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It's better going to games now because...

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Love the stadium improvements.


I don't think the fans are out of control. Go to a Steelers v. Browns game. Or a game in Philly. Or NYJ. Those places may be out of control. Or Oakland. The chaos is pretty well controlled at the Ralph. Been going since I was 8. If something really crazy happened my Dad would point it out and say, "don't be that crazy or you'll get kicked out." My biggest complaint is actually not enough noise on D still!

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Last time I was at a Bills home game I got an autograph from Paul Posluszny, so it's been a while. However, I've been to three road games, and Houston and New Orleans are no where near as bad, especially to their out of town fans. Other than playful boos and taunting, save a handful of jerks which are at every sports stadium across the world, Houston was basically neutral, and Saints fans were downright friendly.

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I can almost guarantee that if we make the playoffs, people will just lose it and go crazy... not in a good way. Don't get me wrong, I love the intensity at the games. I don't mind language, and I don't mind yelling, standing up, drinks that get accidentally spilled occasionally... it's a football game, that stuff happens. But it often devolves into something worse. Look at what happens when we just get a night game for crying out loud. Some kid drowned in a creek last time, and there were pretty much disgusting antics all the way around.


So many people just get lit, and they aren't paying attention to the game/really don't care about football anyways. Really wish those people would just save their money and just stay in the parking lot.

22-year old me wants to punch 38-year old me for saying this, but I agree with you 100%. The only negative for me on game days are all the drunken idiots who can't handle their booze.

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22-year old me wants to punch 38-year old me for saying this, but I agree with you 100%. The only negative for me on game days are all the drunken idiots who can't handle their booze.

As a 25 year old, I can relate. I love going hard tailgating. We cook hard, cheer hard and definitely drink hard. That being said, we do so responsibly (for the most part). It is those who cannot handle themselves, cross the line and make terrible decisions, that make a bad name for younger tailgaters. I love the Bills and I love the experience and have enjoyed the last 3 years as a season ticket holder.

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