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Spammer gets 9 years in jail!

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Wow... how incredibly messed up this is. NINE YEARS for sending spam? The worst he has done is make you or I go "damn, another junk email" and then right click and delete. There are people that abuse and torture children, commit armed robberies, and even some murderers who don't get 9 years.


Man, this is ridiculous.

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Wow... how incredibly messed up this is. NINE YEARS for sending spam? The worst he has done is make you or I go "damn, another junk email" and then right click and delete. There are people that abuse and torture children, commit armed robberies, and even some murderers who don't get 9 years.


Man, this is ridiculous.



When you collectively force a billion Americans to stop what they are doing to deal with these unsolicited messages, you are messing with the US's productivity big time. Read again how many spam messages this guy sent and try to think how many man hours deleting these messages takes. We're in a global economy and the US needs all the help it can get to compete with China and all the rest.

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When you collectively force a billion Americans to stop what they are doing to deal with these unsolicited messages, you are messing with the US's productivity big time. Read again how many spam messages this guy sent and try to think how many man hours deleting these messages takes. We're in a global economy and the US needs all the help it can get to compete with China and all the rest.




I get roughly 300 pieces of spam email a day in my work account (I have set up filters since then). That being said, to delete 2100 pieces a week takes me a grand total of about 10 seconds. Shift-click to highlight and delete them all. No, I take that back, it's less than 10 seconds.


People act like it kills them.


My point is that, yes, it's an annoyance, it has probably lost some (but not the billions of dollars like some want to say) productivity. However, the guy hasn't hurt anyone. It is a white collar crime. 9 years? Please, fine him until he goes bankrupt and but him under house arrest without a computer for a few years. But prison? You have to be kidding.

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1) I say we kill him!


2 )I say we hang him then we kill him!


3) I say we stomp him!


3) Then we Tattoo him!


3) Then we hang him!


3) And then we kill him!


4)I say we let him go!


5)I saw you let me deal with em first!



Movie Quotes for $100 Alex

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I get roughly 300 pieces of spam email a day in my work account (I have set up filters since then). That being said, to delete 2100 pieces a week takes me a grand total of about 10 seconds.  Shift-click to highlight and delete them all. No, I take that back, it's less than 10 seconds.


People act like it kills them.


My point is that, yes, it's an annoyance, it has probably lost some (but not the billions of dollars like some want to say) productivity. However, the guy hasn't hurt anyone. It is a white collar crime. 9 years? Please, fine him until he goes bankrupt and but him under house arrest without a computer for a few years. But prison? You have to be kidding.



He will end up serving 5 years which is less than he deserves. Make light of the it all you want, this is a major headache and hinderence to the US economy.


10 million spams a day.

36.5 billion spams a year.


...and you're defending this joker???? You have to be kidding.

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He will end up serving 5 years which is less than he deserves. Make light of the it all you want, this is a major headache and hinderence to the US economy.


10 million spams a day.

36.5 billion spams a year.


...and you're defending this joker???? You have to be kidding.



I was not defending him. He is just saying that the penalty was to severe.

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I get roughly 300 pieces of spam email a day in my work account (I have set up filters since then). That being said, to delete 2100 pieces a week takes me a grand total of about 10 seconds.  Shift-click to highlight and delete them all. No, I take that back, it's less than 10 seconds.


People act like it kills them.


My point is that, yes, it's an annoyance, it has probably lost some (but not the billions of dollars like some want to say) productivity. However, the guy hasn't hurt anyone. It is a white collar crime. 9 years? Please, fine him until he goes bankrupt and but him under house arrest without a computer for a few years. But prison? You have to be kidding.



Maroon. The waste in bandwidth alone caused by spammers and the COST to email hosting companies is in the BILLIONS each year. It's a crime, and the guy should do the time.

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Maroon. The waste in bandwidth alone caused by spammers and the COST to email hosting companies is in the BILLIONS each year. It's a crime, and the guy should do the time.



Yes, "maroon", the guy should pay... but should he spend more time behind bars than a child abuser, someone who tortures animals, a rapist?


Give me a break.


And whoever said "are you defending this guy" simply doesn't know how to read...

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Yes, "maroon", the guy should pay... but should he spend more time behind bars than a child abuser, someone who tortures animals, a rapist? 


Give me a break.


And whoever said "are you defending this guy" simply doesn't know how to read...



Your words..."But prison? You have to be kidding"


Sorry, but thinking this guy doesn't deserves a prison term sounds awfully like you're defending him.

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Your words..."But prison? You have to be kidding"


Sorry, but thinking this guy doesn't deserves a prison term sounds awfully like you're defending him.




I don't think he deserves to go to prison. And still NO, I'm not defending him. If my point wasn't made clear to you in my other posts here, it simply won't... so I'll get off this train here.

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I don't think he deserves to go to prison. And still NO, I'm not defending him. If my point wasn't made clear to you in my other posts here, it simply won't... so I'll get off this train here.



Your brushing this off as some kind of annoying prank is a form of defending his actions as being that of a minor offense. If you can not comprehend that one then I'm sorry.



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jesus christ guys let it go we all know that sooner or later something else will pop up even with the most stringent legilslation that will bombard us with ads and crap.and for the recors, steve was not defewnding him. only a maroon such as yourself would take his words so damn literal. he simply stated that there are worse offenses that have less harsh punishments. is that defending the guy?? he DID say that he believes the guy should get punished in some way. If i recall he said the guy should get fined to bankruptcy which I agree is a good sentence as well. putting him away is a waste of space.

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Sorry, Steve-O, he got off with a slap on the wrist. Virus writers should at least get double the sentence for their constant b.s.


People like him are f&@%ing with hundreds of millions of people's live not just a few violent victims.


Murderers and the like should get mandatory sentences of at least 20 years and I'm with you there but our justice system is a joke right now.

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