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Ms Clara Hammond says Hello

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Good day,

I am Clara Hammond,However I picked the courage to contact you based on trust not minding a total stranger you are to me because I believe people get to know themselves and become friends only but one day.I have the sum of ($6.7MUSD) which was deposited in a leading bank in Europe by my late Mother,i would like to Invest this funds in your country base on your Instructions to enable me continue my Education while you manage the funds on my behalf as my trustee.I am living in Dakar-Senegal under the care of UNHCR Refuge for now. Please kindly get back to me so that i can give you the contact details of the Bank in Europe to enable you communicate with them on my behalf without any delay.

Thanks while waiting to hear from you soon


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It is a stupidity test and you failed.


I get this kind of test all of the time at home:


Caller: Hello I am calling from Computer Support

Me: Yes my Linux machine is having issues - you can help with that? Or are you just another number I need to report to FCC ...

Caller: click

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Good day,


I am Clara Hammond,However I picked the courage to contact you based on trust not minding a total stranger you are to me because I believe people get to know themselves and become friends only but one day.I have the sum of ($6.7MUSD) which was deposited in a leading bank in Europe by my late Mother,i would like to Invest this funds in your country base on your Instructions to enable me continue my Education while you manage the funds on my behalf as my trustee.I am living in Dakar-Senegal under the care of UNHCR Refuge for now. Please kindly get back to me so that i can give you the contact details of the Bank in Europe to enable you communicate with them on my behalf without any delay.


Thanks while waiting to hear from you soon




Some people have all the luck. Get the number for that bank in Europe and give them any information they need to expedite the transfer of that money to your account. Hurry before someone else jumps on this opportunity!

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