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Bold moves require bold thinking.

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I don't think it's a good idea to pull Tyrod until we're eliminated from Playoff contention. If we are then I think there's some validity to playing Jones. If Romo was healthy and they were 6-6 you still would never have seen Dak. So you just don't know what's behind the QB curtain until he plays. I'd roll Jones out there with no question if/when we're eliminated. I do think Jones is a gamer and that he'd accept the challenge head on. I'm willing to see if there's a holy crap surprise waiting on our bench.

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As I watched this Raiders game with my 31 year old son. Dan Fouts said on TV Tyrod Taylor has never thrown for 300 yards in a NFL game. My son said to me hey dad this is not the 1970's anymore. I laughed and said but Tyrod already has like 110 yards in the first quarter. He said you want to bet Tyrod won't make it to even 250 yards. The Bills need a QB that can make some real throws. Look I like Tyrod but let's face it. He holds the ball the longest of any starting QB in the NFL. He really will not throw it unless his receivers are wide open. He has no anticipation skills what so ever. With all that being said he does some things well and he is a hard worker. But if I'm being honest with myself the best QB on this Bills Roster is Cardale Jones. He has the body frame, height and the arm to make the tight throws with anticipation. If I'm Rex he needs to be honest to the team. Having Tyrod miss or not see wide open recievers is embarrassing. Tyrod does a lot of good out there but the Bills are not going to make it to the playoffs with Tyrod playing QB like he is. I know many of you will say how could Cardale Jones be better then Tyrod right now. Well it's just a gut feel and it's based on Cardale Jones reaction to what he did for Ohio State when pressed into duty. It's a bold move alright and maybe its's one you do because that's what being a head coach is all about. You don't get any where in life with out taking chances. Better to try and fail then to not try at all. Honestly ask your self right now at this moment who will have the better NFL career at QB. In my opinion it will be Cardale Jones. Bold moves need to be taken here if your being honest to the rest of the team. Tyrod is not good enough. This is not intermeral football it's the NFL and if your not preforming well enough, it's time for you to be replaced. So yes Tyrod is not playing well enough to win the last 4 games. We seen what E J Manual is. Let's get bold here and do what I think everyone's gut knows is the right thing to do. Put Cardale Jones in. Now when Greg Roman was not doing a good job they replaced him.

When the Vikings offensive coordinator was not doing his job they replaced him and he won Superbowls with the Cowboys.

The NFL is not about what you have done it's about what your going to do. Bold moves require bold thinking.

I 100% agree. Well said

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