watches instead. i have been coaching for almost 20 years- not pro athletes, but many elites, even some at the olympic development level- and this kind of thing happens all the time on teams that are functioning well...guys do all they can to pull their weight. and by all accounts, the bills are!


why does everything have to be some kind of attempt at manipulation by the bills brass? i realize it can be hard to come up with things to report- i was at camp for a day last week, and steve is right, it is BORING- but do you really think the bills would really run mcgahee through that kind of dog-and-pony show?

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Considering the Troy Vincent Watch last season - "maybe this week" for what, five or six weeks in a row? - you're not exactly paranoid for thinking MM and Co. may be hedging their bets a wee bit, Brad. Seems like the NFL in general is going the way of hockey, and sooner rather than later the only info we'll get is "undisclosed injury" and "out indefinitely".


Tying it to season tix sales, though? With less than a week to go before the cutoff, I honestly can't see this having much of an effect. Yeah, there might still be some stragglers out there, but based on earlier data (with seat counts already approaching the totals from the Super Bowl era), I sincerely doubt the marketing department asked the coaches to have WMcG suit up Monday night just to nail down those last few potential accounts....



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