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Bruce---suffering from memory loss and in pain...

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And many of them based on the way they partied would be in pain either way.




Have a coworker who was a real partier as a young man and is constantly having issues from various parts injured in falls, in fights, etc. He claims the drugs he took has nothing to do with it. All of these without one high speed collision on a football field. He does blame NFL though for teaching him that collisions are fun. Oh and has wrist and thumb issues but that is from playing Madden NFL.

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When younger I wrestled, then Went into powerlifting at an elite level for 14 years. I'm 48 now, and am paying the price for pushing all of that iron for all of those years. I do my best to stay in shape, but have the joints of a 60 year old. I'm fortunate I've had only a few concussions in my life.


I'm sure Bruce is having effects of professional football. There are a lot of dangerous sports.

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