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Train Versus Truck


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i have seen much worse.


the best was a truck was stuck on the tracks and thought he was ok, the guy was sititng in the truck narrowly missed. the other rail has a train come and smoke him


i love a good rekt thread

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This video here happened at my work. It's kind of a campus with 3 buildings. That red brick building in the back is the building I work in.

A train has struck a tractor trailer 3 times in the last 5 years. I'm not sure why tractor trailers continue to drive over these tracks. There is a little hump or hill on these tracks and these big trucks get stuck. The last one that got stuck was a car transporter truck. There were car parts all over the place and several cars in our employee parking lot got damaged from the flying debris. Luckily no one got killed.


This place is also a popular spot for suicides. 3 people have killed themselves on these tracks in the last 18 months...one just about 2 months ago.

People will just sit on the tracks and wait for the train to hit them.



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