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Jerry "I'm supposed to be out there?" Hughes


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So, they didn't substitute. They appeared to be, but, they didn't. I don't know the rule well enough to know whether starting to sub means the defense has a chance to get set.


What I do know beyond a shadow of a doubt is that the HC should have called a timeout. Inexcusable that he allowed that play to go. All y'alls anger is pointed in the wrong direction.



Why should Ryan waste a timeout when the Patriots should been called for illegal substitution? Any other team it would of been called.

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No way should a TO be used there. The Pats were subbing and the bonehead officials didn't give the Bills the opportunity to sub. Should not have been a penalty. Then to make it worse they take the easy way out ( from calling too many men on field by Bills) and call it " offside". What a joke.

Are you serious? You do realize that a touchdown was scored there and yet you don't think a timeout should have been used? I don't know how long it's been since I read something so uninformed.


You what would have happened if a flag had been thrown & a TO called? The TO would be returned to the Bills.



Why should Ryan waste a timeout when the Patriots should been called for illegal substitution? Any other team it would of been called.

Wow. Two people who would prefer to keep a timeout rather than giving up a touchdown. Unreal.

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So, they didn't substitute. They appeared to be, but, they didn't. I don't know the rule well enough to know whether starting to sub means the defense has a chance to get set.


What I do know beyond a shadow of a doubt is that the HC should have called a timeout. Inexcusable that he allowed that play to go. All y'alls anger is pointed in the wrong direction.

You can't do that. Otherwise teams would do it every game.
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Rex should have called a timeout. It seems that everyone's excuse is "it's a penalty!!!" OK, it's a penalty. Why give them an opportunity to run a play? Call a timeout.

Ummmm... Because you don't expect the Refs to make not only one but two blatant mistakes on the play? Well, in this game, maybe he should have.

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Ummmm... Because you don't expect the Refs to make not only one but two blatant mistakes on the play? Well, in this game, maybe he should have.

Seriously? I cannot believe that I alone think this way, but, public opinion says it's true.


Your team is out of position. What do you do? It appears that the correct answer is nothing.



But...I've railed enough and I need to get over Rex's stupendous blunders last night. I will now move along.

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Seriously? I cannot believe that I alone think this way, but, public opinion says it's true.


Your team is out of position. What do you do? It appears that the correct answer is nothing.



But...I've railed enough and I need to get over Rex's stupendous blunders last night. I will now move along.

In a play like that, when you are a defensive coach, the first thing you do is look to the Offensive sideline. They bring in a player you have a package to defend that offense. That is exactly what happened. Rex and Thurman looked to the sideline, saw McDaniels or Belichick send in Chandler. The Bills immediately call their package and Hughes runs onto the field. That's exactly what is supposed to happen.
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This kind of crap was actually outlawed decades ago, when Sam Wyche tried to run the no-huddle with 12 or 13 guys milling around on the field between each play, and having one or two guys run off just before the snap. It is deception, pure and simple, and the league said you can't do it. Except in New England.

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