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US rules all porn is child porn

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The Patriot Act passed the House by a margin of 357-66.  In the Senate, only Russ Feingold objected, despite calls from Tom Daschle to pass the legislation unanimously without debate.


But let's pretend it's only the Republicans who're screwing us over, like the uniformed partisan twits so many of you are.




If you ask me, the whole spirit of polarization is slowly destroying our country. The right wants to trample your rights in your home and the left wants to take your home. Before long I will have monitoring chips implanted in my cerebral cortex and living on the street. Flags will have more protection than I will.

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If you ask me, the whole spirit of polarization is slowly destroying our country.  The right wants to trample your rights in your home and the left wants to take your home.  Before long I will have  monitoring chips implanted in my cerebral cortex and living on the street.  Flags will have more protection than I will.


Yep - but really taking away smoking in bars doesn't affect anyone badly.

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Imo, I have been placing too much blame on elected officials. We the citizens have sat back and allowed hypocrisy to flourish, many even welcome much of it.

I think that things will get far worse. Now, leftist judges are giving away homes, to businesses of all things. Do you see even a little irony there?

Soon, you guys will be standing in the parking lot of RWS not allowed to smoke, eat nor drink. You will be looking at each other with blank stares, but without me.

I will stay at home, and watch as many games as I can before the Bills, and then the NFL go under.  ;)





This is just classic Bill! Totally classic!


Curious? Do you know Chick N. Little?



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Is he somehow related to your genetic equal, the lemming?





Ya... Maybe? He does have a special gift when it comes to hyperbole?


Too funny Darin... Just like a cockroach. Throw some crumbs out, kill the lights and they come running out. Hit the lights and they scurry for cover!



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Why is it that the hypocritical leftist wackos will not tolerate even the slightest delay on getting a late term abortion, but will trample on the rights of private property owners, restrict free speech on campus, and seize your home and give it to the nearest corporation?


If you think that hypocrisy is confined to those on the right, I am sorry Sir but you are dumb.



Both sides have a point that the other will not recognize- that is the problem- cool rationale debate, followed by the democratic process will solve all

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Both sides have a point that the other will not recognize- that is the problem- cool rationale debate, followed by the democratic process will solve all



You have enough bucks to cover the democratic process?

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Again, the Patriot Act was BIPARTISAN legislation.  The Patriot Act II that stripped away some of the things that made the Patriot Act so unpalatable was also sponsored and passed in a BIPARTISAN manner.


The Schiavo mess?  That's your other example?  Please.


There's no "right" more important than the 2nd Amendment, which the Democrats have been trying to abolish for decades.  Try having any of the others without the right to arm yourself or defend your property.  Without the ability to own individual weapons, we'd still be reporting to the Crown.  All other rights esentially derive from it.



"Rights" often conflict and when they do one or another gives way. Freedom of the press does not extend to announcing D-DAY in advance. In war and other extreme instances habeas corpus et al are supplanted by martial law. One has freedom of movement but not at the expense of a jaywalker whom one has time to avoid.

Indeed some rights take precedence over others but , sadly, order precedes liberty. For over nearly two hundred years 3000 miles of ocean insulated us . No more and nevermore.

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We can replace the 50 stars on the flag with a white hammer and sickle.




Personally I kinda like the raised fist from Death Race 2000... but there really should be an extended finger as well.

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