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dave mcbride

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OK, first off: you are right that I misread the heading on NFL for the fumbles. I don't usually use NFL for stats for a reason *g*. And pro-football-reference simply counts "fumbles", not whether they were lost or recovered. I think they do that for a reason - because every fumble, whether or not it's recovered, is a COP, and potentially very bad. It concerns me that a guy is coughing up the ball 7 times no matter who gets their hands on it last. I gather it doesn't concern you, so we can agree to disagree.


Second: please stop with the "if you think Fitz is better than Taylor" stuff to me. I've said twice now, that's not my point to compare them in this post. If your argument is with someone else's response, perhaps you should respond to them. My point is that Fitz is having a pretty good year, and that all the Fitz-trashing in this thread, in the context of the year Fitz is having and the Jets better record, looks like "sour grapes" to the max. It actually sounds like you agree with me there. I'm actually surprised by how Fitz is doing so far with Gailey, I thought he'd revert more to the B'lo Fitz.


About this "not calling me out" thing, metzelaars_lives, on 14 Dec 2015 - 5:55 PM, said: "You said the same thing in another post last week, I immediately called you out and then you disappeared,"

This is a bulletin board, people ebb and flow from participation according to what's going on in the rest of their lives. I'll take your word that your intent is not to "call me out" a la Jr High Bathroom, but you might want to think about your word choice there because the impression is kind of off, as though it's somehow reprehensible of me not to see and respond to your post or to have other stuff going on that take me out of here. JMO.

All fair. My bigger issue is with joe the six pack. The only thing I'd disagree with you on is that I think Fitz is pretty much playing like Fitz. I did say he's playing the best football of his career and I think that's pretty much undeniable. But if he had a LEGITMATE 1 and 2 WR like he does now AND the 5th ranked defense in the NFL when he started for the Bills from 2010-2012, I am quite confident that he would've been able to lead those Bills teams to a similar record. Since 2010 he's been exactly what he is right now: a top 20-25 QB on planet Earth. That is saying something. That means he's definitely worthy of being a starter for someone. And when that someone is a team with all the pieces in place, a QB of that caliber can very well take a team to the playoffs. That someone CANNOT lead his team to a Super Bowl victory in today's NFL. But back to your friend joe the six pack, his attitude was clearly "yup, Fitz is accomplishing something that Taylor's not, told ya so..." Well I would argue that Taylor is ALREADY a top 15-20 QB on planet Earth and has room to improve next year (as I pointed out that Fitz has improved greatly from the same stage in his career) and with the right pieces in place around him (AKA a defense that plays up to its capabilities) there is every reason to think that Taylor will be able to yield similar results.


All that being said, the Jets are not making the playoffs.

Edited by metzelaars_lives
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All fair. My bigger issue is with joe the six pack. The only thing I'd disagree with you on is that I think Fitz is pretty much playing like Fitz. I did say he's playing the best football of his career and I think that's pretty much undeniable. But if he had a LEGITMATE 1 and 2 WR like he does now AND the 5th ranked defense in the NFL when he started for the Bills from 2010-2012, I am quite confident that he would've been able to lead those Bills teams to a similar record. Since 2010 he's been exactly what he is right now: a top 20-25 QB on planet Earth. That is saying something. That means he's definitely worthy of being a starter for someone. And when that someone is a team with all the pieces in place, a QB of that caliber can very well take a team to the playoffs. That someone CANNOT lead his team to a Super Bowl victory in today's NFL. But back to your friend joe the six pack, his attitude was clearly "yup, Fitz is accomplishing something that Taylor's not, told ya so..." Well I would argue that Taylor is ALREADY a top 15-20 QB on planet Earth and has room to improve next year (as I pointed out that Fitz has improved greatly from the same stage in his career) and with the right pieces in place around him (AKA a defense that plays up to its capabilities) there is every reason to think that Taylor will be able to yield similar results.


All that being said, the Jets are not making the playoffs.

I'm rooting for Fitz to make the playoffs. It would be glorious to see him dueling Brady.

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All fair. My bigger issue is with joe the six pack. The only thing I'd disagree with you on is that I think Fitz is pretty much playing like Fitz. I did say he's playing the best football of his career and I think that's pretty much undeniable. But if he had a LEGITMATE 1 and 2 WR like he does now AND the 5th ranked defense in the NFL when he started for the Bills from 2010-2012, I am quite confident that he would've been able to lead those Bills teams to a similar record. Since 2010 he's been exactly what he is right now: a top 20-25 QB on planet Earth. That is saying something. That means he's definitely worthy of being a starter for someone. And when that someone is a team with all the pieces in place, a QB of that caliber can very well take a team to the playoffs. That someone CANNOT lead his team to a Super Bowl victory in today's NFL. But back to your friend joe the six pack, his attitude was clearly "yup, Fitz is accomplishing something that Taylor's not, told ya so..." Well I would argue that Taylor is ALREADY a top 15-20 QB on planet Earth and has room to improve next year (as I pointed out that Fitz has improved greatly from the same stage in his career) and with the right pieces in place around him (AKA a defense that plays up to its capabilities) there is every reason to think that Taylor will be able to yield similar results.


All that being said, the Jets are not making the playoffs.


Of course you'd argue that, but you have nothing to base your argument on other than speculation. There are those here, yourself included, who are ready to annoint TT the starter next year and for the long haul and give him a big dollar contract. Smart people, however, will say "wait a minute, he hasn't won a clutch game yet, hasn't been asked to do anything other than pass under 20 times a game...and when he has exceeded that number, the results haven't been good." Those same smart people don't want the club handing him a wheelbarrow or 10 full of money UNTIL they see those kind of things happen.


But by all means, carry on your crusade, metz. You're doing an incredible job.

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Of course you'd argue that, but you have nothing to base your argument on other than speculation. There are those here, yourself included, who are ready to annoint TT the starter next year and for the long haul and give him a big dollar contract. Smart people, however, will say "wait a minute, he hasn't won a clutch game yet, hasn't been asked to do anything other than pass under 20 times a game...and when he has exceeded that number, the results haven't been good." Those same smart people don't want the club handing him a wheelbarrow or 10 full of money UNTIL they see those kind of things happen.


But by all means, carry on your crusade, metz. You're doing an incredible job.

When in God's name did I advocate anointing him the starter for the long haul or offering him a lucrative long term contract?


My crusade on this thread has nothing to do with Tyrod Taylor whatsoever. It has everything to do with another poster (who I have already made amends with) making a post mistakenly assserting that Fitzpatrick's statistics were superior to Taylor's this season, when they are inferior across the board, and then you smugly coming on and saying "hmm facts suck don't they..." All I want from you is to say "whoops, I was wrong, Taylor's numbers are superior to Fitz's- that is a fact- but despite Fitz's inferior numbers, I think he is a better QB right now." Just say that and we can move on.

Edited by metzelaars_lives
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