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FiveThirtyEight.com's Analysis of the AFCE


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Fellow Bills fans: R-E-L-A-X


What all these prognostications amount to, is to say Tyrod Taylor is a Great Big Unknown in the NFL and he wasn't all that and a bag of chips as a passer in college.


It's true.


Winning changes everything.


Until then, let the prognosticators babble.

That's why i'm paying more attention to the numbers.


The models are giving us much better numbers than they did at this time last year.

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What good are predictions if they are wrong?



They can make you feel good if they predict your team will be good and go to the playoffs, even if it isn't true.


And they can make you feel good if your team is good and goes to the playoffs, but they predicted your team would suck and live in the cellar. You get to exercise the "Nya Nya" clause at them.


So you see, predictions are always good, whether they're good or bad, it's just the timing (before or after season) of when they're good that varies with the prediction. Accuracy is irrelevant.

Edited by Hopeful
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I liked before the 1988 season. All the publications were predicting the Bills to have this great breakout year.


A reporter asked Fred Smerlas what he thought about all of that. He said "Well, when they said we were going to suck, they were sure right about that"


And, they turned out to right about '88, as well.

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I simply don't understand all the love Miami is getting.


Melvin !@#$ing Shepphard is their !@#$ing MLB.

This is confusing me as well. I mean they look decent enough. Tannehill has shown some improvement of late and they do have a front four to rival ours, but their linebackers suck, their running backs suck, their CBs other than Grimes suck and I honestly see no improvement in talent at WR, even if they saved a bundle on the cap.

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