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USA Today Ranks NFL Head Coaches

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Was't he the HC last year? Why did he accept such blatant disregard from the malcontent player last year? The bumper sticker notion that this huckster HC is peddling that you are either on or not is silly. He was the HC last year and he was running the show. He is acting as if their were forces making him do what he didn't want to do. What a bogus position to take for someone who was the sole authority to do whatever he wanted.


The reality last year was that he grossly miscalculated in managing the players he had on defense. Strengths that were accentuated in the two prior years with different DCs were minimized under him. Weaknesses that were minimized under the two prior DCs were more exposed under him.


The more Rex talks the more he exposes how shallow he is. He should just STFU and coach. He is a freaking embarrassment!

He admitted he made mistakes. One would think that a guy making as much as Mario would have been a professional and acted accordingly. Not that Rex didn't mismanage his personnel, but the play would've been better if everyone played as directed. How much better? Who knows. But it wouldn't have been that far of a drop in performance from the year prior. "This year", Rex doesn't put up with the nonsense. If he does, then....He may be a short timer.

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