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1-22: Doug Whaley and Rex Ryan on WGR

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Alright look I know there's a lot of hating when it comes to Rex Ryan and his inability to turn it around in one season but it was only one season and for some reason no one has been able to do it in 16 years so give the guy a break. I mean those ravens defenses were legendary top of the line cream of the crop defenses and that was his baby so give it a minute.

There's a lot of successful coaches who needed a second shot to iron it out at head coach so let's have just a touch more patience and as far as Mario's comments shut up and go to work bruh seriously. You gotta realize that as far as both these dudes are concerned (Rex and Rob) their whole life has been building to this moment they're on the same team so let's give them a chance to live out their dream cause I mean come on that's kinda awesome right two bros coaching together on the highest stage as a tribute to their pop, frickin sweet. You can say whatever you want about him hiring his brother but let's face it any of us would make the same choice every time if the stars aligned like that and if you wouldn't your brother probably thinks your a d@!k anyways


I really truly like your second paragraph.

Maybe we should just embrace this coming season and put aside out burdens each of us, and find some ways to have fun!

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you are correct, no worries. I read your post and I responded to your "lead." They were worse overall in 2015 than 2014. That's fact. The offense showed improvement and signs of progress but special teams and defense took bigger strides backwards. Now we hope that the defense can improve with addition by subtraction and maybe a mid-tier FA or two.


As far as backtracking...I'm not someone who sits around keeping score about who said what, but you enjoy doing that. If the team plays better as a whole next season you won't see me complaining about it or saying I'm sorry for talking about the drop off we saw in 2015. This team was held back by their supposed strongest pieces & that is worthy of discussion.


I don't "enjoy" keeping score of who said what. I've said plenty that can be critiqued. I also didn't say the defense's performance wasn't worthy of discussion.


Last year's Bills were much more watchable than the 2014 edition -- records notwithstanding -- and unlike many of you, I do believe Rex has solved his biggest prior problem as a HC (the offense) and will now focus on getting the defense back where it needs to be.

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you are correct, no worries. I read your post and I responded to your "lead." They were worse overall in 2015 than 2014. That's fact. The offense showed improvement and signs of progress but special teams and defense took bigger strides backwards. Now we hope that the defense can improve with addition by subtraction and maybe a mid-tier FA or two.


As far as backtracking...I'm not someone who sits around keeping score about who said what, but you enjoy doing that. If the team plays better as a whole next season you won't see me complaining about it or saying I'm sorry for talking about the drop off we saw in 2015. This team was held back by their supposed strongest pieces & that is worthy of discussion.

Correct they were worse in 2015, but that has everything to do with completely different personal and performance and very little to do with Rex. Rex has a big mouth that is his weakness, of course you can have a coach who never talks like Dickie J and get zero enjoyment out of the team .

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He is incapable of holding back from his blustering comments even when his performances consistently don't come close to matching his bravado. That's who he is. He is known more for his antics than he is for his coaching excellence. He enjoys needling the opposition by sending out former players for the coin toss. It's not a big deal other than these juvenile acts reflect his immaturity. It's not surprising that his teams are not noted for their collective maturity and intelligence.


Rex Ryan is not a novice head coach. He has been a HC for seven consecutive years. His overall mediocre record speaks for itself. The RR that we hired is the authentic RR. That is what bothers me very much.


Complaining about everything? I'm complaining about the caliber of coaching from a coach who had an overall losing record. I strenuously disagree with you and others who promote the notion that he is a defensive guru. He ceirtainly didn't demonstrate it last season. Rex has been a HC for seven years. It is an all encompassing job. His specialty is on the defensive side of the ball but as the HC he also is responsible for the whole team.


You are correct that his false bravado irritates me very much. When his rambling mouth matches his performances I will be a little more tolerant of his huckster act, although I will never find that obnoxious type of behavior very appealing.

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