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Around NFL: Carolina loses. Fitz Wins!


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Good games on right now.


Carolina is struggling to keep the ball moving. Atlanta controlling the ball well but being beat up by the Carolina D.


Pittsburgh looks off and slugging against the lowly Ravens.


Miami now putting up points against Indy. AFC South still wide open; Texans up 10-0 over Tennessee.


I also cut Drew Brees for the playoff game and signed and started Kirk Cousins. I am samrt.

Edited by Boyst62
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Cam Newton is getting beat up good. Getting fired up, a lot of bickering against the Falcons.


He's made some plays but boy this Atlanta defense is stunting and giving him headaches. He looks like the Newton of two years ago.



Baltimore: Mallett putting togheter a very good game against Pittsburgh, been watching some of this and he's looked composed and made smart passes.



Hasselback exits game in Indianapolis. Charlie Whitehurst in at QB. Indianapolis up 15-6 against Miami.

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Pittsburgh scores. flag thrown for unsportsman like conduct after the score. looked like a raven went to swat and punch the steeler player and speath was there to hold the guys hand. ref goes to yank speath off of the pile and spaeth likely not realizing its a ref pushes back.


Steelers down 13-10 to ravens.

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Carolina down 14-10.


Matt Ryan scrambles out of pocket throws a bomb to Julio Jones double covered and out muscles his defenders to catch a 70 yard pass.


Julio Jones was covered by Luke Keuchly and Roman Harper. Huge mismatch.

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don't care other than want Jets to get lower draft pick so I'll pick them

I don't want a division rival making the playoffs with the same QB who couldn't get it done while he was here.


Most importantly, the Steelers have a better chance of beating the Patriots* in Foxboro than the Jets

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I don't want a division rival making the playoffs with the same QB who couldn't get it done while he was here.


Most importantly, the Steelers have a better chance of beating the Patriots* in Foxboro than the Jets


Jets will lose by 30 in Foxoboro in the playoffs, but there's no way I'm not rooting for them to beat NE today.

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