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I've Always Hated the Leafs...

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Well folks, I'm here to defend my precious Leafs. Granted, some of the fans are downright retarded, but there are similar ones for every team. I'm not going to start an argument about which team is better, as for the most part, it's a moot point (thank you, Misters Goodenow and Bettman).


I live in Ottawa and go to school in Montreal, so keeping my loyalty can be painful, in both the physical and mental senses. I watched game 7 of this past year's episode of the Sens-Leafs saga at a friend's house, and after Joe Nieuwendyk scored two from the exact same point in the first period on "St. Patrick," as he is no longer called in O-Town, I had the same smartass smile on my face that every Leafs fan in every Sens-saturated bar or basement in Ottawa had. It felt good.


What I'm saying is, the Leafs are good. Sure, some fans are dumb, but there are those of us in the "diaspora" who, as the fans of the most-hated franchise in professional hockey and one half of the current most vicious rivalry therein, have to endure quite a bit of abuse. I wear my jersey all over Montreal and Ottawa. Sure, I get the finger, but at least in Ottawa, I also get the last laugh.


In conclusion, although Tie Domi, for whom the letters of his name can be rearranged to spell "Me Idiot" is on their roster, the Leafs aren't all that bad. And their fans CERTAINLY aren't.

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As do I  ;). Being a Canadians fan I may have to use that against Leafs fans oh wait the fact they haven't won a Stanley Cup since 1967 is enough amunition.



And by the way, I don't mean to offend, but it's spelled Canadiens.

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And by the way, I don't mean to offend, but it's spelled Canadiens.



You are absoloutley correct sir! What is really funny is that was running through my head as I typed it. Now to correct it.

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And by the way, I don't mean to offend, but it's spelled Canadiens.




It's also spelled: ammunition. What was the article about- I'm blocked here.

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It's also spelled: ammunition.  What was the article about- I'm blocked here.



Is there a spellcheck feature on here I am unaware of? I may have to start typing in word then copy and paste.

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