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For TT it is "This week"


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I do not know what they do at this point. TT has shown some bad technique this year. Unless they resign Manuel, I think they pick up the TT option. They need to have either Manuel or TT with them next year. Even if they draft someone, they need a starter until that guys is ready. Rex, Whaley and TT are the three musketeers in Buffalo. One for all, and all for one. If one goes, they all go. So the Steelers game is not the end of line for TT. He will be in a Bills uniform next year and hopefully he can figure it out. Whaley needs to get some OL men.

Outside of rt whats so wrong with the o line?

Is it possible that both the defense and Tyrod are inconsistent too often?


Why does it have to be one or the other?


They are both problems.


I think the defense is an easy fix. Get rid of Rex and his **** scheme. As for Tyrod, I think it's a little more complicated. Not sure there are better options out there and his threat as a runner is why our running game is so solid so I'd expect a drop off in rushing numbers and points scored if you jettison him. I'm all for drafting a QB, I just hope there is a good one available when we pick or even in the second or third round.

Honestly i wouldnt expect a drop off in team ypc. Give mccoy and Mike a qb who you can't stack the box against and let's see what happens. A dangerous aerial game will open up run possibilities.

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Using that logic, why didn't the Bills offense get the ball back so quickly? Because the Raiders were a hot knife and our defense was butter. At the end of the day, the defense had to stop an offense.

and then the raiders went hurry up and kept the bills defense tired and on the field. 8 yards in 4 drives by the bills offense didn't help the defense one bit.

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I've seen enough. The guy stinks. Every week it's, "this is the week". He is not suddenly going to get "it";

His best game of the year was a loss when he still couldn't get it done at the end. Get rid of him and start over.

The guy is not a "game manager", he is a "ball holder". Sorta Carmelo Anthony of the NFL.

Mmmmph we have a knick fan?

its not that. Its because he waits and waits till they come open. he does not have faith to throw them open and take that risk.

He manages the pocket poorly and he does not use his vision ALL the time. he does but not enough. we all see that.

I do not care who he is throwing to. If they drop them well thats on them and another story. but he needs to get that ball out to them.

Where is Justin Hunter? Find him TT and throw it high. he will get it.


I don't agree. He is still a work in progress. But he has regressed.

And i do think this is the week he needs to come out pissed and show it.

If you lose, besure the chamber is empty and the bayonet bloodied. thats what i want to see from TYROD

The first reply about the receivers dropping the ball u have been saying ad nauseum so thank you for reiterating.


To your second phbbt. If u thought tyrod would do that i would have his jersey. He thinks he is doing good and he isnt looking to be more aggressive. I just don't see it happening. Ill take a qb who goes for the juggler even if he fails sometimes. I dont mind losing when we didn't lay down. Sometimes you can punch a man dead in the mouth and he doesn't fall.

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Have you seen how bad our defense has been lately?!?! Pittsburgh has offensive stars that will be a bad matchup... and there is NO WAY TT will be able to keep up with Big Ben, Brown, Bell, and Company. NOT the week to prove anything IMHO... our defense is incapable of playing against good teams PERIOD.

So even in a loss tyrod cant prove anything? He can't prove he can go for to toe with the best out there. By you logic this is the prove it off prove it games. If out defense cant so ben and Co guess who had to keep us competitive. And a little hint is not mccoy. Guess who had to be efficient. Make the right read throw the dang ball. Without him we will be blown out. So there is no way this isnt a game to show his stuff

To Fan In San Diego , "Lets not forget that TT has had scrub receivers to work with most of the year. Once Watkins and Woods are out of the lineup it's a long drop off to the next level of our WR's. I would give TT another year and bring in a RT and two more decent WR's for TT to throw to.​" This is absolutely not true. If this was the case then Tyrod would still be doing his job of actually throwing the ball and the so called non-performing receivers would be dropping those passes but Tyrod doesn't even throw the ball most times even though he has open receivers play after play. When he does pass, his accuracy, as many here on this website have noted, has gotten worse. If/when we get behind, it has become more apparent that we need an actual QB in the game and at this point, while I feel that Tyrod is a better football player, it seems as though EJ is actually the better QB and I would rather have EJ in the game at QB with a chance to comeback to win.


Go Bills!!!!!

Well said. Really wool said. You hit every nail on the head. Bravo sir

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This is the Bills. We all know what will happen: We win out. TT looks "decent," but not "great." We miss the playoffs. TT is back next year. We go into the season with TT and Jones, EJ leaves in FA. TT plays "decent" again next year, and we miss the playoffs again. Then we draft a QB in 2018.




I agree that the team is constructed so that TT does not need to lose the games. However, in the NFL to be very successful you need a QB to be able to "win" games. Early in Big Ben's time with the Steelers they did not ask him to win games, because they had Bettis and a nasty D. Ben threw about 15-20 times a game. I remember people in Pittsburgh calling him a game manager. However, when he needed to step up and win games, he did. TT has not shown any ability to step up and win games, or make the necessary passes to be a complete QB.


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Yes lets put this game ALL on Tyrod......forget the fact that our D cant hold teams under 20 points if their life depended on it

of course it takes the D, and ST, but the QB is the most important player on the whole squad. That's just how it is.

Well TT may not think so but this is a great situation for Bills mgmt coaches and fans. Taylor has put himself in the position of a truly must win. The pressure may seem a bit unfair to some but to me it's just right. Be a QB. Be a leader. Show everyone you belong...or don't. The choice should be clear after this game from owner to fan. This isn't a participation ribbon situation. Prove you deserve the job. Fall on your face again and you should be history. Win with all the pressure and you belong. That simple.

This truly is the situation. There's a reason the Bills passing offense is last in the league.

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I hope I'm wrong here. Went back the past couple of days and re-watched the last couple of games and the more I focus on QB play, the worse Tyrod looks. I hope he proves me wrong but based on the last couple of games, if Tyrod really shows what he has, we will get blown out today. I really hope he proves me wrong today and shows like a legit franchise QB. If/when Tyrod plays poorly, I only hope that our coaching staff has the stones to pull him.


Go Bills!!!!!

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It may sound stupid to pin the decision to bring TT back on one game, but I think this is his one and last chance to prove to Pegula, Whaley, and Rex that he can be the starter. He has got to play well and be the reason they win this game. The offense is as healthy as it has been all year minus Wood. Groy is doing fine. They are at home. Pittsburgh is a very good but flawed team. Oh did I mention TT has Sammy, Robert, Goodwin, McCoy, TD Mike, and Clay all ready to play.

If TT is the reason they lose this game he is done. If TT does not play better then Big Ben he is done.

I'm not asking TT to be something he is not. I don't care if he throws for 200 and runs for 125. I don't care how he does it. Even if his only TD is a catch from EJ (yes that play will happen this week out of the WildCat) but he must win this game.

He has to be the best player on the field at the end of the game.

This is a game that every franchise QB must win. A home December game with the playoffs on the line. Every fan in that stadium must go home knowing TT won this game and they are alive for one more week.

Anything less, and he is gone.



That would be nice. I wonder if they all make it through the game...

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