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The Catholic Church

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Greeley is a Jesuit not a Catholic.  <_<


Members of the Society of Jesus are Catholic. What are you saying that a Jesuit is not a Catholic. Where did you go to Sunday school?


In fact they are the largest religious order in the Catholic Church.

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Nice of you to take some time away from the drive-thru window to let us know that...except that The Jesuits are a Catholic order, you dumbass.  <_<


If we ever manage to find a topic that you know anything about, I'll be !@#$ing amazed.


I already covered that. Go throw sh-- elsewhere.

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Or what of a tribe of people cut off from the modern world who have never even heard about this Jesus fellow, are they banned from heaven because missionaries haven't gotten around to them yet? That would be pretty cruel methinks...

I don't want to start any blasphemous rumours

But I think that God's got a sick sense of humor

And when I die, I expect to find him laughing...



There is always limbo.

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Nice of you to take some time away from the drive-thru window to let us know that...except that The Jesuits are a Catholic order, you dumbass.  :doh:


If we ever manage to find a topic that you know anything about, I'll be !@#$ing amazed.



<_<0:) Jesuits are not Catholic :P:doh:

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But he doesn't and the Catholic faith doesn't profess that.  While some pretestant religions do the Catholic faith says that those who use other forms of faith or are ignorant of the Church can be saved but first must enter Purgatory.



So I take it you are among those that reject Vatican II? You know, Lumen Gentium, Section 16..."Those who, through no fault of their own, do not know the gospel of Christ or his church, but who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart, and moved by grace, try in their actions to do his will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience-these too may attain eternal salvation."

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So I take it you are among those that reject Vatican II?  You know, Lumen Gentium, Section 16..."Those who, through no fault of their own, do not know the gospel of Christ or his church, but who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart, and moved by grace, try in their actions to do his will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience-these too may attain eternal salvation."



Philistines have a better chance than Moabites.

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So I'm standing in 14 Holy Helpers Church, And the Priest says " The erynthered family has not given to the church in the last three weeks" Over the !@#$ing Loud speaker in the homily. I was about 9 years old........




Eryn... You were a parishioner at 14 Holy Helpers growing up? That was my church also growing up!


They always used strong arm tactics... They would give you "the envelope" talk if you needed a letter of recommendation or what not... :doh:


See, I knew we had something in common. :doh:

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So I take it you are among those that reject Vatican II?  You know, Lumen Gentium, Section 16..."Those who, through no fault of their own, do not know the gospel of Christ or his church, but who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart, and moved by grace, try in their actions to do his will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience-these too may attain eternal salvation."


How did I reject Vatican II? What it says there is what I said. That one can be saved through either ignorance or a desire to seek God.

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So when do we put Judaism under this ridiculous microscope like we are doing with Catholocism (sp?) here?


Cant wait to get to the whole "chopping off of the penis" thing and what THAT means.


And that whole "women shouldnt be educated" thing. Cant WAIT to discuss that. <_<

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So what's the Catholic definition of "Ignorance"?


Why don't you google it? There are people a lot smarter than me who have spent a lot of years writing and putting this into common language for all to hear.

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So when do we put Judaism under the microscope?


Cant wait to get to the whole "chopping off of the penis" thing and what THAT means.


It's the old tear down the big guy mentality. Judaism isn't a major player anymore. Hilter had a lot to do with that. So now it's time to tear down Catholics ,Mormons, etc....

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