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My Favorite not so little Bills Fan is leaving....

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Tell him you'll give him $500 dollars, but he can only spend it on whiskey and cigarettes


I'd probably go with pot and whiskey, but I think we're on the same page. :lol:

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Some stuff from my sister-in-law, a professor at a college...



Your son is responsible now for how they do in school, not you the parent. Do the work, attend classes, do the reading. Showing up at the teachers office, a week before finals, and asking if there's any extra credit you can do to pass the class after missing most of the semester and not doing the work or taking the tests does not help. And having the parents call the Dean because the teacher is being mean does not help.


The fact that a college prof would feel the need to say this is pathetic since apparently it mean parents calling the dean to whine on behalf of their kids is a standard practice.


If a prof had shived me in class during college my parents would have said "You must have done something to upset him".

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In a bit of a movie-like twist...


I re-reading through all of your awesome posts prior to departure - and my son comes up over my shoulder and sees what I am reading...


I let him know I was going to speak from the heart when saying Goodbye/See you soon - but I wanted to do a great job and see if there were some words of wisdom that later I really wish I knew of to say. I tell him I am amazed at the Greatly Appreciated replies from all of you!


Not to steal my own thunder of incorporating the great advice for the Campus Goodbye ( and him seeing the very funny Buffalo Cartoon much earlier than I planned ;) - but I asked if he would like to see what advice was shared and he agrees and gets infused with more great advice of what a Freshman needs to hear...


So when saying your post was heard - it really was.


As an 18 year old young man - he needed to hear a lot of these to keep his eyes open and on the right path while having some fun along the way. We had a chance to expand on much of them on the ride and truly believe he was infused with the wise insight and seeds that were planted to make him even better along the way! He certainly had heard some of them from me before but I know when someone other than "Dad" says it - he actually may listen better or better yet - help make the point and grow stronger roots.



So Cool that his Freshman weekend was when we rolled the Steelers.


Thank You for helping these Two Buffalo Bills Fans - (my son and I) it means a lot to me.

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The fact that a college prof would feel the need to say this is pathetic since apparently it mean parents calling the dean to whine on behalf of their kids is a standard practice.


If a prof had shived me in class during college my parents would have said "You must have done something to upset him".

Unfortunately it has become the norm.

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