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Travis to Philadelpia not dead yet.....


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it's better than nothing, which is what henry will be worth to the bills this year.



WTF?????????? Since when does having starter depth at the runningback position mean having nothing? You know little about the game of football.

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Henry has said he would not go back to buffalo. if he comes back, he will be like R. Dayne was for the giants. a big pain in the ass. hes a very good RB who deserves to be a starter. we will trade him somewhere.

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WTF?????????? Since when does having starter depth at the runningback position mean having nothing? You know little about the game of football.



Depth, and good depth are 2 different things. Henry started 4 games in 04 and the Bills were 0-4.

We always knew that 2 seasons ago he was a good runner. Now we also know that there is little to no interest in Travis around the league. Coincidence? Is this what you think?

Even if he WAS worth keeping, dont you think that there is a lot of bad blood between TH, his agent and the Bills?

Sometimes ties just need to be cut.

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Depth, and good depth are 2 different things. Henry started 4 games in 04 and the Bills were 0-4.

We always knew that 2 seasons ago he was a good runner. Now we also know that there is little to no interest in Travis around the league. Coincidence? Is this what you think?

Even if he WAS worth keeping, dont you think that there is a lot of bad blood between TH, his agent and the Bills?

Sometimes ties just need to be cut.



another thing - people erroneously tend to think that pro football players are like regular humans. when presented with the option of figuratively punching the clock

and earning $1.25 million or lashing out angrily at the world and becoming a malignant force, most ordinary people would choose the former option. travis henry, like many nfl players, is not that sort of person. he's an angry, borderline psychotic, none-too-bright physical specimen who may well be working at a gas station if not for the nfl. more likely, like many an nfl player, he would be in jail or at least on probation (oh, i forgot - it seems that he already is). i've long said that for about 80% of the players in the league, "if not for the nfl, jail."

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another thing - people erroneously tend to think that pro football players are like regular humans. when presented with the option of figuratively punching the clock

and earning $1.25 million or lashing out angrily at the world and becoming a malignant force, most ordinary people would choose the former option. travis henry, like many nfl players, is not that sort of person. he's an angry, borderline psychotic, none-too-bright physical specimen who may well be working at a gas station if not for the nfl. more likely, like many an nfl player, he would be in jail or at least on probation (oh, i forgot - it seems that he already is).  i've long said that for about 80% of the players in the league, "if not for the nfl, jail."



Sad but true.

Not that I'm a fan of Clarrett, but did anyone else get tired of the guys on ESPN ragging on him? They acted like he was an axe murder when to my knowledge he's never had any serious legal problems. From the interviews I heard he can also string two words together better than most players. "Oh my God - this guy is the AntiChrist because he sued the NFL and ran a slow 40 time".

Ray Lewis is a hero though. ;)

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Depth, and good depth are 2 different things. Henry started 4 games in 04 and the Bills were 0-4.

We always knew that 2 seasons ago he was a good runner. Now we also know that there is little to no interest in Travis around the league. Coincidence? Is this what you think?

Even if he WAS worth keeping, dont you think that there is a lot of bad blood between TH, his agent and the Bills?

Sometimes ties just need to be cut.



First off, blaming Henry for that 0-4 streak is being just plain dubious. Secondly, who cares what Travis' feelings are? I would hope that the GM of the Buffalo Bills is not taking a player's feelings into consideration when making football decisions. Incidentally, why do YOU care so much? The Bills currently have a great back up option if Willis goes down with an injury, and when he needs a rest. This would be a significant hole if Henry left the team. Unless another team comes in with a viable trade offer this will be Travis Henry's role. Cutting off his nose to spite his face is not a habit I'd like TD to start taking up.

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Thanks for the great insight.    ;)


Sigh...it's getting crouded in my ignore list.



I was only half serious dude. Its just frustrating. I am pissed that no deal went down. You know?? When I look at the situation, theres nbo way we can trade him to philly. c'mon they drafted ryan moats. That guys a great back. he will definitely be a great backup to westbrook. Ive read up on most of the backs in the draft. Its frustrating cause everytime someone posts that a trade is still possible, it reminds me of how untrue that is. im sorry if I ofeended you, but lets be hionest here. theres no way henry gets traded. The runningback market is in inflation now. There is such a surplus of runningbacks that the demand for them is so low. especially when all three of the teams we were dealing with drafted rb's. Im a realist. Ignore me if you want, but the truth hurts, BIATCH.

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I watched every single eagle game last year and their best DT is Sam Rayburn. Simon is always coming out of the game either because he's too tired, hurt, or its a big down and the coaches know he wont give 100%. He's very lazy, but i dont know if a change of scenery would help. As for freddie mitchell, if the eagles told me they would give me 2 1st rounders for henry but we had to take mitchell, i wouldnt do it hahaha. I definitely never want that guy on my team. But i still think they want Henry. Just dont know for what though

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