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Lawfare Victim Trump Documents Case: Cannon Postpones Trial Amid Prosecutors Malfeasance

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I hope this post gets more than my average 60 views bc it’s important. Please repost if so inclined: In the clip below from today’s


montage of Comey, the corrupt former FBI Director who caused chaos with the Russia Collusion Hoax, he unilaterally cleared HRC for mishandling classified materials and destroying evidence before the 2016 election. During this Press Conference I was at the FBI office with my agents working on a cartel prosecution. We all stopped to watch with amazement as Comey was initially eviscerating HRC’s unlawful conduct, but as we all now know he eventually stated “no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case!” I remember turning towards my agents and saying “well, I guess I’m an unreasonable Prosecutor . . .” I knew in that moment at my deepest core, based on years of prosecutorial experience and instinct in federal law enforcement, that the reason Comey cleared HRC had nothing to do with the prosecutability of that fact pattern - it was political interference in its most corrupt form. And here’s why. Comey had NO authority to decline prosecution. At the end of the day, he was “just a cop” so to speak. His ONLY authority was to turn the investigation over to the DOJ which has sole discretion on who to prosecute, or not. He can make a recommendation, but not a decision to not prosecute, especially based on the reason stated. That’s why this will go down as one of the most embarrassing and demoralizing moments in FBI history. My agents were crushed. They knew what just happened as much as I did. This man stepped out of his lane to cover and protect a politician, while at the same time, without any of us knowing in that moment, he was also beginning the years long political assasination of Trump in what later became the Russia Hoax.



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