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Gender reveal party goes awry in Y-town


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Sounds reasonable.


"But when the blue confetti was blasted all over the restaurant’s sidewalk and cars — the manager asked the group to clean up the litter."


What is so bad about this... You want confetti stuck in every nook & cranny of Your vehicle?  Maybe some don't care... But no thanks... I got standards.  Parking under ash trees... Small leafed tree is bad enough.


Yeah... They wanted to do it inside... Right.  Go outside, clean it up.  The gender reveal party = the gift that keeps on giving when debris is stuck in the seals of a car's trunk so during a rainstorm, the water has no place to drain except inside the car. Autumn leaves are bad enough.


Again... Standards, common courtesy are severely lacking in society.


Then... People getting hyper-aggressive.  Heck, just plain agressive is bad enough... Ah... Who cares?


What's wrong with society?

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