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Charles Oakley Burns Bridge with Knicks

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It seems that Dolan really is the root of everything. Clearly Jackson has not succeeded. Melo has burned everyone around him as usual....but even that stuff is "normal" for a franchise. It happens. Lots of teams/management think they can reform guys whose personalities/egos will not allow them to succeed. But Dolan has failed in every which way, not just this one.


I'm sure Oak went there to get under Dolan's skin but the response to it and Oak's reaction to that response.....this whole thing is going to get worse.

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It seems that Dolan really is the root of everything. Clearly Jackson has not succeeded. Melo has burned everyone around him as usual....but even that stuff is "normal" for a franchise. It happens. Lots of teams/management think they can reform guys whose personalities/egos will not allow them to succeed. But Dolan has failed in every which way, not just this one.


I'm sure Oak went there to get under Dolan's skin but the response to it and Oak's reaction to that response.....this whole thing is going to get worse.

Dolan is a fool and a diletantte and few people would argue otherwise. Putting aside the Oakley combustion the chaos in the franchise can be attributed to Jackson, who as a GM or whatever title he has is a fraud. The problem he has with Melo is of his own making. The problem isn't the money in the contract-- it is the foolish terms that chained the organization to him. The smart approach would have been to let Melo walk instead of signing him to a contract that imprisoned the organization with this albatross who has limited value. Then players could have been added and fit together on a more rational basis.


This disjointed roster was put together by Jackson. Now he is playing public mind games (which he has always done) with the player that he locked in. I'm starting to have suspicions that Jackson is deliberating creating havoc so that he would be fired and then take the money back with him to California.

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Dolan is a fool and a diletantte and few people would argue otherwise. Putting aside the Oakley combustion the chaos in the franchise can be attributed to Jackson, who as a GM or whatever title he has is a fraud. The problem he has with Melo is of his own making. The problem isn't the money in the contract-- it is the foolish terms that chained the organization to him. The smart approach would have been to let Melo walk instead of signing him to a contract that imprisoned the organization with this albatross who has limited value. Then players could have been added and fit together on a more rational basis.


This disjointed roster was put together by Jackson. Now he is playing public mind games (which he has always done) with the player that he locked in. I'm starting to have suspicions that Jackson is deliberating creating havoc so that he would be fired and then take the money back with him to California.



Clearly Jackson has made mistakes but the initial one and biggest was putting any faith in an overhyped self centered player who has a demonstrated history of both losing and complaining. Yes he made a huge mistake locking in Melo like that but even at $1 year keeping a player like Anthony dooms a team to failure.


I'd say the Knicks should blow the whole thing up and start over but Dolan is the one who can't be fired or let go, so complaining about Jackson or Anthony is sort of useless.

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Clearly Jackson has made mistakes but the initial one and biggest was putting any faith in an overhyped self centered player who has a demonstrated history of both losing and complaining. Yes he made a huge mistake locking in Melo like that but even at $1 year keeping a player like Anthony dooms a team to failure.


I'd say the Knicks should blow the whole thing up and start over but Dolan is the one who can't be fired or let go, so complaining about Jackson or Anthony is sort of useless.

The problem with the contract that the Knicks signed with Melo is not the money amount. It is the terms where he has the right of refusal to a trade and then the escalator clause that his contract rises if traded. Don't criticize Melo for getting the most out of a deal criticize the fool organization that agreed to it.


Melo is Melo. He has never changed as a player and as a person. If they didn't know what they were getting then they were the only people in North America who were fooled. I absolutely agree with you that keeping Melo on the roster dooms it. You can't rework the roster until he is cleared out. And you can't rebuild the roster by adding battered former all-stars such as Noah and Rose. The Knicks' approach to rebuilding has been utterly stupid with the strategic thought brought into consideration. Short term quick fixes don't work. No matter how many times you try!


I love the NBA. Having a serious team in NY is good for the league and everyone. But when you have a clown owner you get a circus. And with a circus you get a lot of elephant crap. It stinks!

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